Place your bets

Fixed Wing

Jun 19, 2004
ok everyone
what will US Airways earnings be for 2nd quarter?
Just a quick number in millions for your answer.

winner gets a free positive space seat to the SEC for a little sit down with the feds..
just kidding.
Let's see who comes closest to tomorrows report.
Its gonna be a profit, and that's a damned good thing, everyone be proud of that, it wouldn't be this way without the merger. :up:
Looks like JayBrian would have hit it on the nose if that "before special items" wasn't there. Still, at only $10 million off, that looks like the closest. The SEC will be letting you know where/when to show up to collect your "prize" :eek:


[Edit] FixedWing - if that $313 Million was your forecast, and not just an example, you win the prize instead of JayBrian.....