
Jan 20, 2003
The AGE 60 retirement rule is quickly advancing in the Senate. The Inhofe Amendment would immediately increase the retirement age to 63, opening the way for retired pilots, age 63 or less to return to the cockpit.
Thereafter, the new retirement age would be 66!
With nearly 10,000 furloughed ALPA pilots, Senate Bill 824 might increase the number of furloughs and would negatively affect recalls and delay hiring for several years. Please go to www.senate.gov . Locate your state and e-mail your senator(s). Include: Name, airline, state that you are a furloughed pilot, residency, and include that you are opposed to Senate Bill 824, the Inhofe Amendment.
''Course if you are a furloughed pilot in your 50s, you might want to say you are in favor of the proposal.
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Well, 50''s, 40''s or 30''s...everyone will experience an additional (6) years to the current recall projections if the Inhofe Bill is approved. For some of the majors this may translate to being out for 10 years and NO new hires. Also, do you really want a captain leaving the retirement home to fly the line after being out for several years?
I''m for it and emailed my senators to let them know.

I don''t think ANYONE should be made to retire based on age, including pilots.

Unfortunately it was narrowly defeated yesterday.
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It was defeated in the interest of safety and common sense.
On 6/13/2003 6:12:54 PM av8orwife wrote:

I'm for it and emailed my senators to let them know.

I don't think ANYONE should be made to retire based on age, including pilots.

Unfortunately it was narrowly defeated yesterday.

Fortunately it was defeated. If it had passed, it would ended many careers. With thousands of pilots on furlough, there is no pilot shortage. This was an ill-conceived, poorly thought out, amendment.
whaledriver said:
do you really want a captain leaving the retirement home to fly the line after being out for several years?
Aint gonna happen. Once you put your John Hancock on the exit papers for retirement, your out. They take your name off the senority list and your off to greener pastures. If they did allow you to come back it would be at the BOTTOM of the list, which would mean your on the street.
whaledriver said:
It was defeated in the interest of safety and common sense.
I think money had a little to do with it. It was narrowly defeated, but you watch, this will come back again and again and eventually it will pass, it only a matter of time. I noticed you put safety down, you my friend have been drinking too much coolaid. You can't convince me that a 20 to 30 year old brand new first officer (not to many SO positions left) is safer and has more knowledge than a Capt. who is 59 1/2 and been flying since before that "kid" was born.
av8orwife said:
I''m for it and emailed my senators to let them know.<BR><BR>I don''t think ANYONE should be made to retire based on age, including pilots.<BR><BR>Unfortunately it was narrowly defeated yesterday.
:D Obviously you don't fly for a living otherwise you wouldn't take such a foolish position. You just try spending half your working life living in cruummy hotels (be it on reserve or overnighting), away from your family for a good part of each month, and jetlagged so badly, that if you're lucky to reach the age of 60, there's a only a slight chance you might get to spend a few years in retirement before you croak. You sound like the usual out of touch pilot's wife who just cares that the poor old sod you married brings home a pay check so you can hop til you drop. Met so many of you it makes me puke.

BTW, were you the one who urged the pilots to accept all the agreements Dave shoved down our throats just so that they could bring home the bacon, to, I assume, women like you.

I hate to pick on Marie Antionette women but I don't believe in political correctness, especially when people like you want men like me to eat the proverbial cake.

Geez, it's Saturday night for ..'s sake, and I'm sick and tired of the crap from the clueless. At least I have a wife who lives in the real world, and wants nothing more than for me to retire at age 60.
av8orwife said:
I''m for it and emailed my senators to let them know.<BR><BR>I don''t think ANYONE should be made to retire based on age, including pilots.<BR><BR>Unfortunately it was narrowly defeated yesterday.
:D Obviously you don't fly for a living otherwise you wouldn't take such a foolish position. You just try spending half your working life living in cruummy hotels (be it on reserve or overnighting), away from your family for a good part of each month, and jetlagged so badly, that if you're lucky to reach the age of 60, there's a only a slight chance you might get to spend a few years in retirement before you croak. You sound like the usual out of touch pilot's wife who just cares that the poor old sod you married brings home a pay check so you can shop til you drop. Met so many of you it makes me puke.

BTW, were you the one who urged the pilots to accept all the agreements Dave shoved down our throats just so that they could bring home the bacon, to, I assume, women like you.

I hate to pick on Marie Antionette women but I don't believe in political correctness, especially when people like you want men like me to eat the proverbial cake.

Geez, it's Saturday night for ..'s sake, and I'm sick and tired of the crap from the clueless. At least I have a wife who lives in the real world, and wants nothing more than for me to retire at age 60.
willyloman said:
At least I have a wife who lives in the real world, and wants nothing more than for me to retire at age 60.
You could leave at 50 as long as you had 20 years in. Weather you have the money or not is a different thing. So, when 60 rolls around.....LEAVE for ...'s sake. It won't matter what they raise the retirement to. If you have the money when you want to go, then go. Be it at 50 or 60 or 63.
Great comments and I would like to give my $.02 worth. The pilots that want to extend the MRA to 63 or higher are the ones that started the aviation career, late in life. Most of my fellow pilots do not want the MRA age to go any higher. There is another group, those who are on furlough status, who want the MRA age to remain at 60. The sooner the seasoned veterans retire, the sooner the seat up-grades will occur and the sooner they will get the call. Let get real on the age subject. I feel in good physical shape and still mentally sharp, but the grind is way too old. Remember when the aircraft required a crew of three to main the cockpit. We are now down to two. I predict that with all the modern equipment being developed daily, we will be down to a crew of one, with a computer as the FO and then O flight crew. Computers will do it all. Don’t LOL, and ponder this for a while. One hundred years after Columbus made his historic voyage across the pond and back, in a wooden boat, well over two hundred years later, ships were still made of wood. In less than 100 years of the first historic powered flight, made by the Wright Brothers, we have gone to the moon and back. Future Shock is alive and well and many of the analogies made in this book are real today. Now are you LOL?