Who Are We & What Do We Do

Glad you boys are having fun.

If it wasn''t for Rotorhead, I wouldn''t have a clue who any of you were. Back to Heli Ops question, I''m flogging old heavies on the right coast.
i used to be the 76driver but as CTD says, i got tired of wearin'' da drag

now i be the 412driver. smiling more, not sure if that be the bird or the $$$$$...

right...left???? i''m on the wet coast

started reading this post and realized that YOUR ALL NUTS!!! i''m glad nothings changed and it feels good to be among my peers
Brand new IFR driver, still chasing fires in the old VFR market, on and between the left and right coast.
is a former paramedic who now teaches emergency health care and safety programs...

happens to love the world of fling wing and at one time, was a freelance contributer to both the "other" magazines...

has a ppl(fixed wing) and if others would quit winning his lottery, would be migrating west again and getting at least a ppl(h) add on...

p.s. would love an invite to the TRIC!!!
I as they say on the rock:"Is the blind who leads the blind!"
I am a 28 year old norwegian viking, who came back to the rock to continue old viking traditions, however, I got stuck trying to teach people how to become flingwingers, so I guess all the good stuff is out, no binge drinking and no pillaging and burning down villages...

RDM ocationally comes out here to torment my students, and I am greatful for that, although I think some of them get really nervous when he shows up, for some odd reason!

I read Vortex Religiously, and am waiting on the CD Rom with all the old ones!

I seem to have been abandoned from the Old side, can''t log on anymore, but I am very content to stay here!

I think there should be a helicopter convention on the rock so that I could attend all the parties too!
Im on the other side, the wet coast. Not flying heliskiers, avalanch control, or anything ''cause the wx is crap....again!
Today I think I''ll drink way too much coffee, jab at this keyboard and watch the war.
On 3/21/2003 10:18:49 AM 4961 wrote:

Im on the other side, the wet coast. Not flying heliskiers, avalanch control, or anything ''cause the wx is crap....again!
Today I think I''ll drink way too much coffee, jab at this keyboard and watch the war.

On 3/21/2003 10:18:49 AM 4961 wrote:

Im on the other side, the wet coast. Not flying heliskiers, avalanch control, or anything ''cause the wx is crap....again!
Today I think I''ll drink way too much coffee, jab at this keyboard and watch the war.

Started in the middle (Manitoba)went to the east(Nfld)then to the west (BC) and now almost in the middle again (Alta)Helicopters is helicopters, no matter where...

PS........ Hi to all!!
Started central east, not quite right (why does everyone say that about me ?? ), moved to the left of centre (but my politics went right) and just kinda stayed there. I now look for some nice, hot bush, and leave it wet, instead of hanging ''round with drillers/seismic people. Although some of the samplers weren''t so bad .
my name is the half child and i work at Tim Hortons(i pee in the coffees of all the astar drivers)(just kidding bout the coffee thing but i do work at a small Tim Hortons integrated into an esso gas station.)
This shows just who is who on this forum...............

407......spending his hard earned money that is honestly made in this very tough industry, and offering to by the rest coffee

and then CTD............ tsk tsk tsk, our money fallen outa his pockets, and he is still looking for more
I''m sorry for hurting the feelings of all Astar drivers out there, just to show my remorse and no-hard-feelings, may I buy you a coffe at Tim''s
they''re ''silly servant'' slammin'' again CTD!!!... we''ll meet at horton''s to plan out our ''stragedy''... (bring along hightower and "eurocopper"... i''ll have the girls throw on some extra crullers)
I consider the source, and in this case, the source is no clear mountain spring - more like a broken sewage pipe.

However, if you want to get a posse together, I would like to participate in his punishment.