Texas Legislature to vote on TSA pat-down bill


Oct 31, 2010

Governor Perry has sent the bill back to the House. TSA pat-downs could be criminal act within 90 days. DHS has threatened to stop flights out of Texas. Your thoughts...

Governor Perry has sent the bill back to the House. TSA pat-downs could be criminal act within 90 days. DHS has threatened to stop flights out of Texas. Your thoughts...

Regardless of the outcome, Texas is showing some true class here and in other areas, also. I'm glad to see someone has the 'nads to challenge Napolitano and her (?) merry band of perverts, thugs, and failed WalMart greeters.

This "control by fear" method of keeping the citizens in line has gone too far and a severe correction is long overdue.

Governor Perry has sent the bill back to the House. TSA pat-downs could be criminal act within 90 days. DHS has threatened to stop flights out of Texas. Your thoughts...

Shut Texas down..
Let them see how well their economy works then...
Its about time they find out they are not special...
Shut Texas down..
Let them see how well their economy works then...
Its about time they find out they are not special...

Airline hubs aside, I suspect Texas is a lot less dependent on other states than the other way around. Don't forget that all the refineries for Gulf of Mexico oilfields and a supply natural gas for a good portion of the eastern and midwest states if I recall...
Airline hubs aside, I suspect Texas is a lot less dependent on other states than the other way around. Don't forget that all the refineries for Gulf of Mexico oilfields and a supply natural gas for a good portion of the eastern and midwest states if I recall...
Sure thing. Good luck getting the oil companies in Texas to stop selling their products to support Rick Perry's crusade against the windmills.

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