U.S. ready to aid airlines if Iraq conflict hurts

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Its been a long standing custom in this country that the performance of the economy is a reflection upon the President. Whether or not this is justified is another debate.
Our brothers at UAL, as a result of the Bush economy have been forced by the Federal government, which is under Bush's control to take a 14% paycut. So, following past practice Bush is responsible for the miserable state of the economy and his lack of action at assisting the industry. Bush could have taken steps to protect these workers as President but he did not. In fact his administration has made it clear that he will do whatever he can to block us from making advances. He has issued more PEBs than any prior President. His representative, Bonilla, addressed an IRRA conference where he expressed that the administration would assist the airlines at supressing wages.
I am not the President so I am not responsible to come up with an Economic policy that works however a policy that continues to aid in the concentration of wealth(Presidents tax policies), export jobs overseas(FAR 145 which Bush liberalized), restrict the rights of workers to withhold thier labor(PEBs in the airline industry and the longshoremen),and join labor unions (TSA) are things that I see wrong with the Presidents policies.
Its funny how you blame the liberals for everything, even allowing Conservative driven bills that are detrimental to us to become law then you claim that the liberals blame everyone else when things go wrong. Isnt that like the pot calling the kettle black?

"Give your details about how we could have avoided this war?"

Well first of all Poppy could have finished the job the first time.
Actually this whole thing could have been avoided if we had followed and gone forward with Jimmy Carters plan to "make the country energy independant by the year 2000".
First thing Reagan did was scrap the whole program along with all the tax credits that working families got by installing alternate energy systems such as solar panels on their homes. If we had gone forward with developing alternate energy and succeeded in ridding ourselves of our dependancy on oil our situation, and the worlds situation could be quite different than it is. That is why the oilmen such as Bush/Cheney were against it. Alternate energy would disrupt the power structure in our country.It would makeus less dependant on the small group of oilmen that control our energy supply. Oilmen would lose the hold they have on the economy. Our military industrial complex, the same one that Republican President Eisenhower warned us about exists primarily to defend the interests of the oil companies. Its not to insure that oil is available to us here in America, we get most of our imported oil from South America,but to protect the supply of oil to Multinational oil companies that are based in America and sold overseas. Iraq has violated the UN resolutions from the start, even under Bush 1st. Why didnt he put a stop to it right from the get go while we were still there?
Its ironic that we are now spending billions of dollars protecting the interests of oil companies. The same oil companies that are choking our industry and the entire economy by doubling their prices. We are protecting the supply of oil that ends up going primarily to countries that are not participating and do not support our efforts in IRAQ, of course it is oil companies that are based in the US and Britain that are selling it there, our tax dollars are going to insure thier profits. Meanwhile, back here in the USA we have an "essential industry", one that is so "essential" that the President has repeatedly denied workers the right to withhold their labor, that the same government says will liquidate if it does not lower labor costs. Why does our government feel that it must take steps to suppress the wages of workers that average $60,000per year but not take any action against those who make millions per year? Why does our government spend billions to insure the profits of rich oil men but withhold money that could end up in the pockets of the hard working men and women who move millions of passengers across the nation and the world seven days a week, 24 hours a day?
I wish our boys and girls over there a speedy healthy return. As a Christian I also hope that the Iraqi people do not suffer from our actions. When Bush got elected I predicted that despite his "policeman of the world" rhetoric we would find our nation at war once again. I knew that with two oilmen in the house, and the fact that their industry has worldwide "interests" we would be called upon to defend their interests. I was right, I wish I wasnt.
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