AMFA Offer


Mar 17, 2005
I thought NWA mgmt declared the strike over and everyone was replaced. If so, why are they offering any 'end' to the strike. Do they legally owe the union anything?

I must be missing a technicality. Thanks.
I thought NWA mgmt declared the strike over and everyone was replaced. If so, why are they offering any 'end' to the strike. Do they legally owe the union anything?

I must be missing a technicality. Thanks.

NWA owes the union nothing at all. They have hired their replacement workers, and need not do anything more as far as negotiating with the union. With that said, AMFAs strike of NWA continues. This could pose problems for NWA moving forward. One example for instance is NWA was turned away by UAL when they sought line maintenance support at UAL west coast stations. UAL is AMFA and has a "NO-STRUCK WORK" clause in their mechanics agreement. Now NWA is certainly free to seek line support elsewhere, however the fact that they have asked UAL twice now makes an interesting statement as to the support they've been forced to utilize. There are also considerations concerning DIP financing and those involved who dislike the stigma of an ongoing strike, even one that maybe at the moment, marginalized.
Interesting, VERY INTERESTING !!

(By the way)

With regard to NW's Maintainence "Dillema", I thought PTO had EVERYTHING under control ??????????????

Contract out everyone but keep PTO. He's worth $10-$15 an hour for propaganda purposes alone.
not sure he is worth 10 to 15 for his propaganda but may be say about 7 bucks an hr! :p :D :up:
Ahh, struck work. Got it. That makes sense.

NWA wanted UAL to take over some of the outstation maint. you know the places were there isnt enough work for even one mech, but if staffed must be staffed by several, well those positions are now going to be opened up internally and staffed in a different manner then before, so no biggie. As for some of the larger stations several of us will be going to supervise the new crossers who will be taking those jobs and coming back. This list to come back is soooooooo long that the thousands of applications NWA got they never even had to look at.
NWA wanted UAL to take over some of the outstation maint. you know the places were there isnt enough work for even one mech, but if staffed must be staffed by several

Hmmm. I used to work in one of these "outstations," and our AMT's were quite busy.

, well those positions are now going to be opened up internally and staffed in a different manner then before, so no biggie.

Really? How so?

As for some of the larger stations several of us will be going to supervise the new crossers who will be taking those jobs and coming back.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse....

This list to come back is soooooooo long that the thousands of applications NWA got they never even had to look at.

You can't be serious.
NWA wanted UAL to take over some of the outstation maint. you know the places were there isnt enough work for even one mech, but if staffed must be staffed by several, well those positions are now going to be opened up internally and staffed in a different manner then before, so no biggie. As for some of the larger stations several of us will be going to supervise the new crossers who will be taking those jobs and coming back. This list to come back is soooooooo long that the thousands of applications NWA got they never even had to look at.

Well they asked for HNL,SEA,LAX, and SFO. I don't know how many AMTs they had at HNL-SEA-LAX before the strike, SFO had 20 and they were doing checks there.Alot more work than for "even one mech" as you say.

Also, if they're truly going to open up these stations to "internal" restaffing then they must not have that much faith in you guys.......they asked United to pick up the work at least twice.
Hey Opus, statements like that lets the public really know about your knowledge of a real live working airline!!! Various B & C stage checks are accomplished at those various stations that require at least 8 hours to accomplish the work. Can you accomplish an ETOPS check on a 330 with one mechanic in 8 hours, including discreps? Just curious......Many do not realize the importance of an out station until they are gone!!!! And you are going to "supervise"???
As for some of the larger stations several of us will be going to supervise the new crossers who will be taking those jobs and coming back.

How did you pull that off? I was told new hires to the company had to have six months in. In other words, be off probation.

Contract out everyone but keep PTO. He's worth $10-$15 an hour for propaganda purposes alone.

Feel free to pass that on to NWA. :up:
How did you pull that off?

It was easy, you have no union or contract!! You are an "at will" employee. Promotions can be made through merit????(or maybe lick a boot or two :up: ). Good Luck!!! Wait until your new supervisor has a friend or two he wants to get in, they will take your days off, shift ect,ect!!!
Is there anyway that the position would just go to the better man? No knee pads or boot licking required. If there has been a change in policy I want to know about it. The fact that NWA is going to pull this off just burns you guys up. You guys are always worried about what the other guy got.
If there has been a change in policy I want to know about it.
What policy? :lol: Your an at will employee now PTO, meaning they can and will change rules any damn time they choose and don't have to tell you squat :up: No pto I could give two cents about what you, or opie, or any other scab can get out of the REDTAIL, wheter be by bootlicking, knobpolishing, backstabbing, it matters not to me. Im just awaiting your ROYAL SCREWING with great anticipation, and it will come!