Vermont - Everybody in, nobody out

Ms Tree

Jul 13, 2010
I hope it works and sets an example for the rest of the country.
Single payer
After being diagnosed with breast cancer last year, I chose to undergo medical treatment in the country of Colombia in South America. I received first-class treatment – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – at a fraction of what it would cost in the United States. Since I have been uninsurable in the U.S. because of pre-existing conditions, I went to another country for treatment rather than paying the shamefully high costs of care in this one.
Dr. William Hsaio, the Harvard health care economist who helped craft health systems in seven countries, was Vermont’s adviser. He estimates that Vermont will save 25 percent per capita over the current system in administrative costs and other savings. Employers will suddenly be free to give raises to their employees instead of paying for increasingly expensive health benefits. All hospitals and health-care providers in Vermont will be nonprofit. Medicare recipients will no longer need to wade through an inch-thick book to choose supplemental plans and sort out other complex options in their Medicare enrollment.
I hope this works and goes nation wide.  I'd love to visit Vermont but it's too damn cold to live there year round.
I hope it works too. It'll be interesting to watch.
I'm sure the usual howls of "socialism!" will come up, but if this goes according to plan, it's hard to argue against increased efficiency and an increased level of care. 
And if some of the knock-on effects like raises start occurring in sizable numbers, then it's all the better.
Ms Tree said:
I hope it works and sets an example for the rest of the country.
Single payer
I hope this works and goes nation wide.  I'd love to visit Vermont but it's too damn cold to live there year round.
You need to attribute Kerry's original post.