Nwa/iam Proposal ?

Its going to be an interesting holiday season this year for NWA.. I just hope you NWA union folks dont have to endure what we at USAIR endured last year--a melt down caused by mismanagent and onein which the mgmt was blamed by the FEDS and never given us an apology. Good Luck to you all UNION folkst NWA
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  • #62
You are absolutely correct Hackman, Dell has got it going on especially compared to me. After all I am just a lowly Scab turning wrenches for a living and he is probably in Florida right now, with the rest of the snowbirds, laying out on the beach, drinking martini's and counting the AMFA members money he headed south with.:lol:


You are a S C A B !!!!!!!!!


I never resort to bringing one's family into my FACTUAL posts, but I hope you don't have any children, who may be in elementary scool, and on the "show + tell day" , that he/she/they, must respond: "Well my dad's a "REPLACEMRNT WORKER" :down: :down: :down:


You are absolutely correct Hackman, Dell has got it going on especially compared to me. After all I am just a lowly Scab turning wrenches for a living and he is probably in Florida right now, with the rest of the snowbirds, laying out on the beach, drinking martini's and counting the AMFA members money he headed south with.:lol:

He might be doing that.....or you just pulled that s**t out of your SCABBY a**, and Dell actually lives in (I think, don't quote me on this) Laconia, NH where AMFA is based, and instead of drinking martinis and supposedly counting AMFA members money (which I doubt since his salary is only double the average of the mechanics in AMFA), he is travelling around the country, meeting with members and walking the picket lines with them.
He might be doing that.....or you just pulled that s**t out of your SCABBY a**, and Dell actually lives in (I think, don't quote me on this) Laconia, NH where AMFA is based, and instead of drinking martinis and supposedly counting AMFA members money (which I doubt since his salary is only double the average of the mechanics in AMFA), he is travelling around the country, meeting with members and walking the picket lines with them.

PTO is obviously oblivious to the fact that AMFA represents mechanics at several other carriers as well.
I'm not oblivious to that fact Bob I just find it strange that he isn't saying much about the strike at NWA and is ignoring the NWA mechanics that are on strike. They themselves are also wondering where he is.

As usual NH/BB you bless these boards with your high caliber intellectual skills. I always feel so enlightened after reading your posts and so proud that you take such a personal interest in me.
I'm not oblivious to that fact Bob I just find it strange that he isn't saying much about the strike at NWA and is ignoring the NWA mechanics that are on strike. They themselves are also wondering where he is.

As usual NH/BB you bless these boards with your high caliber intellectual skills. I always feel so enlightened after reading your posts and so proud that you take such a personal interest in me.
So PTO, What exactly is it that you tell little PTO Jr. that you do for a living?
I'm not oblivious to that fact Bob I just find it strange that he isn't saying much about the strike at NWA and is ignoring the NWA mechanics that are on strike. They themselves are also wondering where he is.

As usual NH/BB you bless these boards with your high caliber intellectual skills. I always feel so enlightened after reading your posts and so proud that you take such a personal interest in me.

You sir, are a dumb-a**.

Delle isn't ignoring the NWA mechanics. He is travelling around the country, walking the line with them and talking to them.

I am working on aircraft of course. Engaged in a battle to rid NWA of a corrupt communist union.

Man, that is gonna be one screwed up kid.
Dell is ignoring them. Here is a news flash for you THERE ARE NO PICKET LINES. Or did Dell decide that if the members won't march he is going to do it all by himself? I think not.

There is nothing wrong with an independent mind. I certainly wouldn't want him to be some follower of a cult like you guys are trapped in and are to ignorant to realize it.
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Dell is ignoring them. Here is a news flash for you THERE ARE NO PICKET LINES. Or did Dell decide that if the members won't march he is going to do it all by himself? I think not.

There is nothing wrong with an independent mind. I certainly wouldn't want him to be some follower of a cult like you guys are trapped in and are to ignorant to realize it.


"Independent Mind",...."Cult"........."IGNORANT",
jesus, where do i start ???????????

First off, your a SCAB !!!!!!!

Your from a redneck racist state (TEX-A$$), that overwhelminly voted for DUMBYA("Sadam's GOT nukes"), where the majority of it's residents are ABSOLUTELY convinced that the "ONLY" religion is Southern Baptist + christian,
and refuses to enact a "hate crimes law", after a black man was DRAGGED to DEATH, behind a moving car, with a CHAIN !!

Yea, you've got an Independent mind, you don't believe in "CULTS", AND texans could NEVER BE mistaken as "IGNORANT"

"Give me a *UCKING BREAK"

POS SCAB !!!!!

Dell is ignoring them. Here is a news flash for you THERE ARE NO PICKET LINES. Or did Dell decide that if the members won't march he is going to do it all by himself? I think not.

There is nothing wrong with an independent mind. I certainly wouldn't want him to be some follower of a cult like you guys are trapped in and are to ignorant to realize it.

Here's a news flash for YOU SCAB, there still are picket lines you dumb a**. The members are still marching, and he is marching with them.

I agree, there is nothing wrong with an independent mind. But telling your kid wrongly that Unions are cults and corrupt communist organizations, is warping his mind.

"Independent Mind",...."Cult"........."IGNORANT",
jesus, where do i start ???????????
First off, your a SCAB !!!!!!!
Your from a redneck racist state (TEX-A$$), that overwhelminly voted for DUMBYA("Sadam's GOT nukes"), where the majority of it's residents are ABSOLUTELY convinced that the "ONLY" religion is Southern Baptist + christian,
and refuses to enact a "hate crimes law", after a black man was DRAGGED to DEATH, behind a moving car, with a CHAIN !!
Yea, you've got an Independent mind, you don't believe in "CULTS", AND texans could NEVER BE mistaken as "IGNORANT"
"Give me a *UCKING BREAK"
POS SCAB !!!!!

Wow NH/BB, I didn't know you could say much more than SCAB. To bad you can't get anything else right, I am not from Texas. I did live there for a couple of years, which is where I got my A&P.

I was living in Houston at the time of the incident you mention. I am certain it was a truck involved and there were three men involved. I am pretty sure two of the men are in prison right now for manslaughter and one is sitting in Huntsville, Tx. on death row for murder. Doesn't Texas lead the nation in executions? Murder is murder why do you need another law defining it?

Also let me add that I am not racist, opinionated maybe but not racist. Better luck next time NH/BB
Here's a news flash for YOU SCAB, there still are picket lines you dumb a**. The members are still marching, and he is marching with them.
I agree, there is nothing wrong with an independent mind. But telling your kid wrongly that Unions are cults and corrupt communist organizations, is warping his mind.

Maybe there are but there certainly aren't any here at DTW. Isn't this a major hub for NWA? Certainly there should be a large turn out of strikers at a major hub of the company. Why should this place be different form any other? They were here the first night in force. Within a few weeks it had dwindled down to a handful and now there is none. The news media has lost all interest in the whole thing. All that is left of this strike is a smoldering pile of ashes. Do any of you guys have some kindling? I would like to hang out here awhile longer.

If my son ever decides to join a union that will be fine by me but he will understand that you take care of #1 first and then you can see what needs to be done for others. Who is going to see to it that everyone that lost their jobs here are going to find employment making as good or better than what they would have made here. I think no one. Now it is up to them to take care of themselves.