Republic/chaquanda (whatever)

The Lark ascends to greatness once again with her voice of reason, even if she doesn't express the views of all.

If you want to bring your private life into the public life, expect to find dissenters. If you want to be given the freedom to live your life without interference from other people, keep your private matters private. What other group in the world is defined by what they do in private? Do we have adulterers or liars congregating and celebrating their lifestyle? Do what you do within the confines of your own private life and you will only have to deal with whatever powers you believe govern the affairs of humans.

And don't be surprised if there are people in a pluralistic society like ours that choose to hold their values out for others - even if they are different from what you believe. Each individual has to make the decision whether they want to espouse their private values in a public forum and, if they do, they may find support or they mind find criticism. I seriously doubt if any of the thousands of passengers who flew Republic airlines or its subsidiaries knows or cares about its value or mission statement.
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I was really going to try not to get on the Light Years soapbox... oh well

We live in a country that has made state sanctioned monogamus gay relationships a social issue but apparently doesn't care that millions are uninsured, unemployed, and starving. People fight to tear children from thier gay parents, but do nothing to take guns out of the hands of children.

Gay people are tortured, mutilated, and killed throughout the world to this day. Forty something gay men were brutally killed and tortured by the Egyptian goverment last year... I guess we were too busy talking about Lindsay Lohan or the google eyed runaway bride to notice or care. People are killed because they are gay in this country all the time. People can be fired from thier jobs or have thier denied housing even on suspicion of being gay in many states. Gay teens have the highest rate of suicide, unsurprising when they turn on the TV and see picketers at Matthew Shepard's funeral or the bumbling president talking about amending our most sacred document to disclude "the homosexuals", in an effort to talk about anything but the war or the ecomomy. Scapegoating and demonizing minorities is easy, proven, and time tested. A great way to keep minds off the really important stuff.

For those who say people's sexuality defines thier life, well, then go a day without mentioning (flaunting) your heterosexuality... no mention of the husband or wife or anything pertaining to romantic love or sex. Can't be easy. From what I understand of Gay Pride, it's celebrating the bravery of the first gay rights demonstrations for one, and also as a "we're here." Gay people are neither the disturbed perverts the religious right would like you to believe, nor the campy clowns popular culture is comfortable portaying. They are people with all that entails, with varying cultures, views, and lives. Gay pride is numbers and diversity... gay firefighters, gay pilots, gay Christians, gay Jews, gay bikers, gay supermodels, gay cancer survivors, gay Republicans, gay architects, gay doctors, gay milkmen, whatever... your gay neighbors. It celebrates the fact that so many that are different have one thing in common, and why do you have a problem with it? Of course, the news shows the guy dressed as Liza Minelli kissing the guy wearing nothing but a leather thong and a peacock tail. Nothing newsworthy about homely lesbians pushing stollers or elderly gay veterans. Is "Girls Gone Wild" to be taken as representative or heterosexuals, whites, or women?

I know a male couple with two children. I bet thier "orientation" is a pretty damm big deal with the daily stresses they get regarding healthcare, power of attorney and other things others take for granted. Go tell them you don't agree with thier "lifestyle" or that they are "sinners" rather than the best parents you could find. How many crack babies have you adopted lately and given a wonderful caring home under intense scrutiny, even death threats?

The above posts are pretty telling as to why it's an issue. If people continue to believe that despite what pretty much all of the experts say, homosexuality is somehow chosen, or a "lifestyle" (retirement home living or hippie communes are a lifestyle, not homosexuality... what on earth is the all-inclusive gay lifestyle?) two sides will never meet. One side sees it as a civil rights issue, while the other side claims a religious, cultural issue, stopping something sinful and dangerous. It's pretty telling that an above poster compared people who are gay to liars and adulterers. By the way, isn't adultery a huge sin, but we practically celebrate it and make light of it- all the while denying commited relsationships the rights and tax breaks others enjoy. We'll likely never know for sure, but most credible science points to it being a genetic trait.

Alcoholism, drug use, promiscuity, infidelity, irresponsibility, and disease are all social ills heterosexuals face as well as homosexuals. It could be argued though, that a particular opressed group can be driven to poor lifestyle choices when not respected by the majority. Activist groups have demonized gay people much as blacks and native Americans have been or are. This is where the silly lifestyle idea comes from.

