Market Research Survey - Flying and Aviation (pilots)

Wasting your time. As far as anyone knows, you're simply inviting everyone to log onto your website that is set up to infect their computers with a bug of some sort. It has happened here before.
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Wasting your time. As far as anyone knows, you're simply inviting everyone to log onto your website that is set up to infect their computers with a bug of some sort. It has happened here before.

I can confirm that is certainly not what I am doing. I'm from Volarent ( Simulators conducting a market research survey. There is no signup required for the survey, and we've already received the respondents we need.
Good. It's just that what I posted has happened here before. There are numerous posts from time to time asking readers to answer surveys from unidentified organizations (or alleged college students) with unfortunate results. Perhaps if you had identified your company first it would not look suspicious.
There are people who find it amusing to infect other people's computers with viruses or worms and asking people for their opinion is an easy way to get at their computer.