The GIFT(GOP) that KEEPS on GIVING, is soon to GIVE MUCH MORE !

Ever hear the term, "Breakdown of society" ?
Besides, I never said I had a problem with Barry-O signing his name, on the dotted line and gettin' his Man-Love on, just what it's called !
I believe Marriage was a religious ceremony long before it was a government ceremony and besides the fact that I'm sure most gay people don't really have a concern about religion, why not call it say.......... "Civil Union" !
And while you believe that love between a man and a man or woman and women , is only natural, I'll point you to the other thread about a man who is pregnant ! Now if you and Barry-O think "That" is only natural, you have issues far deeper than you let onto ! But I will use that example for my "Breakdown of society" comment !
OK, lets run with that. Marriage used to be an exchange of property. It also was used as a way of creating political alliances. Shall we go back to that or was the change made to marriage out of 'love' an OK change?

Break down of society? Seriously? Heteros have a 50% failure rate with marriage and you want to talk about gays getting married leading to a break down? Good grief.

I am sure your are right, gays are just godless heathens and have no interest in god. Where do you come up with this BS?
The 'man' is genetically a woman so the pregnancy is natural. I certainly do not care if it is normal or not either as it does not affect me in the slightest and it is not my place to judge. I have yet to hear an argument from you or the others why you have this overwhelming concern over affairs that have nothing to do with you.

I'll use Haggerty, Folley, Murdoch and Akins as my examples of the 'breakdown of society'.