Nautical .......... G R I D L O C K !

Aug 20, 2002
Can't get this link to work,..sorry.
However, 1000 ' ......freighters (at anchorage) in a bizzare scene that gives the impression that one could 'hop - scotch ' across them from LAX.... to....HNL.
Obama to the 'combatants,.............." Work it out between yourselves "  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every DIME that the guys/gals in the I L W U ..make that could be defined as extreme, represents money that so MANY poor underpaid working stiffs have gotten F'd out of by outsourcing or right-to-work laws,..Hey, the list goes on Forever.
Strenght and Solidarity.
You guys  R O C K  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Can't get this link to work,..sorry.
However, 1000 ' ......freighters (at anchorage) in a bizzare scene that gives the impression that one could 'hop - scotch ' across them from LAX.... to....HNL.
Obama to the 'combatants,.............." Work it out between yourselves "  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every DIME that the guys/gals in the I L W U ..make that could be defined as extreme, represents money that so MANY poor underpaid working stiffs have gotten F'd out of by outsourcing or right-to-work laws,..Hey, the list goes on Forever.
Strenght and Solidarity.
You guys  R O C K  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY, wait -a-minute  ! !
Why don't they just hire  ' REPLACEMENT WORKERS '  ????????
C'mon,.........someone, anyone....of you anti Union Dick Heads......speak up with an opinion  !
Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do,  southwind...eolesen......citrat,...........C'MON, it's too DAM quiet  on here !
sorry  bear I'm in the airline business, this last I looked is an airline forum. I could give a rats ass what longshoremen do or don't do.
Doesn't look like too many others do either
I'd like to see unions limited to work safety. The fact that that are allowed to hold a company/nation hostage for wages is a travesty. I do not believe that companies should be allowed to pay what ever they want (I agree with a min wage) but I have a stronger belief that employees sure as hell should not be dictating wages either.
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cltrat said:
sorry  bear I'm in the airline business, this last I looked is an airline forum. I could give a rats ass what longshoremen do or don't do.
Doesn't look like too many others do either
While even  " I "  have to admit that the wages are semi extreme for the ILWU,  THE point is that  'this' is about what Solidarity among workers can bring about.
Example : 
Working group  A ........(they make widgets)........only produces widgets as fast as whats 'allowed' by adhering to COMPANY safety rules,..........  O R .........agreements agreed upon by the COMPANY and the Union.  (Often referred to by the CAPITALISTS (CAPITALISM At   A N Y  Cost) as a 'Slow Down' )
Working group  B  (they Deliver the widgets) sees thier (working) 'brothers' success is brought about by STRICT Solidarity, so why not employ the same logic to thier work group, due in LARGE Part because they have a 'Signed (in Black and White) legal Contract with thier employer. And on-and-on it goes.
While so much is reported about the fact that the 'Working mans wages have remained FLAT for 15+ years, the reason is... NOT the COMPANY'S  fault, because THEY KNOW Exactly what they're doing,...................It's the employees themselves because they foolhardedly do NOT adhere to STRICT (LEGAL ) Solidarity.
(Lest we forget Russian communism / Berlin Wall / The Gdansk shipyard in Poland - Lech Walesa )
Just watch out with that solidarity BS. When the unions over play their hands which they are prone to do, voter solidarity rises up and you get Wisconsin. How did that work out for you.

I consider my self a liberal. I believe in peoples rights to live their life as they choose. I also had the 'pleasure' of working with a union for about 8 years. I would be hard pressed to piss on a union if it was on fire. Voters are starting to realize that unions no longer care about worker safety. Voters are starting to realize that unions are in place (in large part) to protect employees like you from getting fired. Voters are starting to realize that unions are there to get their workers the most amount of money regardless of qualifications or skill. When someone is paid $20+ an hr to put wheels on a car coming down an assembly line, there is a problem.

