Us Airways Wins Loan Extensions

totobird said:
A huge victory for USAirways. How can the judge not rule in favor of the pay cuts now ?

Simple, The judge does the math and sees U's ask not matching the actual need. Others have shown that U can survive this situation even without employee concessions. See todays business section in the CLT Observer

What's good for the Goose is good for the Gandor...Clip me for 23%...Clip yourself in an alike ratio fashion, unless managements interests in U's survival are not the same as the employee's?
This pretty much seals the fate of those unions not negotiating consenual agreements.

Don't forget the golden rule, 'he who has the gold, makes the rules.'
A friend of mine was at the hearing last week and said the company presented charts, graphs and figures showing the dire need for the 23% paycut or possible liquidation. He said the information was overwhelming and that all the unions did were to stand up and cry "We can't take any more cuts".
He said the unions presented no factual information as to why we should not take the cut.
With oil hitting $54 a barrel today even the 23% cut may not be enough to save USAirways.
i'm sure judge mitchell will appreciate U trying to force his hand.....
these clowns have no morals..... :angry:
jack mama said:
This pretty much seals the fate of those unions not negotiating consenual agreements.

Don't forget the golden rule, 'he who has the gold, makes the rules.'
Rephrase that silly statement mama man to read: "This pretty much seals the fate of U because the unions will never agree to such nonsense, no gold will be made with pissed of labor".

You and the captain kill me believing a few people making threats and maneuvers will change the U employees mental outlook and make them see things your distorted and very twisted ways.

U is finished and this only delays the inevitable.

I have defended your right to voice your opinion, but to be frank, I am low on patience these days.

I have been wanting to say this for a long time and it will be worth a trip to the cornfield.

PLEASE, FOR ONCE, JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :unsure: :rolleyes:
Can anyone shed some light as to where other cuts have been made since Sept 10th????? It appears that nothing more has been done then to take from the Poor and give give give............

That is great news. At least now people will be able to retain 77% of their pay (or more if they happen to have an agreement in place).

Thta is good news for all of us (except for the liquidation cheerleaders :p )
Hope777 said:
Can anyone shed some light as to where other cuts have been made since Sept 10th????? It appears that nothing more has been done then to take from the Poor and give give give............


There lies 50% of the problem....Not one single Non-Labor assaulting problem has been addressed in this 1.5 Billion in asvings they claim to need...not a single dime has been realized other than the single swing of the bat at labor.

The other 50% of the problem is labor whom has given with real money..real jobs is again being asked or forced to bare a disperportionate amount of the burden.

A formula like this a formula for continued failure.....and let's hope to Christ that Judge Mitchell sees it for what it is , A Land Grab
firstamendment said:

I have defended your right to voice your opinion, but to be frank, I am low on patience these days.

I have been wanting to say this for a long time and it will be worth a trip to the cornfield.

PLEASE, FOR ONCE, JUST SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :unsure: :rolleyes:

from an advocate of ,among other things,the expression of freedom of speech?

easy first amendment!
If the judge does dictate forced changes on the unions, then uses police powers to prevent job action, that will be a very dark day for American values and American workers. It will signal to the corporate elite that it doesn't matter how incompetent, how lackidasical, or how corrupt you are . . . . you can count on the police powers of the state to do what hired company thugs did 70 years ago.