
Jan 22, 2008
Well, at least we now know what his agenda will be , if he gets 4 more !

Take from the people who have worked hard for it and give it to the peeps, sittin' on their dead a$$ , playin' x-box, on their big screens !
This , plus ObamaCareTM = SOCIALISM !

I see that the concept of research is still alien to you. Either that or you are being intentionally deceitful with your post. Probably a combination of the two.

Here is a link to the full quote.


Did you get your info on this from the same place you got your info on the CPUSA law suit?
Obama the clown!!! The guy has absolutely zero background with finances. What he fails to realize..if he wants to redistribute wealth..well then the businesses and successful people will simply pack up shop, move the businesses overseas.
Guess you did not even listen to the video since if you did you would know that's not what he was talking about and not what he said.
Obama the clown!!! The guy has absolutely zero background with finances. What he fails to realize..if he wants to redistribute wealth..well then the businesses and successful people will simply pack up shop, move the businesses overseas.

Unfortunately, you are right. Most of the very wealthy people I have dealings with or know already have one foot out of the country. If the current war on the middle class is continued however, I think things will get ugly. What to do? I don't know, the ultra wealthy and corporations need to be taxed, but like you said, they will just leave. They've gotten used to not paying taxes. It started back in the 80's.

Aren't ALL taxes redistribution of wealth?

Yes, and a big part of it is control. The wealthy like having control and they don't like the government saying where the money will go. That is why they love tax breaks. They choose where the donation will go and in some instances have their name plastered on something (recognition, prestige) and in turn don't have to pay as much to the government.

As much as "redistribution of wealth" has been used in the last 3.5 years you would think Obama is the creator of ALL taxes. Evidently Romney is of the belief that only Dems are the recipients of this "redistribution".
All you have to do is look to france for the end result of a redistribution scenario.

Last week or so they passed the 1% tax as it would be called in this country now, the rich will have to pay a 75% tax rate.

First thing Louis Vittion (spelling?) the richest man in france did was to apply for citizenship in Belguim.

People like Bill Gates etc have the means and money to go anywhere they please and take their business's with them. Had this mindset existed at the turn of the century companies like Ford, GM, etc would not be US nameplates. Big business and wealthy people will go where the government is friendly to them making and keeping their money.

The figure I saw for France was only 3000 of the 63 million population make more than 1 mill a year.....and it looks like many of those 3000 are packing their bags. Wonder who is going to pay for all those social programs when they are gone? My guess is most of Loius V's french employess will be out of a job when he moves his company with him. Though I don't have figures for what he has corporate wise in france now, I am sure he has already outsourced a lot to avoid the socialist party taxes already.

Data shows over 56000 of the 94000 total microsoft employees are US ones right now. Redistribute away and you will see that 56000 go poof, and that is just one of the potential hundreds of corporations and rich folks that will go to greener financial pastures.
Well, at least we now know what his agenda will be , if he gets 4 more !

Take from the people who have worked hard for it and give it to the peeps, sittin' on their dead a$$ , playin' x-box, on their big screens !
This , plus ObamaCareTM = SOCIALISM !


This puts the icing on Tree's cake:

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Try telling Tree, that company's are sitting on piles o' cash, waiting to see how this election turns out !

Betcha' they continue to sit on it, if "The Anointed One" gets 4 more !
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  • #15
Want to see how Barrack got elected POTUS, and Hitlery got screwed in the process ? Even touches on the topic of this thread !

Watch a documentary called "Media Malpractice" and no Tree, it's not a conservative backed video. you can catch it on Netflix.

Did you know the media vetted "Joe the Plumber", more vigorously than Barrack ?