My New Web Site.

nicely done site, chuck and kyle... :up:

GDIV looks good too... don't see too many tailwheel conversions of the buck fifty... :lol:
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Yeh, and its an Aerobat too.

I converted it for giving aerobatic and tailwheel training in.

It was the least expensive aerobatic airplane I could find to be able to teach aeros in.

Hell its just like the R22, may not be the most powerful and expensive trainer, but if you can learn energy conservation in an R22 the rest are easy. :D

I used to own a R22 Mariner in a flight school I owned about fifteen years ago.

By the way I bet I can do something you can't with a R22.

I bet I can hover at a lower power setting than you. :up:

The Reverend Chas W.
nice chuck and good luck with it... :up:

dat Kyle wha finally found somting es's good at.... :D :shock:
Good looking site.. Congrats to Chuck and Kyle on it. :up:

Seeing IDV brings back memories of building time on it in the 70's (and putting a few wrinkles in the wings ;) ).