MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE #2 - December 20, 2002

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MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE #2 - December 20, 2002
This is Roy Freundlich with US Airways MEC update number two for Friday, December 20, with four new items:

Item 1. US Airways announced today that it will file its Plan of Reorganization POR this evening with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court.
This filing is expected to maintain the reorganization timetable announced in August 2002, which contemplates confirmation of the Company''s reorganization plan by March 31, 2003.
The POR is a legal document that provides how the company will pay creditors and how it will be governed following emergence from bankruptcy. Details of the POR should be available tomorrow and include the modifications resulting from reduced revenue projections and costs.
The AFA and IAM mechanics and fleet service workers reached tentative agreements today on additional cost reductions. Since Wednesday the CWA and TWU simulators engineers, ground school instructors and dispatches also reached cost reduction agreements.
Item 2. The Company posted Permanent Bid 03-02 today. The effective month of the bid is March 2003.
The drivers of the bid include:
Reduction of 27 Captain Positions.
Remaining 79 of the previously announced 145 furloughs will be furloughed effective February 4, 2003.
Adjustment of primary lines due to new duty rigs and variable minimum calculation.
PIT-LGW-PIT B-767I service returning March 9.
Additional offering of voluntary leaves in lieu of furlough. The company is talking with the Association and details will be announced soon.
A copy of the bid is available on the Pilots Only section of the MEC web site at
The bid will close at 2330 Eastern Time on January 5.
Item 3. Midway Airlines has received bankruptcy court approval to begin operations in January and training classes have been scheduled which include jets for jobs vacancies.
The number of US Airways pilots From the Affected Pilot List (APL) is being scheduled for each initial training class as follows:
18 pilots are scheduled for January 10. The Company must have a compete list of pilots to attend this class by December 30.
18 pilots for a February 1 class date
10 pilots for a February 21 class date
14 pilots for a March 14 class date
10 pilots for an April 4 class date, and
13 pilots for an April 25 class date for a total of 83 out of 166 small jet vacancies at Midway Airlines.
The hiring process will be conducted per APL procedure listed in the Restructuring Agreement. These vacancies will be made available in seniority order to all US Airways pilots who are on furlough, who have received a furlough notice, or who are expected to be furloughed on Feb. 4. A contact number to inquire about these vacancies should be available on Monday, December 23.
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