Man accused of Stealing BULLDOZER !!!

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Ok, DOG'.

I'll betcha a beer, that I get " 5 0 Views ", before the Moral Majority Jumps - in !!

ANY Brand of Beer you Wish, Dog'.
NOTHING is too good for a wonderful Friend !
Trump has done more in the last 3 years to protect American jobs than the TWU has done in 50.

He instituted tariffs to stop the influx of cheap Chinese goods and make American products more competitive.

He has attempted to slow down the influx of illegal labor causing more demand for American labor and raising wages.

Despite the fact America is now an energy PRODUCER instead of buying oil from the likes of Russia and Saudi Arabia the Democrats want to do away with fossil fuels (The Green New Deal) yet have no viable solution to implement it. For example, our current electrical grid is not built to withstand every household in American charging an electric car. This would both hurt our economy (oil provides many good paying jobs) and lower our standard of living.

Tell me Bears what has ANY UNION done in the last 20 years to help the working man?

Not a damn thing.

I don't understand how you can go on and on about the plight of the working man yet support Democrats and their economically destructive policies.

You say you want workers to have a good wage. Why? Seriously why? What is the point of a good wage if you are just going to hand it over to the government for their ever increasing and wasteful spending.

Bears I have said it before and I will say it again. The Green New Deal does not have a damn thing to do with the environment. Nothing. It is about transitioning American energy usage from a globally traded commodity (fossil fuels) which they don't have full control over to a government regulated utility which they DO have full control over. They are willing to sacrifice our economy and standard of living to gain control over our lives. This is the same BS they tried with the Affordable Care Act. That was not about providing people affordable insurance. It was about driving a government wedge into the private sector.

You want the government to control your healthcare. You want the government to control your energy. You want the government to control the flow of money through taxation and redistribution. I mean where does it end? Do you value your freedom at all because it sure as f*ck does not seem like it.
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I don't support everything in the G N D. But Carbon emmisions are f'n things up, like melting artic ice. (A SURE THING that something IS wrong) I DO NOT want an Electric Car ! But I'll take all the Wind and hydro energy that I can get. (Think Canada) Though not possible for EVERY American worker, I wish as many as possible could have the........................Job Protection, defined benefit pension retirement, health care,(Provided via their union in agreement their company), High wages, etc, of a BNSF, Union Pacific,Norfolk and Western, CSX, and yes AMTRAK employee, a ILWU west coast Longshoreman, Union rapid transit/subway/bus/commuter rail employee. If taxes GO UP, WAGES GO UP, costs to the respective company's customers go up. If the customer doesn't like the higher cost, TOUGH CHIT', find another way to transport your chit' (Pony express perhaps) ???

By the way. W - T - F does this have to do with a florida RED NECK, stealing a bulldozer, wrecking private property and legitimate campaign signs ??
I don't support everything in the G N D. But Carbon emmisions are f'n things up, like melting artic ice. (A SURE THING that something IS wrong) I DO NOT want an Electric Car ! But I'll take all the Wind and hydro energy that I can get. (Think Canada) Though not possible for EVERY American worker, I wish as many as possible could have the........................Job Protection, defined benefit pension retirement, health care,(Provided via their union in agreement their company), High wages, etc, of a BNSF, Union Pacific,Norfolk and Western, CSX, and yes AMTRAK employee, a ILWU west coast Longshoreman, Union rapid transit/subway/bus/commuter rail employee. If taxes GO UP, WAGES GO UP, costs to the respective company's customers go up. If the customer doesn't like the higher cost, TOUGH CHIT', find another way to transport your chit' (Pony express perhaps) ???

By the way. W - T - F does this have to do with a florida RED NECK, stealing a bulldozer, wrecking private property and legitimate campaign signs ??
What it has to do with it is your constant attacks on Trump and making unfounded racial accusations because someone does not agree with your political ideals. Getting drunk and wrecking private property and legitimate campaign signs does not make someone a Nazi. You only made that statement due to what you perceive as his political affiliation.

My intent was to show you that Trump is doing exactly for you what you CLAIM the UNIONs are supposed to do for you. I would think you would support tariffs that discourage Americans from buying foreign products by making domestic products more price competitive. That protects American jobs. Why would you not want to shift Americans buying habits to purchase domestic products and protect American jobs? You say you are pro labor but your actions do not support your claim.

Trump wants to secure our border. Factories used to provide American labor with medium class jobs. Have you been in a factory in the last 30 years. It is all South Americans and Chinese working for low wages and no benefits. Most of them are both illegal and provided by a temporary service. Seems to me you would support slowing down the influx of illegal labor and mass deportation so that Americans could fill those positions and wages would come back up. Again you say you are pro labor but your actions don't support your claim.

