Merry Christmas everyone!

This is my bike "family" this morning. Nice ride in very "un-Christmas like" weather (ended up at 62 degrees - we were WAY overdressed). Off to see my grandson. Life is good.
This is my bike "family" this morning. Nice ride in very "un-Christmas like" weather (ended up at 62 degrees - we were WAY overdressed). Off to see my grandson. Life is good. View attachment 14971
Biking is a good exercise. I ride trails mostly. Not too crazy about sharing the road with cars. Which one are you KC. Be fun to put a face to the name.
Biking is a good exercise. I ride trails mostly. Not too crazy about sharing the road with cars. Which one are you KC. Be fun to put a face to the name.
Back row right side - green jacket and black helmet (white beard). We ride mostly urban rides - into downtown KC quite a bit. I actually prefer urban over suburban. The ride leaders have a knack for finding roads with very few cars. Our rides tend to average 25 to 30 miles. Riding is the best part of retirement!

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