Northwest Out Sourcing

AP Tech, I use to clear MEL's during a turn around but left them alone after opening a couple of cans of worms. Now I kind of set my own parameters as to whether I even attempt to clear an MEL.

ThirdSeat you and Dead Bird must be hanging out. NWA flights have not been cut by more than half like the mechanics have. How many were there here before the strike? Three thousand seven hundred? Before even that there were over seven thousand? Compare to how many? One-thousand eighty?

If I were going to lie about my stats I would make sure the lies put me a lot more than last. The numbers will come up.
ThirdSeat you and Dead Bird must be hanging out. NWA flights have not been cut by more than half like the mechanics have. How many were there here before the strike? Three thousand seven hundred? Before even that there were over seven thousand? Compare to how many? One-thousand eighty?

If I were going to lie about my stats I would make sure the lies put me a lot more than last. The numbers will come up.

Nice try, Tell me PTO are you doing major engine repair? AMFA was. Are you performing the heavier chks as in "C" ?? AMFA was. These take quite a few more AMTs than line maintenance. BTW, how many component shops were closed at the start of the strike?

I'd be interested to see how many mechanics NWA had performing LINE MAINTENANCE before as compared to now.
I can't answer those questions because I do not know. I can tell you this, they have closed two zones down that was full of mechanics. I can't tell you the huge number of wall lockers we hauled out of here because they were no longer being used. I don't know how many were here but I would guess well over half as many working the line now if not more.
I can't answer those questions because I do not know. I can tell you this, they have closed two zones down that was full of mechanics. I can't tell you the huge number of wall lockers we hauled out of here because they were no longer being used. I don't know how many were here but I would guess well over half as many working the line now if not more.

Just so I understand you, are you saying(your estimate)that NWA had approximately 1,600 AMTs working line maintenance before the strike???
Not in one place but yea, that’s what I am saying. My estimations are usually pretty damn good until it comes to predicting whether AMFA is stupid enough to strike or not. While in Tucson we would laugh at how stupid NWA was for giving us all this easy money and free training. Yea, I blew that one.
ThirdSeat you and Dead Bird must be hanging out. NWA flights have not been cut by more than half like the mechanics have.

Capacity has been cut by at least 15% as of this month, on top of the seasonal/annual pull down done in Sept.

Either NWA is going to have to hire directs at some of the outstations...

NWA had AMT's in several outstations, and cast them away like yesterday's trash. Remember, in their master plan, there was to be AMT's in only MSP, DTW and DLH.

P.S. MEL count as of 0030 CST stood at 237.
Well, there are many, many less A/C in the fleet now as opposed to before, with more leaving daily.

Also, as was pointed out, they were also doing heavy checks, etc.
What do you mean by many? I know they parked some DC-9's and all the DC-10's. They did recently put a 10 back in service to catch up on some flights that fell behind from a 330 being AOS. I didn't realize how tight they worked those 330's.
Go into WorldFlight and type "Eqprtg" then type in the fleet type of your choice. Except for the A330 & 757-300, there are all kinds of planes in MZJ.

In fact, all this week there have been arrivals there.

Since you can get into Sceptre, you should be able to see what A/C are in long term storage (and where), and when they went.
I really do not see haw they can give up a 330 from here. We had one AOS for about 18 hrs. They were not able to recover from that down time with out bringing in a DC-10 to help catch up. I do not know what they would have done if they didn't have that 10 sitting around.
I really do not see haw they can give up a 330 from here. We had one AOS for about 18 hrs. They were not able to recover from that down time with out bringing in a DC-10 to help catch up. I do not know what they would have done if they didn't have that 10 sitting around.

We're scheduled to receive 10 more A330's over '06-'07.

As for what the company would have done without a "hot spare?" Probably the same thing they usually do; run the flight 18+ hours late.

Those that have been at NW awhile will notice that they only post completion numbers now, as opposed to on-time percentages.
running it 18 hrs late just like the 747 that left DTW to NRT about 23 hrs late? that sure is a wonderful on time performance!