Osama's House of Horrors

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Political drift , intellectual indifference ( dumbing down ), and lack of leadership better describe the recent events that you eqaute with an emboldened GOP or contemporary society's "rightful" reaction to Mr. Bush.

Clinton was too busy getting his rod cleaned to take decisive steps about al Qaeda at the WTC, in Africa, or the Cole (leadership), the GOP and Dems took turns turning the political volume up and down with fruitless investigations ( drift ), and post 9-11, President Bush breaks the chain by standing up to demonstrate leadership and an American committment to utilizing the power that we legitimately hold.

Of course this leadership rocks the boat of interest groups on all sides of the equation. Europe was apopleptic because a real decision and commitment was required by it and in the end, Europe, with the exception of the UK, Spain, and east Europe behaved as expected. < though in fairness, let me say that Messers Clinton and Blair did (belatedly ) act in Bosnia while Paris and Bonn whacked off >.

And Iraq is admittedly FUBARed, but not because the mission was wrong -- it simply got f*cked up like so many things do in history. But evil is evil under any circumstance, and this is why this entire Iraq al Qaeda thing won't simply evaporate and go away like the liberal media, the dems, and certain cowards in Europe would like it to. Why? Because to admit this is to give credo to President Bush's gut instinct to act decisively ( albeit all FUBARed up ).

So who is emboldened and who is disingenuous? The cards are gonna fall where they will no matter how much the dems, or Brussels, or al Qaeda and Syria and Iran try to rig the game.


A voice of reason... :up:

Wise men are instructed by reason; men of less understanding, by experience; the most ignorant, by necessity; and beasts, by nature.
- Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (often called "Tully" for short)
A voice of reason... :up:
"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
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"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

Ahhh Yes, A goose stepping Nazi is your ray of sunshine! :lol:

a German politician and military leader, a leading member of the Nazi Party, second in command of the Third Reich, and commander of the Luftwaffe. He was tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials in 1945-1946 and sentenced to death by hanging;
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Not my ray of sunshine...but take a hard look at the Iraq war. Sometimes, bad guys can be right.


Your anti-patriotic friend.

So Saddam was right or 'W' when you say bad guys?

We already know your feelings about the Prez.

You quote a Nazi and act jubilate because it fits into your myopic view of America? let me guess you also pissed on the Alamo?
So Saddam was right or 'W' when you say bad guys?

We already know your feelings about the Prez.

You quote a Nazi and act jubilate because it fits into your myopic view of America? let me guess you also pissed on the Alamo?
I quote a Nazi whose words from so many years ago rang true for our actions in Iraq....how'd we justify the invasion? We are under attack (or we might be). What was the reaction of those who opposed it? You are 'emboldening the enemy'. We are Anti American.

Was Saddam a "bad guy"? Yep...no doubt about it. Were our actions in Iraq justified? Not according to much of the world. So my question is...not in YOUR eyes...but in the eyes of the rest of the world...are we the good guys or the bad guys? Enjoy your freedom fries.
. . . All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


Dissent is a good thing. Even irrational dissent by individuals is good because it represents a point of view. But irrational dissent in the hands of a major political party or a faction ( such as the media or folks like the billionaire Soros ) is dangerous because it interferes with the greater public interest which is in essence, the national interest. Who determines rational from irrational dissent? Mostly public opinion and good old common sense.

Now I'm not gonna suggest that the either political party is squeaky clean or without fault. I'd like to say that both parties have political merit, but in truth, I can not say this about the democrat party at the moment ( though there remain good individuals within this party ). What's going on at all levels of American politics at the moment is discouraging. We've been locked in political drift at the national level for some 20 years now. Previously, this drift was constrained by domestic issues ( hence no national health insurance, no honest social security reform, no curtailment of pork ).

But all of this changes on 9-11. It just so happens that the guy living in that big white house in DC is Mr. Bush. Political drift and intellectual indifference have no place when confronting the sorts of challenges that terrorism and on-going regional conflicts present both to America and the world in these new and difficult times. Suddenly, accountability and leadership matter very much.

Yet the democrats and the liberal media can't reconcile their pure and simple deep seated hatred of the man, George W Bush. They remain stuck in "spit or swallow" mode and they have not budged in 6 years. They come up with all sorts of desperate arguments against the man ( and thus against America ) and they find willing takers throughout a Europe desperate to avoid making a committment to anything. The dems and their cohorts lament that the world would be a much btter place if only Mr. Bush were not president -- no thought of the evil folks who threaten murder and mayhem and their sick ideas/belief. The dems excuse all of this in their quest to destroy one man, President Bush. That's a policy?

