Obama’s redistributionism

Just remember this FACT---Hitler got in because they wanted---- CHANGE

"Mein Kampf" Osama/Obama favorite read.

GOOD article !

Matthew Dowd has Always been a "tell it like it is" Republican.

A Rare Breed Indeed !!!

As for McSame picking Joe(the TRAITOR) Leiberman,...McSame was TOLD straight out, by the religious (christian) "Right Wing Nuts", that IF he picked JL, that THEY would walk out of the convention.

So along those lines, it will be the "RWN's" that Ultimately put Obama in the White House.
(and NOTHING will please me MORE, than to be able to BLAME it on THEM) :up: :up:
Just remember this FACT---Hitler got in because they wanted---- CHANGE

Christ on a bike, now voting/supporting Obama is being equated with National Socialism?

Soaring unemployment and the crippling sanctions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles are what led to disenfranchised Germans buying into Hitler's line of "Change".

The last eight years of "Fiscally Conservative" Republican rule in this country are a travesty.

In the words of a Republican Icon, "Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?"

For me, the answer is a resounding NO.
Christ on a bike, now voting/supporting Obama is being equated with National Socialism?

Soaring unemployment and the crippling sanctions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles are what led to disenfranchised Germans buying into Hitler's line of "Change".

The last eight years of "Fiscally Conservative" Republican rule in this country are a travesty.

In the words of a Republican Icon, "Are you better off now than you were eight years ago?"

For me, the answer is a resounding NO.
Woe woe is me...let government take care of you...pathtic
"I come from a long line of McCains who believed that to love America is to fight for her."

So there you have it! Vote for McCain! He's the McCainiest! :lol:

This is getting funny!
Living expenses have gone up while salary has remained stagnant or gone down. I know looking at my IRA there are a few things missing that were there a while ago ... like $20k. Looking at the DOW right not it is down 733 points .. again. Last time it was this low was 7 years ago. Fuel prices are at record highs, unemployment is on the rise .... but yea, aside from these minor things I am much better off than I was 8 years ago. :rolleyes:
Historically the poster happens to be correct as far as the statement goes.

Hitler also as his very first action was to confiscate all of the guns from private citizens. Kinda interesting that most liberal democrats favor gun control. As a Freedom loving individual I have to ask "WHY?"
Here's the gun control I favor...what is the need for a fully automatic AK47? Do the deer run THAT fast? Why is there a market for "saturday night specials"...Keep your hunting gun collection..keep your pistol...but man...when someone says "do we really need AK47's in the hands of private citizens", could someone tell me WHY? When someone says "we'd like you to wait 30 days while we run a background check, could someone tell me WHY the National Rifle Association vehemently protests it? In fact, could anyone tell me why the National Rifle Association involves themselves so much with handguns?

Going one step farther for support of my point of view. Did the founding fathers get a grant from the King of England to become a free state? Or did they grab their metaphorical crotch and say "You wanna piece of this you MF'er you" Perhaps that might be a hint as to the success of an Obama Administration?

Personally, I would prefer a 10% across the board tax on everybody...NO deductions..NO loopholes...ten percent tax. Individual or Corporation. But...I think Obama is on the right track with his "change"...Americans spend MORE on health care per capita than any other country in the world, yet our life expectancy ranks at the very bottom of 31 countries (tied with South Korea). We have some of the finest medical care money can buy...but way too many people who can't afford to buy it...and far too many health insurance companies looking for every reason NOT to buy it for those who need it (impacts the profits, you know). That's got to change. The only "change" proposed by McCain would result in even MORE uninsured people.