Even if we do figure out a way to pax back, there won't be any agents to board the flights. Maybe the company can find a kiosk to perform gate functions, too.
Sad, very sad. My station is losing 3 F/T agents. All the way back to 1977 seniority. 1 agent being laid off has 4 kids. Ouch, is this what they call a soft landing? Labor friendly? Call it what it is really is, HEARTLESS.
Sad, very sad. My station is losing 3 F/T agents. All the way back to 1977 seniority.
Unfortunately, this is what has hamstrung U for years: too much seniority. Laying people off doesn't really solve the problem, but cuts are inevitable for the cartel airlines in this environment.
I know Dave saved the company and all, but at what price? US will merely be a shell of what it formerly was. I've been trying to figure out why everyone spent so much time and energy negotiating a CWA agreement when it looks like we'll all be out of a job anyway. RJs everywhere with express agts, operational stats going down the can, complaints going up (our station will close baggage service office), where exactly do we bottom-out?
On 10/7/2002 6:42:58 PM motnot wrote:
"Sad, very sad. My station is losing 3 F/T agents. All the way back to 1977 seniority."
Unfortunately, this is what has hamstrung U for years: too much seniority. Laying people off doesn't really solve the problem, but cuts are inevitable for the cartel airlines in this environment.
I'm sure those 1977 folks and similars across the nation were very happy they voted YES, dont you?