What can we expect? Let's allow these families to be legal if we truly believe in love and marriage as a cornerstone to our society. If we care so much about marriage, family, fidelity, and love as we profess to, why are we purposely setting out to exclude people? What are we doing about the 50% failure rate of heterosexual marriages? The millions of broken homes, abandoned and abused children? Not much. Certainly not talking of amending the Constitution.

Hatred is a powerful thing. When the Nazi party began compiling information on Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals etc it didn't seem like a big deal, and next thing you know 12 million people had been exterminated. Single a group out, enshrine "not quite equal" in law and you are forever advocating treating people as at best second class citizens, at worst, sub-human. That's not my America. Is it somehow different when it's not your friends and family? I'll never understand it.

And we all know the oft-understood Bible has been bastardized throughout history to defend everything from slaughter to slavery. And I'm still waiting for the national campaign against Red Lobster, who serves the abomination that is shellfish, the NFL which uses the sacred skin of a dead pig, and women being mandated to inform all of thier "unclean" time of the month, and other such Jems from Leviticus... I guess one can be as selective with those passages as one can be with the Ten Commandments (kill is pretty clear to me, as is lie).

It sure seems that the issue of whether gay people should be equal or not is brought up alot in unrelated topics. I sure hope my children don't ever have to hear people defend hatred, and especially not have it hidden behind God. Explaining Uncle Chad and Uncle Brian would be much easier than explaining people who say they honor God but work to destroy lives and abloish different forms of love.
WorldTraveler said:
If you want to bring your private life into the public life, expect to find dissenters.  If you want to be given the freedom to live your life without interference from other people, keep your private matters private.  What other group in the world is defined by what they do in private?  Do we have adulterers or liars congregating and celebrating their lifestyle?  Do what you do within the confines of your own private life and you will only have to deal with whatever powers you believe govern the affairs of humans. 

And don't be surprised if there are people in a pluralistic society like ours that choose to hold their values out for others - even if they are different from what you believe.  Each individual has to make the decision whether they want to espouse their private values in a public forum and, if they do, they may find support or they mind find criticism.  I seriously doubt if any of the thousands of passengers who flew Republic airlines or its subsidiaries knows or cares about its value or mission statement.

So, you ask what other group in the world is defined by what they do in private? Frankly, WorldTraveler, I don't know of any other group (in this country at least) that is legally discriminated against precisely BECAUSE of their private life. That's the whole point! It is because of what we do in private that has caused laws to be put into place to make our private behavior illegal.

Don't want anybody exhibiting any aspect of their private life out in public? Fine. Then you should keep all matters of your personal/sexual/romantic life private, too. Do not discuss your wife/girlfriend/date unless you know for sure you're around others who WANT to hear about it. Nobody needs to know about it, right? It's totally private. Do not "flaunt" yourself by kissing, handholding or snuggling up to a member of the opposite sex anywhere in public, no matter how much you love them....I don't care if it's on a blanket in the park or a cozy restaurant. Nobody needs to see should be kept private and away from the view of anyone else. Otherwise you're simply flaunting your "lifestyle," right?

As to your comment about why we don't see adulterers and liars congregating and celebrating their we get a glimpse of your true feelings about us. Simply by virtue of our sexuality, we're bad people....less than....not good know, like adulterers and liars. Very telling and hardly surprising.

One thing you said actually was right....this IS a pluralistic society. And as such, that means we're not all going to look alike, talk alike, dress alike, worship alike (if at all), or LOVE ALIKE.

So, World Traveler, when the government of this country and each of its states recognizes my relationship with a member of the same sex as legal and valid and worthy of the same civil protections as yours, with the same tax benefits, hospital visitation rights, adoption rights and inheritance benefits as yours is, and when my civil rights are protected and I cannot be denied a mortgage, kicked out of my apartment or fired from my job because of who and how I love, or which consenting adult I have sex with.....THEN I will stop claiming to be discriminated against or in any way oppressed. But until that happens, and until I'm no longer ridiculed and bashed and made out to be some evil 3-headed monster or child molester, and generally treated by society and by this government in a way that is anything less than the way that YOU expect to be treated, then you can bet your right wing a$$ you will see me marching in gay pride parades and proclaiming my pride in being something that others would have me be ashamed of!
WorldTraveler said:
I stand with many people who will never buy the label that homosexuals are an oppressed people.

World Traveler....

