(R) Senator Mcconnell says "I OBJECT" (Then Filibusters HIMSELF)

Aug 20, 2002

Link not working at the moment, however....in essence, Mitch Mcconnell proposes a bill....THEN...Filibusters HIS own Bill !

GOP..'Chinese FIRE-DRILL' ??
Is that any worse than Harry Reid blocking a Senate vote on Obama's fiscal cliff proposal?

Reid had to block it because there was nothing to vote on...
I like how the House is supposedly blocking everything, do nothing Congress. Nobody mentions Harry and how he will never bring a bill to the floor that has any chance of being used against anyone of his D's in their reelection campaign that would jeopardize control of the Senate.
That's good for the country.

CNN conveniently left out the reason why McConnell filibustered -- he wasn't filibustering the bill. He was filibustering Reid's move to waive the 60 vote majority typically required, and pass it with only a simple majority.