status on AA 281/DFW-ICN diversion to ANC

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Grow up, my god you really need to take a step back and grow the heck up.
I mean really, another thread being locked because of you, didnt you learn the last time when you started a flamebait retaliatory thread it was locked.
You really need to get some professional mental help, wow, you got serious issues.
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so, did the aircraft divert or not?

and if it did, what's the status?

apparently it is ok to worry about a DL diversino but not an AA diversion?

go get some help if your life revolves around finding the speck in everyone else's eye while ignoring the log in your own.
Grow up, get a life, and take a break from the boards, it consumes you.
You are the forum cancer, get help.
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did the flight divert or not?

if so, it is a relevant topic.

and given that you have far more posts than just about everyone else, including me, you are the only cancer here.

Log, speck.
WorldTraveler said:
did the flight divert or not?

if so, it is a relevant topic.

and given that you have far more posts than just about everyone else, including me, you are the only cancer here.

Log, speck.
WorldTraveler said:
looks like AA dropped a 772 into ANC enroute to ICN.

what pre-flight check did they not do that necessitated that unscheduled landing?
Go see a pyschatrist, you are sick in the head.

And I took a screenshot and will send it the appropriate people at AA, you aint got deep enough pockets so slander the world's largest airline.

How does it feel?
FWAAA said:
What an A-Hole.
I totally agree.
This thread/topic shows the need for him to get professional mental help, be suspended for at least a month or banned.
He has an obsession with his former employer and will do anything to portray them as the best in the universe and can do no wrong.
Hard to believe these used to be the "quality" boards on the net. Between Union wars and the mods not sending douchebags like WT to the cornfield they have gotten so awful.
WorldTraveler said:
what pre-flight check did they not do that necessitated that unscheduled landing?
Try to remember this little gem every time there is a DL diversion.
FWAAA said:
What an A-Hole.
N628AU said:
Hard to believe these used to be the "quality" boards on the net. Between Union wars and the mods not sending douchebags like WT to the cornfield they have gotten so awful.
I've never objected to WT's participation although I often disagree with him, but suggesting the AA flight diverted because some part of a preflight check was not performed is over the line. 
I'd rather see him suspended than continue to see every thread he posts in closed.
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suspend someone because they ask a question which was asked elsewhere on this same board even though there is no evidence that either event required any negligence on the part of either airline?

quit wearing your emotions on your shirt sleeves.
WorldTraveler said:
suspend someone because they ask a question ..................

quit wearing your emotions on your shirt sleeves.
This is the flamebait you put out there. 
WorldTraveler said:
looks like AA dropped a 772 into ANC enroute to ICN.

what pre-flight check did they not do that necessitated that unscheduled landing?
There it is, the Whole Truth that shows how you celebrate the best in commercial aviation.
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so you can jump back and forth and copy from one thread regarding another airline but you can't read or copy my statement about multiple airlines including AA, AM, and DL having professionals who are capable of handling situations like this?
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