How can you utter such nonsense! Try telling that to the gay youth that wants to join the Navy so that he can become a fighter pilot, or the lesbian that wants to join the Air Force, or the woman who lost custody of her child in West Virginia because the courts ruled that her being a lesbian made her an unfit mother. Or the gay couples who live in 11 states that recently voted to not only ban gay marriage, but worse, to not even allow for civil unions, or a legally recognized partnership. Or try telling that to the mormon missionary who is excommunicated from his church, his family, and his community because he admits to being a homosexual. Try telling that to the thousands of homosexuals who were gassed along side the jews during the Holocaust because of their sexual orientation.

We aren't allowed to marry our significant other, we don't get to join the military without remaining in the closet and pretending to be someone other than who we actually are, in many states we are not permitted to adopt children, in others we lose custody of our children because we are gay and you have the AUDACITY to say that homosexuals aren't oppressed...GMAFB! :down:
Thoughts from reading this topic:

Intersting how those who preach intolerance are intolerant of those with views different from their own.

Since when does belief in God equate to being homophobic? Don't paint with such a broad brush. As you say homophobes are missing out on meeting some great people due to their narrow beliefs, so don't restrict by yourself by assuming anyone who believes in God in anti-Gay.

I don't see anything wrong with the missin statement. I think you are looking for problems where none exist. If you can prove discrimination based on the beliefs of the owner, that's a different story. Funny how this didn't come up until the official sell-out of MDA was announced. The source of that idiocy is CCY, not Republic.
Light Years said:
Ok, I'm not trying to start a debate about church and state, but look at Republic/CHQ's vomit inducing "vision"... yuck.

Is the CEO a Bible beater or what? Maybe he should pay his employees a livable wage, and stop stealing other people's higher paying jobs if being God-like is such a high concern.

Who We Are

If some of those F/As are the image of God, then God needs to hit the gym and lay off the $3 CVS hair dye... pardon my sassiness.  :ph34r:

Please don't move this to the Regional forum as US is basically selling out all of the domestic flying to this airline.

Regarding the misson statement, what makes it exclusive to Christians? Jewish and muslim share that paricular statement don't they? And how in the world did this thread get to the topic of homosexuals? I haven't checked the thread closely but no matter if it was a heterosexual or homosexual who interjected the thought into the statement, the bottom line is that everyone is in the image of God, regardless.

IMO, the mission statement was excellent because in context it recognized ALL employees to be in the image of God. A very high image of employees indeed, and both, those of faith, and the faithless should be able to recognize and appreciate the high value placed on the employee in the mission statement.
Implications under this mission statement are that employees will be treated in an equitable and fair manner, AND that the company will be accountable since it comes under its mission statement. Employees may even be able to appeal to the mission statement if they are treated unfairly [ok, that may be a reach].

At any rate, corporate greed and other idols that people serve always seem to find a way so I'm sure there are contradictions between what is wrote and what is practiced. Nonetheless, having such a high mission statement is always a good thing.

X-U said:
Thoughts from reading this topic:

  Since when does belief in God equate to being homophobic? Don't paint with such a broad brush. As you say homophobes are missing out on meeting some great people due to their narrow beliefs, so don't restrict by yourself by assuming anyone who believes in God in anti-Gay.


Religious folk in the U.S. need to work much harder to reclaim their religion from the politicians and the massively insecure that insist that government must prefer the most hateful and needy version of Christianity that can be conceived. American Christians are going to RUIN their religion if they don't start acting more like Christ.

Well, this thread proves one point..... gay folk (and their supporters) are just smarter. But then we have Light Years on our side, so it's skewed!

I'm afraid that I continue to detect a knee jerk reaction by insecure heterosexuals that results in poor reasoning. Conclusions like gay folk aren't oppressed. C'mon? Yes, things are improving, mostly because gay folks have insisted on it. Do you really think that if gay folks had been as quiet and unnoticeable as possible that the sodomy laws would have been overturned. I do happen to believe that the pro-marriage strategy of gay rights leaders was pretty stupid, uncharacteristically (I think it was pretty predictable that it might get Bush re-elected and NOT result in significantly expanded rights.)

Wishing to not be confronted with gay stuff for an entire month is understandable. Sometimes it does seem self-indulgent. But it's a SMALL gesture to maybe help convince gay folks that maybe they don't have to go to work terrified of being sandbagged or left out or rediculed or just plain fired.

Look we have a president and a political party that had STRATEGY sessions to make sure that as many voters as possible got in touch with their inner hatred and insecurity and VOTED on it. And you wonder why gay folks are a bit worried?????
X-U said:
I don't see anything wrong with the missin statement. I think you are looking for problems where none exist. If you can prove discrimination based on the beliefs of the owner, that's a different story. Funny how this didn't come up until the official sell-out of MDA was announced. The source of that idiocy is CCY, not Republic.

