Weekly Update From Lax Chief Pilot


Aug 30, 2002
Los Angeles
Hi Everyone:

I thought some of the information we pilots receive from our Chief Pilot's office in LAX on a weekly bases was interesting stuff to the majority, and I would like to post it here for your reading pleasure. I will try to post it regularly, if and when there is news worth posting. I will only quote his postings. Any comments by yours truly will be put in (parenthesis).

*2nd quarter Unit Revenue...UAL was #2 of all majors...CAL was #1 @ 9.53 cents. UAL was #2 @ 9.38 cents. AMR was #3 @ 9.25 cents. NWA was #4 @ 8.90 cents. DAL was #5 @ 8.07 cents. SWA was #6 @ 6.84 cents.

*UAL 2nd quarter revenue was $121 million better than planned.

*July 2005 Revenue was $84 million better than planned

*Premium Service (PS) added $7.1 million in increased revenue by cost benefits of using the B757 vs B767 on the same routing.

*UAL/UAX capacity forecast to INCREASE 1% in 2006 vs 2005. (Notice he said UAL and UAX so I don't know how much of this is actually mainline, but at least it is going in the right direction)

*Aircraft utilization: 2003=12.51 hrs/day. 2005=13.64 hrs/day. 2006=13.80 hrs/day(10% improvement)

*Average UAL stage length: 2003=1251 NM. 2005=1364 NM. 2006=1380 NM. UAX average is currently 390 NM.(10% increase)

*Unlimited OMC planned turn on date is 9/25/05. Unlimited OMC will be available to other carriers with recip agreements.

*ORD baggage system problem has been addressed. PAX should see noticeable improvement over current process.(Not sure I know much about this one)

***The willingnes of banks to provide $3 Billion in exit financing says a lot about what we have accomplished and our future!***

(There were a few other items dealing with LAX gate signs and SATCOM installation, but I didn't think it was of much interest to the general population. I hope these facts were informative. Let me know if you all would like me to continue posting this type of stuff when it comes available.)
BigRed1 said:
Let me know if you all would like me to continue posting this type of stuff when it comes available.

Keep it comin' good buddie! :up:
No bank is going to provide $3bil in exit financing.

You actually trust "better than planned' numbers from an incompetent CFO who led you over the abyss and is still comfortably collecting a check?

UA has too often in the past relied on the single "big bang" event to lead them to glory, only to be severely crushed by a single decision.

How much did the US Airways stock close at today?

YOUR airline has become the proverbial "leach" airline, looking for a host to suck the blood out of. And YOU come here to criticize us?!? :shock:
UniTED SUX'S fly and you know it! UniTED is on it's last leg with the BK judge, it's been put in print! :down: Best you all can hope for is that all these folks with the cash you talk about make an EXIT OFFER! :shock: If not so sad, you'll be glad! B)
Your management team has been told by Wiedoff that this is Your BEST AND FINAL OFFER. GOOD LUCK FLY, MAG, 787, BUS, I wish you the best. If you need a job at F-9 drop me a line I might be able to fit you in LOL NOT! :down:
EVEN Glenn, Jake, and Pete wore the judge out. Any indication that nothing will change at UAL HELL????? B)
No disrespect to people who want to fly around all day and go nowhere good but I would NEVER fly a domestic carrier. So you can keep your crappy little airline for all your trailer trash friends.

The judge will do whatever United wants him to. United already wanted to file their plan but the creditors didn't want them to do it yet. This is the way the judge, AGAIN, does exactly what United tells him. United will file the plan in November because they want to not because the judge said so.

You sure are busy trying to bait people tonight. Did you skip the prozac again? :lol: Let's see... 9 flame-bait posts on the UA board in the last hour. You really don't have a life, do you??? :rolleyes:

Maybe I'll report you to the moderator/hall monitors. :lol: (By the way, all the PM's and crying to the mods with your last cry-baby tantrum seems to have fallen on deaf ears.) Everyone knows you are nothing but a trouble-maker.

How long you all been sucking on the public teat?

3 years??

How about paying your bills for a change.
Like they used to say on Laugh In, you do remember that Monday night show right??? Here comes the judge, LOL time has run out UniTED. The judge siad it himself, this is your last stand! Pay your bills or be GONE!!!!! :up: $70 + a barrel your history, only a matter of time NOW! :shock:

You can read can't you???? The atrticle states that THIS IS THE FINAL EXCLUSIVETY PERIOD for UniTED Management PERIOD! The END, So SAD! OIL at $70 a barrel, UniTED is toast! :up: Sell it all, be gone you demon! :shock:
I can't take the BS anymore. MODERATOR please castrate MRFISH. He deserves to be taken out of water put into an airtight bag and flushed down the toilet.

Thank You!

Boeing787 :shock:
mrfish3726 said:

You can read can't you???? The atrticle states that THIS IS THE FINAL EXCLUSIVETY PERIOD for UniTED Management PERIOD! The END, So SAD! OIL at $70 a barrel, UniTED is toast! :up: Sell it all, be gone you demon! :shock:

Fishy, are you brain dead? Can't you read?

Let's review:
-UA was ready to file it's plan, but waited at the request of the creditors committee.

-UA's revenue has increased MORE than costs have increased due to fuel.

-UA's cash position is INCREASING and so is the operating profit.

-The banks have INCREASED their support of UA from $2.5Billion to $3Billion.

-UA doesn't need any more extensions, thank you very much. Everything will be complete before the current exclusivity period expires. You'll see.

Sorry to see we are such a thorn in the side of people like you and CapnCockroach. :lol: But get over it. You are sounding more and more pathetic by the day. :rolleyes: UA is here to stay. And the more this is proven, the more desperate and loud jerk-offs like you get.

When are you going to get it? NO ONE cares what you think, say, or do.

boeing787 said:
I can't take the BS anymore. MODERATOR please castrate MRFISH. He deserves to be taken out of water put into an airtight bag and flushed down the toilet.

Thank You!

Boeing787 :shock:
I suggest we all click the "Report" button on each of Fishy's objective posts to make sure the moderators know what is going on.

It is quite sad they are letting this site degenerate into another Yahoo board.