A lil' MOMENTO..... for every NUT JOB...Republican !

30,000 jam West Chester to hear Romney

The presidential race returned to Ohio for the final push Friday as GOP challenger Mitt Romney held a massive rally in the Republican heartland north of Cincinnati and President Barack Obama cut a swath through central Ohio.Romney spoke to a crowd of 30,000, according to West Chester Fire chief Tony Goller – making it the largest rally of the campaign, said Romney spokesman Chris Maloney.

No mention of the size of Obama at Lima.....Rumor was 2000.
He only got 2600 to show up in Green Bay, and only 4500 in Las Vegas.

No idea what the size of the crowds have been for Romney and Ryan in Wisconsin, probably because the media probably doesn't want to draw too many comparisons right now....
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30,000 jam West Chester to hear Romney

No mention of the size of Obama at Lima.....Rumor was 2000.

You gotta' figure dell that there were a SHIIT Load of 'Good OL' Boys' who sneaked over the border from W. VA, KAINTUCK'

Whatsamatta' dude,...........you no lika neil young ? : )
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He only got 2600 to show up in Green Bay, and only 4500 in Las Vegas.

No idea what the size of the crowds have been for Romney and Ryan in Wisconsin, probably because the media probably doesn't want to draw too many comparisons right now....

: ) : )

You gotta' figure dell that there were a SHIIT Load of 'Good OL' Boys' who sneaked over the border from W. VA, KAINTUCK'

Whatsamatta' dude,...........you no lika neil young ? : )

Doubtful. Its about 3 hours to the West Virginia border from Cincy give or take. And you know as well as I do nobody from Northern Kentucky sets foot across the river into Ohio unless they have to. Heck, the Cincy Airport isn't even in Ohio. Its in Kentucky.
Yep. And Green Bay was too far for MoveOn.org to try and bus people in from Madison or Chicago....
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Real clear politics...has B O leading in every poll 'cept 1.
But therein lies the 'magic. 'ASSMUSSEN' reports has it a TIE. I'll take that Anyday, cause' in REALITY, thats the equivalent of THE BOSS being up 3.5/4.5 ! : )
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Typical Bear Crap

JESUS dell, cut me a lil' slack huh !
At least I TRIED to get the GD link to work (*&^%$# SOB !!!!

HEY, by the way,....where's ol southwindBAG....while all this Great back-and-forth is goin' on ?
( Probably at a klan meeting, or out on a Bro'mance) : )
RCP's averages are all fudged up because hardly anyone polled this week.

If you're going to continue to believe the polls which have D+8 sampling, then don't bother watching TV next Tuesday.
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  • #14
RCP's averages are all fudged up because hardly anyone polled this week.

If you're going to continue to believe the polls which have D+8 sampling, then don't bother watching TV next Tuesday.

Eric, I was referring to rasmussen, who is Not a D+8. They've had Romney ALWAYS UP in Ohio, But tonight was the first time that this biased poll did NOT have thier 'Fair haired boy' up(Anything) in ohio. HE/They Know thier LOSING Ohio, which is why thier going to places like PA + MN or even MI. In OH, this Morman GOOSE is COOKED. Get use to it !!!!!!!!!!
Here I am Barry-O. Just another one of your thousands of daily topics, not worth the effort to post in......................besides, I've got Klan meetings to over-see !

I'm sure by tomorrow, you'll have another 3 topics started, all in an effort to make you believe Barrack has another 4 !
