17 Years 9/11/01


Jun 5, 2010
Amazing another year has passed by but we should all take the time to honor the AA, UA crews, passengers, and others killed in this horrific act.

As we are all caught up in this divisive, polarized and partisan way of public life, we should also reflect back and recall as a nation how we came together immediately following the attacks.

Never forget.

rip to all the innocents and to those sent to help them.

i was off that tuesday and came back to work thursday. on that thursday, someone smarter than me told me that everything will change for the worse - for airlines and it's workers.

didn't want to believe him, but he was correct.
RIP to all those innocents who sacrifice their lives. That Tues am was a beautiful clear day. Pushed back an F-100 bound for PIT.
Did not go to the local memorial today, just stopped by the local firehouse and talked to a local cop: said thanks for being here.

Wearing a spiffy new pair of New Balance shoes. The kids and my nikes are in the closet awaiting a return to sanity.
And since then the media and the liberals have rallied against our police officers, the country has been more racially divided than ever, and Islam has been labeled a "religion of peace" by the left despite the mountains of dead bodies left behind by Islamic terrorist attacks.
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You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the butt...:eek:
Go tell the citizens of the EU suffering one Islamic attack after another how "peaceful" Islam is.

Ask the people of the EU who welcomed these "refugees" with open arms who have suffered constant assaults, rapes, and murders how peaceful Islam is. Of course despite those welcoming arms the media still labels them racist. Just another example of leftist victim blaming.

Ask the police who now have areas in their own countries they have designated "no go zones" due to Islamic subjugation how "peaceful" Islam is.

Go watch video's posted of Imams stating the host countries will fall to Islam. Tell me that is peaceful.

Ask those in the EU who have been jailed for criticizing Islam (which is what so called hate speech is really about, censorship) and their government's leftist policies how they feel about the leftist propaganda spewing media whitewashing Muslim crimes against the citizens of the EU.

You are the one who would not know the truth if it bit you in the butt. You are the one with your head in the sand.
Just an observation but on 9/10/18, a Monday, three mechanics were hired by AA, on 9/11/18 a single mechanic was hired at the same station. Why did he need to wait until Tuesday? Usually new hires start on Mondays. I don't think anyone should be hired on that date IMO.

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