Northwest Out Sourcing

When you consider that NWA existed before their employees were union, I think you'll have your answer.
The vast majority of the people at NWA, including myself, did not belong to a union prior to their employment at NWA.
I have often heard that a company gets the union that it deserves...All in All, I think there may be some truth to that.I heard the stories about the doors to the heads being removed...Thats just wrong!
On the other hand, perhaps a union gets treated the way IT deserves, as well.
food for thought is all.....
I have often heard that a company gets the union that it deserves...All in All, I think there may be some truth to that.I heard the stories about the doors to the heads being removed...Thats just wrong!
On the other hand, perhaps a union gets treated the way IT deserves, as well.
food for thought is all.....

In a word....

Southwest Airlines

Okay, two words :up:
PHXMama and CSAR,

Thank you for the kind words. I do appreciate them! I try to think through the issues before I post. It's not often easy, given the stakes we are all risking now.

We have to know and understand our history so we don't repeat mistakes of the past. We've seen that "carriers inside a carrier" don't work. It drives up costs and lowers wages. It breeds product confusion and angers the customes.

We've seen the damage done by Executive gypsies. There's a musical chairs act going on in the executive suites. I don't know about you, but I was raised to think that changing jobs so often was being "work brittle", as my grandfather would say.

I was never in a union before and had no experience of them prior to this job. I'd rather not have to have one. But as a worker, I now understand why we need them.

Unions have carried the flag for health and safety in the work place. Look no further than the recent mine disaster! 270 violations in the workplace! What was the government doing about it? Nothing! The union was screaming about these violations!

Unions also fight for fairness in the work place. Corporations won't do what's right when given the chance. They will choose golden parachutes and bloated pay-outs every time.

Our Nation is crumbling at its foundation, the workers. WE are being out-sourced, farmed out and kicked the the curb.

(Insert here my usual Workers of World Unite rant)

Seriously, we are losing our collective shirts here. All I can do is ask that you educate yourselves on the history. Decide for yourselves what will make you better off in the long run.

It's Union for me. Solidarity is a beautiful thing!

Dea :up:
On the other hand, perhaps a union gets treated the way IT deserves, as well.
food for thought is all.....

When AMFA came on board, in June, 1999, most NWA mechanics looked at it as a chance for a fresh start with NWA and to put 50 years of animosity behind us. NWA didn't even pretend they thought that way, they immediately embarked on a campaign that reminded many old timers of the bad old days of Don Nyrop, the guy who took the doors off the bathroom stalls.

It's only a matter of time before the scabs learn the same lesson.
Dea, your attempting to explain to anti-union management lovin' bootlickers that prescribe to the failed "hard work yas-sir boss" approach will get them far at Scab Air. Your posts are what I have been saying to 'Cods and the rest of the scab lemmings....YOU are next in the Dougie Stealin" meatgrinder..... :unsure: As "at will" workers, the scabs will learn, (and same lesson twice for some dimwits) how NWA management reviles its employees.

Will they understand Dea? Not until it happens I to them apparently. Then its pack-up and on to the next wrench gypsy rat hole for another beating. Will they continue to work for less? Seems the case. No scab has ever raised the bar in pay, benefits, or working conditions at any company I know of.

Confessions of a Union Buster, Hard Landing, and Taking Care of Business (the tragity of the AFL-CIO) are all books scabs should read before attempting to debate here with workers who have been in this dirty game, and know whats coming.

Unions are needed now as never before.
At least not one for you 'Cods. As a scab, your not welcome, might as well be a full time coffee gofer/bootshiner for the man. :blink:

I agree with you 100%. It's a myth that in today's America an honest, working person can get the brass ring.

I'm reading "Bait and Switch, the (futile) Pursuit of the American Dream" by Barbara Ehrenreich right now. An incredibly depressing study of getting ahead in White Collar America.

I have "When Work Disappears" by William Julius Wilson up next.

What some people aren't understanding are the consequences for our country as a whole by this trend of stripping the wallets of the workers. It's like going back to the Dark Ages. The few had all the land and money. The masses had nothing. There was no economy.

The function of government should first be a well-regulated economy. It's the only way to keep peace, happiness and prosperity.

I'm afraid we will see days of anarchy in our times. :ph34r:

I would never have believed this 30 years ago.

Scary, scary times.

I see by your post that you understand that there are no unions out there that can obtain the goals you guys so desire to achieve. So you let yourselves be suckered by these riff-raff unions that steals you money. They are a placebo Hackman that you do not need.
Unions aren't the answer. Solidarity is. Right now, all the working people are under attack by Corporate Greed.

One union or the other isn't the answer. It's all the workers standing up together. We are not just fighting over pennies here. We are now fighting a war on the middle class and our American way of life.

I'm reading "Bait and Switch, the (futile) Pursuit of the American Dream" by Barbara Ehrenreich right now. An incredibly depressing study of getting ahead in White Collar America.

I have "When Work Disappears" by William Julius Wilson up next.


If you haven't already, you should check out "Nickle and dimed," by Ehrenreich. It's an ominous look into the world of minimum wage living.

P.S."Travels with Charley" was my favorite Steinbeck book. :)

Read "Nickled and Dimed" and it scared me half out of my socks.

Steinbeck rocks. My favorite was "Cannery Row". I loved "The Pearl" too. Amazing how well they hold up, isn't it?

I agree, but workers must be in a conserted in our efforts. If we could ever get the AFL-CIO removed from big businesses back pocket, the rebuilding could begin. Starting with a national wildcatter, lasting a month or more!!!!! :shock:

Cods', don't tell me what I need. Your going to be crying to your mommy to get that big NWA bully off you soon enough. Stay with some you know, such as tongue washing the man's boots in a timely manner. ;)