Survey Finds Flying Cheap Can Be Best

Flying cheap is the way to go! Until the engines fall off the airplane because of cheap maintenance,that is. :down:
How come WM can fly cheap for over 20 years and no engine has fallen off? Being cost conscious doesn’t constitute to being sloppy in maintaining and operating and aircraft.
I thik the public has had enough of high prices and poor service. Low prices equal less to complain about because they did not have to pay as much. Make sense? :huh:
In fact, WN has flown over thirty years, and have had precisely zero fatalities with far more cycles per aircraft per year than their competitors. Sounds to me like the hallmarks of excellent maintenance.
In 1987, I witnessed a Southwest 737 landing at DALLAS LOVE field with an engine barely hanging on the wing by a safety strap(cone bolts had broken). So you can't say it hasn't happened at Southwest! Another few feet at BURBANK a couple years ago, SHAMU would have been cooked by gas station explosion! Southwest has gotten lucky, one of these days Southwest's luck is gonna run out! I hate to say that, but statistically speaking it's only a matter of time.
In 1987, I witnessed a Southwest 737 landing at DALLAS LOVE field with an engine barely hanging on the wing by a safety strap(cone bolts had broken). So you can't say it hasn't happened at Southwest! Another few feet at BURBANK a couple years ago, SHAMU would have been cooked by gas station explosion! Southwest has gotten lucky, one of these days Southwest's luck is gonna run out! I hate to say that, but statistically speaking it's only a matter of time.
It is interesting that you selectively pick what will fit your argument. First of all you should look into incidence reports and find out what caused the two incidences you are talking about. Further more gather all the information on the other airlines and tally up what is happening in their operation etc. Than sit down and start comparing them.

Statistically any airline whether they have high prices for tickets or low ones or if they pay their employees high salaries or not so high ones are in the same boat. For all of them it is a matter of time that something happens.

When you associate high and low prices with services and products and their safety etc, you must be one of them that doesn’t fill up your car at an ARCO Gas Station but always goes to the neighboring expensive Shell.

You might have to get used to the fact that Southwest and now JetBlue are the new benchmark you have to compare every other airline with.
The TITANIC is "UNSINKABLE"- We all know what happened after that claim was made!

The GERMAN ZEPPELIN company never lost a single passenger either (despite using hydrogen gas in their airships) until the 1937 HINDENBURG disaster.

You may be right about SOUTHWEST + JETBLUE being the new benchmark, but guess what? This is the airline business! 30 Years ago PAN AM and TWA were the benchmark of the industry. SOUTHWEST+JETBLUE will eventually go out of business or merge with another carrier just like all the other airlines before them. It's only a matter of time! One of these days a new airline called CHEAPO will be the new benchmark. It will fly pilotless airliners,NO peanuts,NO business or First class,No meals,No nothing. It's employees will make no more than minimum federal wage with no benefits. CHEAPO will fly you coast to coast for $50 rountrip.
Nothing like a new benchmark!