US Airways is facing estimated pension contributions of $1 billion in 2004 and $800 million in 2005 for its defined benefit plans. The pilot plan pension funding obligation alone is estimated to be $575 million for 2004 and $333 million for 2005. The Company can not make these payments, given its cash position. Additionally, it has indications from the ATSB and the ATSB will not approve its loan with these large pension obligations. The ATSB is requiring that US Airways develop a viable business plan for the 7-year ATSB loan period.
The above is from the transcript of the Senate debate on the company's underfunded pensions.I don't get it!!The company has a combined 2004 and 2005 underfunding obligation of one billion 800 million.The pilots portion is about 908 million or about half.Why is the pilot pension threatened with termination and the other pensions which also require substantial refunding apparently safe or at least not in the spotlight?
I would appreciate any information you have on this subject.
The above is from the transcript of the Senate debate on the company's underfunded pensions.I don't get it!!The company has a combined 2004 and 2005 underfunding obligation of one billion 800 million.The pilots portion is about 908 million or about half.Why is the pilot pension threatened with termination and the other pensions which also require substantial refunding apparently safe or at least not in the spotlight?
I would appreciate any information you have on this subject.