There is a reason union membership keeps dropping. You ought to keep this in mind next time you screw over a customer who pays your salary.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Can't get this link to work,..sorry.
However, 1000 ' ......freighters (at anchorage) in a bizzare scene that gives the impression that one could 'hop - scotch ' across them from LAX.... to....HNL.
Obama to the 'combatants,.............." Work it out between yourselves "  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every DIME that the guys/gals in the I L W U ..make that could be defined as extreme, represents money that so MANY poor underpaid working stiffs have gotten F'd out of by outsourcing or right-to-work laws,..Hey, the list goes on Forever.
Strenght and Solidarity.
You guys  R O C K  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Absolutely Perfect response from a 'red neck like you Georgia Boy.
Prime example of how some people and areas in the country NEVER change.
kettle meet pot
Ms Tree said:
Just watch out with that solidarity BS. When the unions over play their hands which they are prone to do, voter solidarity rises up and you get Wisconsin.

Not trying to be a d*ck, but you clearly have some bad info on what happened in WI.

Voters are starting to realize that unions no longer care about worker safety. Voters are starting to realize that unions are in place (in large part) to protect employees like you from getting fired. Voters are starting to realize that unions are there to get their workers the most amount of money regardless of qualifications or skill. When someone is paid $20+ an hr to put wheels on a car coming down an assembly line, there is a problem.There is a reason union membership keeps dropping. You ought to keep this in mind next time you screw over a customer who pays your salary.
I think Americans are tired of corporate overreaching, and of watching the Middle Class being cut out at the knees.
What did I miss? WI elected a conservative to office who went toe to toe with the unions. The unions got pissed and got a recall election which Walker won because the voters got fed up with the unions.

I agree with that but the corporations are doing it quiet and smart. The unions are perceived as the bullies now. If unions would get back the business of protecting the workers work place instead of extorting higher salaries for unskilled labor people might be more accepting of them.
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Kev3188 said:
Not trying to be a d*ck, but you clearly have some bad info on what happened in WI.

I think Americans are tired of corporate overreaching, and of watching the Middle Class being cut out at the knees.
Oddly enough  KEV,........(from purely a gambling standpoint) (I've been known to wager a few 'scheckles' over these many years), I'm thinking  Scott KOCH beats 'Jeb  in the GOP primary, only to lose the 'Big Enchilada' to Hillary !
(Something about the great state of Wisconsin....caring NOT....for the color RED in elections for the POTUS)
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The WHOLE west coast (ports) in the country, a mere....." few days away " from TOTAL Shutdown!
A few INTERESTING points.
W H Y  don't the shippers (PMA........Pacific maritime assoc.) Lock the ILWU  OUT, triggering the invocation of the Taft-Hartly act  ?
W H Y  are there NOT enough 'dollies' receive the off-loaded containers, so the zillions of trucks can haul them 'on thier merry way ' ?
W H Y does the PMA (the company) keep breaking off negotiations at the 'table' ?
Sure, negotiations can be very very difficult,....but  hypothetically if there are say 11-12 'sticking points',......................STAY at the table, even if you only clear 2-3 a week / each session.
If those 'chicken-shiit bas-tards' (the company) REALLY want to wrap this up, THEN STAY AT THE ..' TABLE '.
Sorry...PMA.  The KOCH ies CAN'T  'FIX' this one for you.  The national Media(except FAUX News) is not going to SPIN this beef to your likeing, and the W H will tell you to settle your differences LIKE MEN.
This AIN'T the TWU  you're dealing with here.....PMA  !!!!!!!!!!! 
GOD Bless (the late)   Harry Bridges  !!!!!!!!
What's interesting in the whole shakeout in Wisconsin is that more and more people from Illinois are watching what's happening to their neigbor to the north. Part of that frustration with the unions is how IL elected a Republican governor, and the unions truly fear he's going to emulate Walker. 45 days in, he's already thrown down one gauntlet and killed off a couple of pork Amtrak route startups. He's also encouraging county legislators to enact RTW zones as they've started to do in Kentucky (and the unions are challenging in court). It's pretty clear from how legislative lines are drawn in IL, RTW would never pass at the state level because of the over-representation of Chicago.

If the courts rule in favor of the counties in Kentucky, it's entirely possible you'll see a few of the collar counties around Chicago enacting RTW, which would result in a huge sucking sound as employers relocate just outside Crook County.

Take that a step further, you could see some RTW actions popping up in port cities. A few people have great jobs, but there are probably 2 or 3 jobs for every ILWU job that get directly impacted when they engage in a work action (e.g. drayage drivers and rail workers who have to sit on their hands unpaid).