Trump has done more for the working class than UNIONs have done in the last 30 years. There is a reason the economy was booming under Trump. Granted it has slowed since COVID but that would happen despite who is serving as president. In fact the only places seeing serious economic problems right now are left wing cities that have shut their economies down. Our economy here in Tulsa and surrounding area is doing great. Can you say the same for New York? San Francisco? Portland? From what I have seen those places are all graffiti and boarded up windows due to a combination of a government mandated shut down and rioting.

As far as carbon emissions f'ing things up...... the United States puts out FAR less pollution than it did in the 70's and 80's. Far far less. Tell me why the arctic ice was not melting then?

I hate to tell you this but climate change is inevitable. It is a natural progression. You can't stop it any more than you can stop the sun from rising. Bears you are being lied to. Democrats are not interested in saving the world. They are in bed with a bunch of globalist that are fear mongering in order to seize power and like a dope you are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. Don't be a sucker.

I have no doubt in time we will have to transition to other energy sources. Fossil fuels are not going to last forever. However that should be a slow natural transition not a government mandated precept with an unrealistic implementation time. First off we don't have the technology to produce energy at that scale without fossil fuels, second, our infrastructure is not equipped to go full electric. Hell, we have cities now that can't even meet current power demands (black and brown outs). There is also the issue that wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal are not practical everywhere. Especially places that are temporary in nature.

Would you want to be in the hospital on a respirator when the power goes out and there is no diesel powered generator? Do you even consider things like that?

You say UNIONs are for the working man..... I say I had a UNION president encourage me to vote for a contract that did away with jobs (including mine) because he cut an under that table deal with management to save his own ass. When the international was notified they sent a damage control group then turned a blind eye. Trump has never screwed ME over more than my own UNION did. Fact.
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You don't seem to have much to say Bears.

Well UR right about the twu voting YES for shitty contracts, because the 'controlling numbers were in OKIE-HOMA and TEXASS, and THEY did it more times then I wish to remember !!

Try this example on for size.
How come, all TWU local 100, (NYC SUBWAY) would have to do, is to make it known to 'the MAN', that the expiring contract(in six months) needed large $$$ upgrades. And IF no significant 'upgrade' was not to be forthcoming,...WELL, there 'could be a S T R I K E' !

So let me ask you La'.

When was the last time Local 100..." hit-the-bricks " ????

Compared to the OKIES and TEXASS HURRYING to vote yes ??

The difference ?

B A L L S, BIG,BIG, B A L L S !!!!!!!!!!
Well UR right about the twu voting YES for shitty contracts, because the 'controlling numbers were in OKIE-HOMA and TEXASS, and THEY did it more times then I wish to remember !!
You know I hear Democrats speak out against the electoral college frequently since Trump won the presidency. You don't like OKIE-HOMA and TEXASS "controlling" the contract but Democrats want New York and California running America. You see the hypocrisy? I suppose you rather have it either or at your convenience?

Try this example on for size.
How come, all TWU local 100, (NYC SUBWAY) would have to do, is to make it known to 'the MAN', that the expiring contract(in six months) needed large $$$ upgrades. And IF no significant 'upgrade' was not to be forthcoming,...WELL, there 'could be a S T R I K E' !
Big deal. They strike in BLUE states where the government gives them full support because the UNIONs are lining their pockets.

So let me ask you La'.

When was the last time Local 100..." hit-the-bricks " ????

Compared to the OKIES and TEXASS HURRYING to vote yes ??
I could not say.

The difference ?

B A L L S, BIG,BIG, B A L L S !!!!!!!!!!
Hardly. Like I said they are in a BLUE state where their UNION is lining politicians pockets. No balls required because it is a rigged game. UNIONs have been laundering tax dollars for years for the benefit of the Democratic Party. You know it and I know it.

You know my father fought to reinstate the UNION at his employer and he didn't have the benefit of some bought off politician. So for you to say that the people of Oklahoma won't fight is not only wrong, it is insulting.

I support people's right to collective bargaining Bears but you know from my post I was not a good fit for UNION culture. I found the TWU to be packed with narcissistic, self serving people. I did not like that my worth was judged on nothing more than my hire date, that the efficiency or quality of my work meant nothing. Maybe the people of Oklahoma don't fight for UNIONs simply because they don't want them. Have you considered that? That is a serious question. I seriously want to know if you have even considered that because it seems from your statements that you believe the only reason we are not more UNIONized here can only be attributed to fear and not choice.
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NO, I'm not surprised at the weakness of support for Unions in RED states (plus OK.).

Because those places have drilled-it into the heads of (new) people from cradle to grave that Unions are taboo, to beware Jews, Blacks and Catholics AND American Indians.

NOW La', tell me you've NEVER heard THAT before !!!!!!!!!

Back in the early days, it NEVER would have bothered me that the teamsters were loaning pension fund money to the Mafia, to help them built Las Vegas.

And you know why it would've bothered me ?

Because the Mafia repaid every F Dime !

There are a ZILLION Guys in places like BOS/NYC-Long Island/Philly, who have no formal education, who are EASILY pulling-in 6 figures every year ! ( Yes, with some OT) !