10000 Post

Congrats Kyle and all..

See what happens when you mention "PARTY" to a bunch of flingwingers?? Next thing you know, there's pictures of half naked men on here... Now that would be ok if they were from one of our lady members.. However, for the rest of you, it kinda makes me wonder about you...

I guess if I go to Kyles party, I'll be the one with my butt to the wall and my mouth shut!!! :p :p :D

You won't wank, wank, wank if you see your friend there will you?

I just can't resist...... :D

Rev. C.W.
Sorry, he'll give us all h*ll if we identify him, so I can neither confirm or deny that statement.. :rolleyes:
Good Show Kyle......Too bad some people have to take it too seriously. Speedo?????what do you need a Speedo for? To hold your toilet paper roll ? :p
For the benifit of those who don't know this little inside joke, I'm just quoting twotter. Remember twotter? When I was in Vancouver and invited you out for a beer? So I guess you're the orignal Mikey Jackson fan...and it was YOU that didn't show. I'm not sure what you were afraid of....

Not afraid of you...... That's for sure...

I choose to associate with a higher class of people...
Ah twinstar, very good idea.. However, when someone constantly jumps into a thread only to be a d*ck, I won't put up with it.. This avionics boy has been doing this to us for years and some of us just won't put up with his crap anymore. I firmly believe that Kyle should just shut him down. The rest of us all get along, until one common denominator shows up... Happens every time, he'll show up in a thread and it turns into Jerry Springer...

Sorry to offend you bud, but like I say, I just won't put up with his crap anymore..

As usual it was you that dragged me into this discussion. And as usual it is you that violates the spirit and rule of this forum, and as usual you are claiming to be the victim.

I suggest you reread the entire thread then come back and apologize....