Parker Comments @ Investment Conference

USA320Pilot said:

767jetz said: "Does this mean I can tell old "you-know-who" that Wall Street sources, airline analysts, The Pittsburgh Tribune, and Business Week all think that this merger has very negative implications? And then I can repeat it over and over again, and throw in the word "shunned" 40 or 50 times."

USA320Pilot comments: What's interesting is that if the US Airways - America West merger is so bad then why did US Airways select America West for a corporate combination and "shun" United's M&A attempt? It appears US Airways' "executive suite" selected America West over United because senior management believed a deal with the Tempe-based airline was better.


If my posts have no merit, why not just ignore them instead of responding? :lol:

767jetz said: "If my posts have no merit, why not just ignore them instead of responding?"

USA320Pilot answers: 767jetz, you're right and I agree. Thus, I will no longer repsond to you. The same holds true with most other United employees, thus when would now be a good time for you and your colleagues to discuss your issues on the United board?


diogenes said:

60 fewer a/c entail fewer pilots,f/a',s etc, yes?

And with AC in on the deal, how many mechs will remain at HPUS?

I don't think we're done, vis a vis labor, yet.

And then, there's always the 'gimme or we liquidate' game that still has some life in it.

One hopes Parker does not go there; one does not bet the farm, however.

You may be right, that labor cuts may not be complete... But that is not included in the numbers Parker has given. In fact, Parker, to my recollection, has made no mention of furloughs at all (either they will or they won't occur)... The only mention of labor is the joint statement he made with Lakefield regarding seniority integration.
USA320Pilot said:

767jetz said: "If my posts have no merit, why not just ignore them instead of responding?"

USA320Pilot answers: 767jetz, you're right and I agree. Thus, I will no longer repsond to you. The same holds true with most other United employees, thus when would now be... (remainder deleted by 767jetz due to painfully incorrect syntax)

By the way... For the record, as per your very own defintion, every time you have ever disputed any one of my facts or the facts of any other UA advocate (or anyone for that matter) on this or any other forum, you have only validated those facts and exposed your own fear of said facts and comments being true.

Therefore, (here comes the grammer lesson, so pay attention) wouldn't now be a good time to stop being a hypocrit? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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funguy2 said:
You may be right, that labor cuts may not be complete... But that is not included in the numbers Parker has given. In fact, Parker, to my recollection, has made no mention of furloughs at all (either they will or they won't occur)... The only mention of labor is the joint statement he made with Lakefield regarding seniority integration.

I think it was in one of the web-casts surrounding the announcement of the merger that Parker said the combined companies have about 42,000 employees, but later said that the merger was about saving 37,000 jobs - implying 5,000 surplus employees. In answer to a question on that point, I thing he said something to the effect that attrition was expected to take care of most of the surplus, but did not rule out furloughs.

There is no way that attrition will account for 5,000 folks leaving in 1 or 2 years. No way.

Its a smoke screen by Dougie and Brucey.

We are not stupid. It will all come out of USAirways Labor.

Hell, they figured they've already tortured us to death, why not just continue to dismantle.
60 less planes and the majority of them from US means furloughs, plain and simple.
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I can only address pilot staffing since that's all I have any idea about....

So far the company can't return airplanes fast enough to keep up with attrition. The only question is will the merger announcement slow attrition? It certainly could, but I don't know if it has so far.

Attrition is probably what they need from some of the ranks. I still think some of this cash infusion will be used to eliminate the higher ranks so integration will go more smoothly. They have an edge in the capital markets, they need to use this against their competition, even the other legacies that are teetering. Imagine what potential this carrier could have if they could eliminate someone like Delta on the east coast?