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UPS workers just voted to strike if new contract not done by Aug 1st


Apr 26, 2005
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Now that's how to light a match under the companies arses to get them serious and focused on getting a deal done on time. Although I will add, that with the infrastructure demand bu consumers, businesses and even the federal government as well as our troops everywhere, counting so much on UPS and now with Amazon also being so big and involved with UPS as well, not so sure the fed gov wouldn't step in, if needed, to stop any kind of a strike becoming reality. Not even sure if they ever have before with any package delivery companies. We shall see when the time comes upon us I guess.
I wish all the employees involved at UPS the best of luck in getting a new contract in time.
I would think the a/c withing the trucks should be a no brainer especially lately in Texas, the heat as well as the added engine heat from truck, the guys are pouring in sweat when I get our deliveries at home...

This came way too fast after nego 50-55 item's, non-economical. Looks to me as if UPS may have expected a low ball offer to be accepted by agreeing to the 55 items previously agreed to as everything will probably cost money going forward. The union on the other hand won't have anything to do with any kind of low ball offers. Time to move quickly folks as Aug 1st is right around the corner...

The teamsters balk on striking at UPS. So much for the tough talk of promising to strike if deal was done by the 1st, this past Fri., and they DID NOT come to an agreement, but simply got a little closer and they call off the strike. All talk and no show, as usual for the teamsters fake representation once again. Something should have been done, because now they will simply not be believed that they will strike because they failed to follow thru with what they said they would do.

If the teamsters are not asking for a ridiculous wage increase and it is a fair ask, including the current market increases caused by inflation, then the co better pony up, otherwise they will see a work stoppage come Aug 1st. The co knows this union is not playing games they are serious and will act accordingly if need be, heck, they are even practicing the strike movement in several mocked pickets to practice the strike movement. Pretty sure the co will come thru right at the 11th hour they will throw a final offer good enough to be accepted.

Time is running out. Tomorrow is the deadline to get a deal done (July 5th) I still bet there will be an 11th hour deal get done because in reality, UPS does not want a shutdown of delivering so many packages each and every day, a week shut down would create a backlog of months to catch up. And if they get the no mandatory overtime on days off, it would be even longer.

And once again after not reaching an agreement for a second reset time for striking, the teamsters fail again to call for the strike. The first deadline was set for July 1st, then they extended it to July 5th and again no agreement and no action from the teamsters. Just like a child testing the parents limits, when you don't follow through with the threats the other party involved will just keep testing and testing the party that never follow's through with the threats, think about it hard.

And once again after not reaching an agreement for a second reset time for striking, the teamsters fail again to call for the strike. The first deadline was set for July 1st, then they extended it to July 5th and again no agreement and no action from the teamsters. Just like a child testing the parents limits, when you don't follow through with the threats the other party involved will just keep testing and testing the party that never follow's through with the threats, think about it hard.

Do you enjoy talking to only yourself?

It’s quite apparent no one cares!
Would the UPS strike (if activated) affect the airline package loaders? I read where they always mention the drivers and part time package loaders for the trucks but what about the package loaders for the aircraft deliveries?? Didn't know if these are separate groups or the same groups. Trying to figure out all the groups that are affected by the union representation at UPS.

Some articles are mis-stating the correct titles. The co. is not training scabs, they are training non-union employees, management, supervision and even new folks off the streets to keep packages flowing as well as possible during a strike. Where the term scab comes into play is when a union worker on strike decides to cross the picket line and go back to work while the strike is still active. Another example of a scab is also another union represented person, from another group but not represented by the union on strike is also considered a scab if they are helping out the co during said strike. With all that said, in a striking members eyes, anyone that crosses a picket line to help out a co. during an active strike, is usually grouped within the scab category definition as a quick reference of a group of people working during the strike.

Everyone knows that the gov will not entertain any request from union leaders, however, they will take in advise and recommendations from the company involved (UPS in this case).
Allowing the co to train non-union employees, management as well as new hires and supervisors to keep the co moving during a strike is not good and will only help the co out tremendously. The second the co announced they were training folks to deliver, load and separate packages, the teamsters should have taken action immediately in order to have the advantage going into strike, NOW the co,. UPS, will get prepared enough and have the advantage going into strike. For the teamsters to allow this is a huge showing of weakness from the union's leadership. Remember this all happened before, this exact same scenario where a union allowed pre-training of others so the co will have the advantage. Not a good move by any union, period.


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