I personally think it's great that a company has a mission statement. But to inject religion into it? Why? What purpose does it serve? What about the employees who don't believe in God, or at the very least believe in a different God? What if this mission statement read that all were created in the image of Allah or in the image of the Buddha? How would you feel about it then? Do you not think such a statement by a company and employer would seem a bit out of place?

Far too many so-called "religious" people in this country want religion injected into every aspect of society.....but only as long as it's THEIR religion! Sounds a bit like the mentality of some Islamic Fundamentalist countries of the Middle East, if you ask me. :shock:
Exactly. Look if you want the word "God" to have the kind of unquestionable credibility, you need to rescue it from the agenda christians and republicans that are using it to promote clearly unrelgious agenda items.

GO FIGURE, that when a corporation uses the word 'God' it comes under some suspicion when they're likely also writing campaign checks and lobbying a political party to tilt the playing field in the US even MORE toward wealth and away from working folks ALLL THE WHILE that same party is ginning up religious conflict for political purposes.

AND EVEN MORE GO FIGURE all of this after we have been attacked by the interesection of manipulated religious fanaticism in a political envirionment! These cancerous social ills take time to develop, but it looks to me we are on the wrong path. The wrong path for both religion AND politics.

So, again, it's too bad, but OBVIOUS in today's culture that a corporation might have some explaining to do when they bring religion and faith into the work place.

It's like Clinton saying that it's wrong for Republicans to stick their noses in his personal sexual business... well maybe so, but DUH Bill, don't you think you should have thought about that earlier!?
Wouldn't bug me a bit if it said Allah, Buddha, Yahweh whatever. God can be known by different names just as a house can be a casa in Spain. As long as the reference is to something positive, what's wrong with it? Don't let the fact that some narrow-minded individuals can take the Bible or Koran and twist it into something ugly, for their own selfish interest, turn religion into something negative.
X-U said:
Don't let the fact that SOME narrow-minded individuals can take the Bible or Koran and twist it into something ugly, for their own selfish interest, turn religion into something negative.

Care to take a closer look at your use of the word "some" in light of our culture today? in light of the 04 election? in light of the relative weight of the christian message that is telegraphed in our society? in light of CAMPAIGNS being waged in churches across the country regarding the filibuster.... the FILIBUSTER?????

So, when do you admit that SOME Christians have totally vanquished any idea that Christianity in the U.S. is a generous, love oriented tolerant endeavor. Somebody in the Christian community needs to find a big soap box and try to promote your ideal. Until then coporations that use that language are going to have to live with all that it implies in todays sick political culture. I agree with you that it's wrong. You don't agree with me that they're winning.
the faulty logic comes from the homosexual camp.

1. The premise of the homosexual movement is moral relativism - anyone should be able to do whatever they want. A lot of westerners have bought into it. The homosexual agenda is built on elevating a lifestyle and set of behaviors that are intrinsically private. If the homosexual agenda wants to convince people that their lifestyle is necessary, then it forces the rest of society to be drawn into a debate which most don't even care about because the agenda has been built around the notion that anything goes for anyone.

2. The problem with moral relativism is that the homosexual agenda is not willing to definitely draw a line in the sand and say where their non-monogamous hon-heterosexual agenda stops. Does it include pedophilia, does it include bestiality, does it include sexual bondage? The homosexual agenda isn't willing to draw the line and society as a whole is not willing to open up the possibility of redefining sexuality without being able to definitively calling all other forms of sexuality deviant. The history of human civilization shows that once a particular line is crossed with regards to morality, the changes keep coming.

3. The homosexual agenda is winning far more support in the marketplace than it is in the courthouse. The homosexual community is economically powerful and many intelligent people are part of the community. Those attributes are important to businesses far more than they are to society as a whole. The reason gay rights are growing is because businesses want the money and talent that gays offer.

4.. Finally, there is no documented evidence anywhere in any country that expanding gay rights improves society as a whole which is the goal of government. The recent Massuchusetts gay marriage "win" has only proven that breakups are just as high among married gays as it was before they had the opportunity to marry. The economic benefit to a few gays that results from changing marriage laws is far surpassed by the costs to society when nothing of any substance really changes in the gay community.

I'm glad there are so many people who see Republic's moves in a positive light and within the narrow context in which it is spoken. Such clear mindedness gives me hope that there are enough people that recognize the strengths of this country and will work to ensure they remain in place.

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