Trump Rally Violence

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Most likely. Therein lies the reason this country is so goddamned divided. We aren't sure who was involved, but let's blame somebody NOW. Maybe they were...maybe they weren't. Maybe they were just people who didn't like Trump....there's quite a few and they aren't all black. God bless the 24 hour "news" cycle...where any yahoo with a webcam can create hatred against people. And by God...if you are black YOU are part of the problem...even if you aren't active in "black lives matter"...ONE of those words describes you so by God - YOU are the problem.

Here's the real test for all the innocent Trump fans. On November 9th...will there be riots in the street? Will there be "retaliatory actions" for "rigged" elections. Later in the year - will Hillary be assassinated? If that happens, who should we blame.
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An activist who bragged about disrupting multiple Donald Trump campaign events in a recent Project Veritas video was on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign payroll, a search of Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reveals.

In a Veritas video released Monday, filmmaker and provocateur James O’Keefe recounts meeting activist Zulema Rodriguez at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. In the video, Rodriguez takes credit for violent protests in Chicago that forced Trump to cancel a March rally.

“So, [Aaron Black] and I did the Chicago Trump event where we shut down like all the yeah,” Rodriguez says in the video. Rodriguez also takes credit for an Arizona protest, also in March, that shut down a major highway outside a Trump event.

Notably, a search of FEC records reveals that Rodriguez was paid by the Clinton campaign shortly before she disrupted the Chicago rally. The campaign paid her $1,610.34 as a “payroll” expense, and also gave her a $30 payment that is described only as “phone.”

The payments are both dated Feb. 29, 2016, less than two weeks before the violence in Chicago. Those are the only payments Rodriguez has ever received from the Clinton campaign. It’s not immediately clear what the payment was for, and it’s also unclear whether Rodriguez was really behind the agitation in Chicago or if she was simply making an empty boast.

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more DNC/Clinton corruption exposed, you notice the lefties don't try to defend it hell they're excited at the thought of 4 years of it
Most likely. Therein lies the reason this country is so goddamned divided. We aren't sure who was involved, but let's blame somebody NOW. Maybe they were...maybe they weren't. Maybe they were just people who didn't like Trump....there's quite a few and they aren't all black. God bless the 24 hour "news" cycle...where any yahoo with a webcam can create hatred against people. And by God...if you are black YOU are part of the problem...even if you aren't active in "black lives matter"...ONE of those words describes you so by God - YOU are the problem.

Here's the real test for all the innocent Trump fans. On November 9th...will there be riots in the street? Will there be "retaliatory actions" for "rigged" elections. Later in the year - will Hillary be assassinated? If that happens, who should we blame.

As I just posted on another thread, You're Soooooooo Right, that you may not fully realize just how right you are !! Violence will reign for sure, immediately following the defeat of that MASSIVE D-Bag T-Rump !
The big mouth dude is now out of work:

Scott Foval, the National Field Director of Americans United for Change--who can be seen in the video bragging about paying homeless and mentally ill individuals to cause disruptions at political events--has been fired from the organization.

Then that's a good thing. Democrats find one of their own doing this -they fire them. A Trump supporter hits a person in the fact (at T
Not sure I like the way this new software keeps a message that you weren't finished with - but just pointing out at least the democrats fired the guy....a Trump supporter punches someone in the face (at Trumps encouragement, although he tends to do his infamous shoulder shrug and deny it) and Trump offers to pay his legal fees.
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Not sure I like the way this new software keeps a message that you weren't finished with - but just pointing out at least the democrats fired the guy....a Trump supporter punches someone in the face (at Trumps encouragement, although he tends to do his infamous shoulder shrug and deny it) and Trump offers to pay his legal fees.

You must have overlooked the part in the video where Foval says they train these people and tell them to throw a punch first and not to worry, the media will show them getting hit.

More proof of media corruption.

Comrades, we live in Russia now.
You must have overlooked the part in the video where Foval says they train these people and tell them to throw a punch first and not to worry, the media will show them getting hit.

More proof of media corruption.

Comrades, we live in Russia now.

they tend to overlook a lot when it comes to HRC, hell Bears accepts it as all good
You must have overlooked the part in the video where Foval says they train these people and tell them to throw a punch first and not to worry, the media will show them getting hit.

More proof of media corruption.

Comrades, we live in Russia now.

Where did they say Black LIves matter? You seem quick to blame them.
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Where did they say Black LIves matter? You seem quick to blame them.

What I'm saying is there is/was an organized group behind the BLM movement shortly after their feeble attempts at protests.....You notice how quickly BLM can mobilize in cities now?

Obama had BLM at the WH several times.....wanna bet he didn't offer 'professional' help?

These are the people capable of busing protesters in from all points.

What was it, in the last riot where most of the protest arrests were from people who weren't from the town?

Robert Creamer was the person who sent professional agitators to the Trump rallies.....he only visited the Obama WH 342 times.....

Have agitators, will travel......
Wow...a years worth of visits. It will be interesting if Trump loses how these democratic operatives will start rioting in the streets.
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