Although a good chunk of the democrat party remains wholly set against this president and ipso facto, against all of his policies, the American people are not quite so stupid. How else does Mr. Bush handily win reelection if not because We the People smell the stink coming off of the democrats and their angry, pointless ideas. Folks are tired of this sort of political drift. People know bad behavior when they see it. Just to prove the point, note how the GOP gets spanked last year. Just proves that political drift is dangerous to all parties who continue to embrace it.

But do the democrats learn their lesson when they get the keys to the car? No, not at all. They are emboldened and ( wrongly) assume that they possess a mandate to meddle and interfere with a war by threatening funding cuts, benchmarks, and deadlines for withdrawal. Thanks Nancy. A big boost for our troops in harms way.

OK, it's a point of view, but what specific policy do they have? Well, aside from hating and vilifying President Bush, they have no rational point of view. Oh sure, they cloak their words in terms of dissent, rights of individuals, and the public good. It's all simpl political drift packaged differently. They even sell out Muslim women and the abuses they endure from dysfunctional Islam because nothing can deter the dems from their mission to destroy Mr. Bush.

Make no mistake about it. We the People are pissed off beyond all belief at this mess in Iraq. But this does not necessarily equate with vilifying Mr. Bush. Of course Hillary, Obamy and everyone else is counting upon the dumbing down factor to line up their ducks for the election. But stink is stink, and We the People smell it coming from all directions. Political drift has become a habit in all political parties. But it's a habit which most deeply afflicts the democrats who behave like demogods and policy psychopaths. At this stage, Pelosi and crew have no choice but to stoke the flames of Bush hate and hope that it also blows enough smoke to obscure the consequences of the dems behavior to the electorate. What this stonewalling, deceit and deception has to do with the national interest and the wellbeing of America has yet to be explained.

If there are pacifists in America, they are the democrats who fail to speak out against their own brethren and call them to task for thier bad behavior and harm they bring by preventing/shirking an honest and open debate about American interests in a world percolating with terrorism, regional conflicts and other problems. We desperately need dissenting views in the country KC. But not the spiteful demogogary of those democrats presently wielding power.

. . . All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


Dissent is a good thing. Even irrational dissent by individuals is good because it represents a point of view. But irrational dissent in the hands of a major political party or a faction ( such as the media or folks like the billionaire Soros ) is dangerous because it interferes with the greater public interest which is in essence, the national interest.
Did that apply to the Limbaughs, Hannity's, American Spectators of the world when Clinton was in office?

But all of this changes on 9-11. It just so happens that the guy living in that big white house in DC is Mr. Bush. Political drift and intellectual indifference have no place when confronting the sorts of challenges that terrorism and on-going regional conflicts present both to America and the world in these new and difficult times. Suddenly, accountability and leadership matter very much.
Bush had the support of 99.9% of the US Citizens and 99.9% of the world in the months following 9/11. He had the support of 99.9% of the US Citizens (myself included) and 99.9% of the world when he went after bin laden and the Taliban. He LOST a lot of that when he shifted his focus to Iraq.

Yet the democrats and the liberal media can't reconcile their pure and simple deep seated hatred of the man, George W Bush.
And the right and republicans possessed a great love for Bill Clinton?????
They remain stuck in "spit or swallow" mode and they have not budged in 6 years. They come up with all sorts of desperate arguments against the man ( and thus against America )
Whitewater....Troopergate....Travelgate....Drug Running in Little Rock....Vince Fosters "murder"....and of course...Monica. Sorry, but if you're looking for "desperate arguments", pick any one of those. The vast majority of the "desperate arguments" about Bush focus on his handling (or mishandling) of the war.

Although a good chunk of the democrat party remains wholly set against this president and ipso facto, against all of his policies, the American people are not quite so stupid. How else does Mr. Bush handily win reelection if not because We the People smell the stink coming off of the democrats and their angry, pointless ideas.
I dunno...maybe because the last election had us fighting Vietnam.

If there are pacifists in America, they are the democrats who fail to speak out against their own brethren and call them to task for thier bad behavior and harm they bring by preventing/shirking an honest and open debate about American interests in a world percolating with terrorism, regional conflicts and other problems. We desperately need dissenting views in the country KC. But not the spiteful demogogary of those democrats presently wielding power.

