More Hope & Change


Nov 30, 2009
Reuters) - Big U.S. airlines told the Obama administration on Thursday complying with a regulation in the works to combat pilot fatigue would cost $2 billion a year and over time cut 27,000 jobs directly tied to the industry.


Yet another example of Obama's stupidity in action
Reuters) - Big U.S. airlines told the Obama administration on Thursday complying with a regulation in the works to combat pilot fatigue would cost $2 billion a year and over time cut 27,000 jobs directly tied to the industry.


Yet another example of Obama's stupidity in action

So the lobbyist group for the airlines says it is so, therefore you bite...

I thought safety was the number one priority for airlines. I guess that only counts when it does not cut into profit?
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So the lobbyist group for the airlines says it is so, therefore you bite...

I thought safety was the number one priority for airlines. I guess that only counts when it does not cut into profit?

The ATA is the airline industry's trade association (Lobby) and frankly not my favorite group of people. However most of the actual ATA staff are Democrats as I know several personally. Most of the Airline Lobby is made up of Democrats, one Linda Daschle, wife of former Senator Tom Daschle in particular. Her nearly 400K in consulting fees from various airlines was one of the reasons Tom didn't run for President. I don't know the political persuasions of all of the airline execs but the folks who do their dirty work are largely Democratic.

I have very strong doubts that the proposed change will have an effect on safety or lose the number of jobs quoted if enacted. With the economy as it is we can ill afford to have one job lost due to Government regulation. We've lost to many that way already.
The ATA is the airline industry's trade association (Lobby) and frankly not my favorite group of people. However most of the actual ATA staff are Democrats as I know several personally. Most of the Airline Lobby is made up of Democrats, one Linda Daschle, wife of former Senator Tom Daschle in particular. Her nearly 400K in consulting fees from various airlines was one of the reasons Tom didn't run for President. I don't know the political persuasions of all of the airline execs but the folks who do their dirty work are largely Democratic.

I have very strong doubts that the proposed change will have an effect on safety or lose the number of jobs quoted if enacted. With the economy as it is we can ill afford to have one job lost due to Government regulation. We've lost to many that way already.
If jobs are lost it will not be due to a fatigue related FAA rule. The airlines may say that was the cause, but that will not make it true.
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If jobs are lost it will not be due to a fatigue related FAA rule. The airlines may say that was the cause, but that will not make it true.

Granted the airlines are not an industry known for candor. My point in posting is that excess and likely unnecessary regulations are job killers. This is a fact lost upon the Recto-Cranial Inversion we have in the White House.
Granted the airlines are not an industry known for candor. My point in posting is that excess and likely unnecessary regulations are job killers. This is a fact lost upon the Recto-Cranial Inversion we have in the White House.

I have to ask the question, do you think there should be any crew rest requirements?
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Of course not. Just let them fall out of the sky, then the one with the best record will win customers by way of market forces. It is the armchair libertarian way.

In a Libertarian Utopia you'd be right. However we live in the actual world where things aren't even close to perfect or utopian. There has to be some regulation. Food supply being the classic example.

In my Libertarian world I want a few very strict rules and regulations and stringent enforcement of those few rules. For aviation I think the FARS can be streamlined significantly without effecting safety. If I was dictator my focus would be on the MTC functions with rigid rules and severe penalties for violations. Given the relatively high level of unionization I think crew rest could be a Labor/Management issue covered by the CBA, even with that I'd still want some type of rule establishing minimum rest periods and let those involved negotiate the particulars beyond that.

I also think the burden of the ATC system cost should be borne by those who benefit from it, namely the airlines and their customers. The Canadian model would be fine to me. Some Libertarians are really anarchists which tends to give us a bad rap. However we do prefer to allow market forces to dictate as opposed to the Federal Government and that isn't always practical or realistic
If I was dictator my focus would be...(blah, blah)
A libertarian dictator. Now that is rich.

Now you know why have no real credibility when you call yourself a libertarian.

You simply want to be a person who can complain about all things political, all the time. To do that, you will always vote for someone with no chance of winning an election. (It is not my fault, I didn't vote for _________)!

You will never have any skin in the game. :rolleyes:
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A libertarian dictator. Now that is rich.

Now you know why have no real credibility when you call yourself a libertarian.

You simply want to be a person who can complain about all things political, all the time. To do that, you will always vote for someone with no chance of winning an election. (It is not my fault, I didn't vote for _________)!

You will never have any skin in the game. :rolleyes:

Actually it was a joke! I wanted to see if you picked up on it.

