We need MORE of this!

La Li Lu Le Lo

May 29, 2010
“there is no excuse for able-bodied adults to spend a lifetime on welfare at the expense of hard-working, struggling Mainers.”  -Gov. Paul LePage
After forcing these individuals to either work part-time for twenty hours each week, enroll in a vocational program, or volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month, the numbers showed a significant drop from 12,000 enrollees to just over 2,500.
But there is an entire segment of the population which has become so accustomed to state benefits that they have no incentive to ever stop leeching.
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and not ONE comment.
I gave 10 days for some liberal to try to spin this.
Libtards hate when you expose their scams. 
Lie or ignore, that is the libtard way.
Instead of blaming the welfare queens why not blame your own government? And before you go after the Demo-Libs, remember that welfare has not ceased during Rep-Cons administrations?

Using government benefits is not a crime. If said government enables one to get FREE benefits, and even creates a way to find loopholes to retire on this benefits, well then you are the fool and the schmuck who goes to work to fund these programs.


You will always have poor. You see them as lazy, but perhaps they are not as educated as you and have not avoided life's mistake such as yourself.

Quit bitchin' about the poor and making excuses for why if you can do it, they can do it. The USA wants to take care of their poor with children. If you open your eyes, you will see people not taking advantage of your tax-payer funded welfare. Look close because these people live in shelters if they're lucky, under a bridge if they're not.
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signals said:
Instead of blaming the welfare queens why not blame your own government? 
I do. I blame the Democrats. I thought I made that clear.
signals said:
And before you go after the Demo-Libs, remember that welfare has not ceased during Rep-Cons administrations?
Perhaps you missed the first post on this thread.
I hope this goes national.
signals said:
Using government benefits is not a crime.
It is not a crime for the parasites in the TWU international to take your UNION dues and serve the companies interest either.
That does not mean you should put up with it. Especially since YOU are paying for it.
signals said:
If said government enables one to get FREE benefits, and even creates a way to find loopholes to retire on this benefits,
First of all lets get something straight, these are not FREE, They are funded by hard working Americans.
I love how the libtards label these programs as........FREE.
They love to take credit for giving you something they actually stole from someone else.
They have made widespread thievery acceptable under the facade of charity.
signals said:
 well then you are the fool and the schmuck who goes to work to fund these programs.
Spoken like a TRUE liberal. Thank you for showing your TRUE colors.
signals said:
I will tell you what's life..... eventually the government is going to run out of other peoples' money or working people are going to get tired of getting taxed to the breaking point to support a bunch of moochers.......... then the bill is going to come.
signals said:
You will always have poor. 
You most certainly will when you allow lifetime welfare abuse.
signals said:
You see them as lazy, but perhaps they are not as educated as you and have not avoided life's mistake such as yourself.
Or maybe they made a choice to take advantage of people.
The government provides training for the poor and unskilled. They also provide grants to the poor for education. Want to guess what percentage actually seek to better themselves instead of hold their hand out?
signals said:
Quit bitchin' about the poor and making excuses for why if you can do it, they can do it.
Typical liberal response. I have a better idea..... why don't you stop make excuses for people to be on welfare.
I have a right to #### because I am funding it..... where do you get your right to tell me to accept it?
signals said:
The USA wants to take care of their poor with children. If you open your eyes, you will see people not taking advantage of your tax-payer funded welfare. Look close because these people live in shelters if they're lucky, under a bridge if they're not.
The USA also wants to take care of 30 year old able bodied men that want to sit in their section 8 house, smoke weed, and play their XBox all day.
Spin it however you want signals.... the fact is when the Governor passed a law that had 3 ways to obtain welfare:
1. work part-time for twenty hours each week
2. enroll in a vocational program
3. volunteer for a minimum of twenty-four hours per month
These parasites decided they could work after all. 9500 out of 12000. 
Keep making your ridiculous excuses and trying to convince people that we don't have a welfare problem.
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delldude said:
La La got 5 negs.....must have hit a liberal nerve.
Liberals can't stand when they are exposed for the lying, manipulative vermin they really are.
signals said:
 you are the fool and the schmuck who goes to work to fund these programs.
I mean that just really says it all doesn't it?
Apparently going to work and EARNING my own way makes me a fool and a schmuck. Well......... I guess I should just go quit my job and collect some "entitlements" right signals?
I knew some libtard would come on here and say something stupid sooner or later. It was just a matter of time. They just can't help themselves.
Yep.....love.the term free, when they take from those who have "EARNED" it and give it to those who did not!

Socialism, anyone?
Last year, Barack Obama "Created" a total of NINE jobs, just for me. You know, the mooching freeloader.
When will we stop blaming the poor for being poor? When will we start blaming those at fault? Like the Banksters, Crony Capitalists and fiat currencies the world over?
We don't have a work ethic problem, we have an ill informed and apathetic population problem.
SparrowHawk said:
Last year, Barack Obama "Created" a total of NINE jobs, just for me. You know, the mooching freeloader.
When will we stop blaming the poor for being poor? When will we start blaming those at fault? Like the Banksters, Crony Capitalists and fiat currencies the world over?
We don't have a work ethic problem, we have an ill informed and apathetic population problem.
Thing that both sides seem to miss is if these able bodied were off the freebies and working, there'd be more tax base available for the assholes in DC to squander.
Based on that, you'd think it would be the most important issue on the agenda for both sides.
SparrowHawk said:
When will we stop blaming the poor for being poor? When will we start blaming those at fault? Like the Banksters, Crony Capitalists and fiat currencies the world over?
It always amazes me how people get themselves so worked up over the subject of poor people.  Yet when you point out the amount of money blown on things like the bank bailout, Iraq, subsidies for big business etc, etc you hear crickets.  Shows how effective talk radio, Fox News, WND, briebart etc, etc really are.
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777 fixer said:
It always amazes me how people get themselves so worked up over the subject of poor people.  Yet when you point out the amount of money blown on things like the bank bailout, Iraq, subsidies for big business etc, etc you hear crickets.  Shows how effective talk radio, Fox News, WND, briebart etc, etc really are.
People don't get worked up over the poor....... they get worked up over able bodied parasites that refuse to work and choose to take advantage of other people.
Keep selling your B.S.
Brietbart   ????
The WORMS have by now, already EATEN through his coffin and are now EATING that lousy Son of a BIITCH  !!
Hey brother, pass the Salt will ya .
F ... the GOP   !!!!!!!!!!

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