YOu need to define "pacifist". This "pacifist" supported George Bush 110% when we went after the Taliban and Al Queda. That was a "just war". Iraq is not. Any country on Earth "might" attack us. Any country on earth "might" fund terrorists. Should we attack them all? One country who helped fund the attack on 9/11 is our best friend in all the middle East....Saudi Arabia. If Bush were concerned about taking out countries that "might" harm us...why is he so buddy buddy with the ONE mid-east country who pretty much DID do something to us? As it is...Bush had to hunt thru 5 or 6 different justifications for the Iraq war...and tossed in the "global war on terrorism" as his final reason. And he STILL hasn't addressed how the ONE mid-east country that funded the terrorists that attacked us is NOT on his list of targets.
. . . All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


Dissent is a good thing.

it is not dissent if the majority agrees with it. enough said. end the war in iraq and go after the real bad guys. then focus on our internal problems such as education, national debt, and HOMEland security.

Very good point’s that I agree with to the most part.
You gave a lot of thought to this so I will do my best to ‘share’ my thoughts and conceptions as well.

Dissent is a good thing. Even irrational dissent by individuals is good because it represents a point of view. But irrational dissent in the hands of a major political party or a faction ( such as the media or folks like the billionaire Soros ) is dangerous because it interferes with the greater public interest which is in essence, the national interest. Who determines rational from irrational dissent? Mostly public opinion and good old common sense.

True, but the mindless droves of the American populace will spend days on the American Idol fantasy without delving into the nuances of the political parties. Public opinion is more-or-less dictated by the media. Yes, I know my respect for the American intellect is jaded, but I haven’t seen anything other than the mindless parroting of these ‘People’ that barely know the heritage of this country.
Now I'm not gonna suggest that the either political party is squeaky clean or without fault. I'd like to say that both parties have political merit, but in truth, I can not say this about the democrat party at the moment ( though there remain good individuals within this party ). What's going on at all levels of American politics at the moment is discouraging. We've been locked in political drift at the national level for some 20 years now. Previously, this drift was constrained by domestic issues ( hence no national health insurance, no honest social security reform, no curtailment of pork ).

Thanks for the ‘dummying down’ of your post, but in fact the only reason the GW won the election was because ‘Humming Bird’ Bill was not (could not) be in the Running. Even with the slobbering of the tobacco/jism from Monicas cheek, GW would have lost. HeII, GW almost lost against Gore! What does that say for our political prowess from either side of the political spectrum?

But all of this changes on 9-11. It just so happens that the guy living in that big white house in DC is Mr. Bush. Political drift and intellectual indifference have no place when confronting the sorts of challenges that terrorism and on-going regional conflicts present both to America and the world in these new and difficult times. Suddenly, accountability and leadership matter very much.

Not ‘SUDDENLY’, but ‘always’, accountability and leadership are ‘the KEY’ elements of our leadership. I haven’t seen much lately, have you?

Yet the democrats and the liberal media can't reconcile their pure and simple deep seated hatred of the man, George W Bush. They remain stuck in "spit or swallow" mode and they have not budged in 6 years. They come up with all sorts of desperate arguments against the man ( and thus against America ) and they find willing takers throughout a Europe desperate to avoid making a committment to anything. The dems and their cohorts lament that the world would be a much btter place if only Mr. Bush were not president -- no thought of the evil folks who threaten murder and mayhem and their sick ideas/belief. The dems excuse all of this in their quest to destroy one man, President Bush. That's a policy?

JMHO, it isn’t a ‘deep seated hatred’ of GW as much as disappointment. GW made promises he never fulfilled and in some cases was worse than his ‘Daddy’. Every one of my GW supporting buddies touted the vote not for GW but for his ‘cabinet’. Well, where is his ‘cabinet today? Dubai, UAE, Saudi?
Where are these defenders of truth and the ‘American Way’?
Sucking cash from their ‘enemies’ is where.
FU($K Them !!!

Although a good chunk of the democrat party remains wholly set against this president and ipso facto, against all of his policies, the American people are not quite so stupid. How else does Mr. Bush handily win reelection if not because We the People smell the stink coming off of the democrats and their angry, pointless ideas. Folks are tired of this sort of political drift. People know bad behavior when they see it. Just to prove the point, note how the GOP gets spanked last year. Just proves that political drift is dangerous to all parties who continue to embrace it.

JMHO, the ‘Ameri-Can’ populace is quite stupid.
GW won by default and by the support of my ‘Buddies’ that thought he would do the ‘right thing’ but are still scratching their a$$ to prove his arrogant stupidity (and their support) ‘was justified’. There isn’t a REP or DEM that I would cast my vote for yet for they are a bunch of liars, cowards and incompetent bubbleheads that cannot do their job.