I actively support Ron Paul and his numbers lately have been trending in the right direction. Libertarian aren't a single minded group and as I said some are outright anarchists which clearly presents an image problem at minimum. This country got into trouble in 1913. Most of our current ills have their root cause in the policies of Woodrow Wilson. The Federal Reserve, 16th Amendment and the attempt at one world government (League of Nations). There is a significant body of evidence that the feds monetary polices caused the Great Depression along with a growing body of evidence that they are largely responsible for this recession.

Once Congress figured out they could spend money with little regard for sound fiscal policy to buy votes in their districts/states the slide into debtor nation sped up. From 1965 to present federal spending and the corresponding debt has risen every year. We are in BIG trouble and while the Libertarian approach may not provide all the solutions it at least addresses a great many. One of the reasons Ron Paul is out of the single digits is because much of what he predicted would happen in 2008 has come to pass.

My point in opening this thread was to point out that when you make rules and regulations their are consequences. There are numerous examples of this. The upcoming tax on Medical Devices will likely drive more high tech manufacturing offshore. Want a picture of our future? Look to the pending financial collapse of the European Union for what happens when you have to actually pay for cradle to grave social programs. Some European budgets are as high as 80% social programs, with the balance going to military and debt service. This is one of the reason Great Britain has backed off a bit with Libya. They were down to 66 Cruise missiles a few weeks ago, Their military is under funded due to the staggering cost of their welfare state.

Less Government means more Liberty and that can never be wrong. Face it Liberty is popular
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President Biden?? Could be in our future???

LightSquared Scandal Explodes

Submitted by Peter Flaherty on Fri, 09/16/2011 - 11:06

Allegations that were first made in February about White House political favors for a company called LightSquared are starting to get the attention they deserve.

LightSquared is owned by the Harbinger Capital hedge fund, headed by billionaire investor Phil Falcone. He visited the White House and made large donations to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Soon after, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted LightSquared a highly unusual waiver that allows the company to build out a national 4G wireless network on the cheap.

The deal has been criticized not only for its 'pay to play' appearance but also because the LightSquared network would interfere with the part of the wireless spectrum that is used by Global Positioning Systems (GPS).


So once again we are beset by corruption at the highest levels of Government. At least Cheney followed the published rules regarding no bid contracts to Halliburton. The dumb ass comes off as exactly who he is, a Back Bench Junior Senator with his Chicago style pay to play BS instead of leader of the free world. If there is enough evidence I hope they impeach the rat b*stard. To bad Nixon and Ford passed as they would be most helpful to President Biden
We will see if it gains any traction. I think if the NLPC would be less biased they might have more credibility but OH well.

By the way, the NLPC is a non-profit as well. No religious association.
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We will see if it gains any traction. I think if the NLPC would be less biased they might have more credibility but OH well.

By the way, the NLPC is a non-profit as well. No religious association.

No more or less biased than Media Matters! What's your point? In fact I'm going to go see if this even hit their radar screen, place your bets, I'm going with no.

Here is part of what I found.
Fox Tries To Drum Up Scandal Over Routine Admin. Review Of General's Testimony
September 16, 2011 1:23 pm ET — 4 Comments

Fox & Friends is promoting accusations that the White House "pressured" Air Force Gen. William Shelton "to change his testimony" over a plan allegedly favored by the White House. But congressional testimony is routinely reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) "to ensure that the [Department of Defense], and ultimately the entire Administration, speak with one voice," and Shelton's spokesperson has "denied there was any improper influence."

What follows is a lengthy diatribe that focuses NOT on the facts but rather yet another scalding attack on Fox News. A classic case of shoot the messenger and if your caught with you hands in the cookie jar then it has to be Fox News lying. Typical Progressive Libtard Duck, Dodge & Deflect people from a search for the truth. I've never been on Media Matters before and all I can say is WOW, if Libertarians and Conservatives behaved that way we'd be burned at the stake. If one were in a cave for the last ten years and the first web page they say was Media Matters they would think Fox News is the Anti Christ.
How does one biased site justify the other? My point is that neither is reliable. What's yours?
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How does one biased site justify the other? My point is that neither is reliable. What's yours?

well for starts the one I used at least tries to act unbiased. Face it we have a Back Bench Junior Senator trying to use Chicago style Pay to play Crony Capitalism. This company already took a run at the Bush Administration and were turned down in 2004

This incident plus the 500 million dollar loan to a solar energy company noe in BK also shows evidence of influence pedaling.