You Fine Folks Continue To Amaze!


Sep 19, 2003
here we come. Why are most people just now starting to believe that the end is near? I have been saving like crazy since 9-11. What is everyone's excuse for not being prepared? Why blame the world for not taking control of your personal decisions and spending like the money would never run out? For crying out loud, what Company have you been working for - US Fairways?

Blame the world if you must. Just remember, many of you must share the burden of not being prepared! The clues have been their for everyone to see if you just took the blinders off.
Fatherknowsbest said:
here we come. Why are most people just now starting to believe that the end is near? I have been saving like crazy since 9-11. What is everyone's excuse for not being prepared? Why blame the world for not taking control of your personal decisions and spending like the money would never run out? For crying out loud, what Company have you been working for - US Fairways?
Blame the world if you must. Just remember, many of you must share the burden of not being prepared! The clues have been their for everyone to see if you just took the blinders off.


The people in CCY are still trying to convince
the employees and the flying public that the
company will live to fight another day. Despite
the fact that a BK judge and creidtors now hold
the keys to the kingdom, CCY remains in denial
as to just how deep and serious the situation
really is. Unfreakingbelieveable.

So, there you have it. The company continues
to be in denial and deceive the employees
and customers, so there is no reason for them
to start preparing for the end. In my opinion,
the gravy train pulled into the station for the
last time when the company filed for Ch11
last Sunday.
Think the majority of us have seen the clues and are preparing for another future. I know I did when they closed MCO and elected to have a place for a new start than Orlando. The key thing for me was to eliminate the debt load and have done a darn good job on that.