But do the democrats learn their lesson when they get the keys to the car? No, not at all. They are emboldened and ( wrongly) assume that they possess a mandate to meddle and interfere with a war by threatening funding cuts, benchmarks, and deadlines for withdrawal. Thanks Nancy. A big boost for our troops in harms way.

Pork, plain and simple ‘PORKâ€. Don’t blame ‘NancY’ for our oligarchic/aristocratic lobbying underhanded/backwater raping of public funds. Tis the way of the ‘political’ world that politicians have vowed to resend for 4 decades (that I can remember) and none have followed through (without recompense, I might add).

OK, it's a point of view, but what specific policy do they have? Well, aside from hating and vilifying President Bush, they have no rational point of view. Oh sure, they cloak their words in terms of dissent, rights of individuals, and the public good. It's all simpl political drift packaged differently. They even sell out Muslim women and the abuses they endure from dysfunctional Islam because nothing can deter the dems from their mission to destroy Mr. Bush.

There is a lot of drift from ‘all sides’. The ‘trust me’ drift from GW is getting a little old. We are getting our A$$ handed to us in our hat from both Afghanistan and Iraq. The ‘ONLY’ way to combat this is through a draft to ‘EMBOLDEN’ the American resolve to supply superior forces and technology to ‘eradicate’ the opposition. We ‘pu$$Yfooted' around in RVN, and haven’t learned a damn thing since.

Make no mistake about it. We the People are pissed off beyond all belief at this mess in Iraq. But this does not necessarily equate with vilifying Mr. Bush. Of course Hillary, Obamy and everyone else is counting upon the dumbing down factor to line up their ducks for the election. But stink is stink, and We the People smell it coming from all directions. Political drift has become a habit in all political parties. But it's a habit which most deeply afflicts the democrats who behave like demogods and policy psychopaths. At this stage, Pelosi and crew have no choice but to stoke the flames of Bush hate and hope that it also blows enough smoke to obscure the consequences of the dems behavior to the electorate. What this stonewalling, deceit and deception has to do with the national interest and the wellbeing of America has yet to be explained.

I agree with you here. :up:

If there are pacifists in America, they are the democrats who fail to speak out against their own brethren and call them to task for thier bad behavior and harm they bring by preventing/shirking an honest and open debate about American interests in a world percolating with terrorism, regional conflicts and other problems. We desperately need dissenting views in the country KC. But not the spiteful demogogary of those democrats presently wielding power.

Uhmm, not all. Might want to clean that 'broad brush' of yours... :p

Take Care,
Make no mistake about it. We the People are pissed off beyond all belief at this mess in Iraq. But this does not necessarily equate with vilifying Mr. Bush. Of course Hillary, Obamy and everyone else is counting upon the dumbing down factor to line up their ducks for the election. But stink is stink, and We the People smell it coming from all directions. Political drift has become a habit in all political parties. But it's a habit which most deeply afflicts the democrats who behave like demogods and policy psychopaths. At this stage, Pelosi and crew have no choice but to stoke the flames of Bush hate and hope that it also blows enough smoke to obscure the consequences of the dems behavior to the electorate. What this stonewalling, deceit and deception has to do with the national interest and the wellbeing of America has yet to be explained.

If there are pacifists in America, they are the democrats who fail to speak out against their own brethren and call them to task for thier bad behavior and harm they bring by preventing/shirking an honest and open debate about American interests in a world percolating with terrorism, regional conflicts and other problems. We desperately need dissenting views in the country KC. But not the spiteful demogogary of those democrats presently wielding power.


I'm not sure why it is you think the disgust with Bush is some contrived idea but her is but one of the latest examples of why Bush Co. is 'hated'

Bad blood among the presidents men

They care little for the rule of law and try and circumvent it at every possible moment.

Republicans have only to look at stories like this to see why no one believes a word they say.

When you start addressing the short comings of Bush Co. as vehemently as you speak about against the Dems, I might give a bit of credence to what you say.
I'm not sure why it is you think the disgust with Bush is some contrived idea but her is but one of the latest examples of why Bush Co. is 'hated'

Hey Cuz,

'HATE' is a pretty stong word.
If a person would truely 'HATE' someone, then there would be no boundries (legal, moral or otherwise) to limit their actions to resolve their 'HATE'.

Maybe you should be wire-tapped... :p

Take Care,
Cuz Pain...B)

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