Build a clock ... get arrested .. gotta love Texas

Ahmed Mohamed built a clock at home and brough it to school. A teacher freaks out and calls the cops who arrest the kid. They put him in handcuffs, hauled him away to detention and would not let him call his parents. On top of that they suspended him for 3 days and they never lifted the suspension even after they realized that they completely screwed up.

Never mind the likelihood that if the kid was named Billy and he was white that this more than likely would have never happened. Never mind the fact that there were no explosives or even anything that looked like an explosive attached to the clock. Never mind that he showed it to his science teacher who knew what it was. Never mind the fact that they put a 9th grader in handcuffs. Never mind the fact that they denied a 9th grader the ability to call his parents. aside from all that ..... if you suspect a bomb why the phuck was the school not evacuated and the bomb squad not called???????? Are you freaking serious?

I am glad the parents are not sending him back to that school. What a bunch of idiots. I'm not surprised that the mayor came out in support of the schools and police actions. If you read up on her she is bat chit crazy. I cannot even imagine

Ahmed Mohamed built a clock at home and brough it to school. A teacher freaks out and calls the cops who arrest the kid. They put him in handcuffs, hauled him away to detention and would not let him call his parents. On top of that they suspended him for 3 days and they never lifted the suspension even after they realized that they completely screwed up.

Never mind the likelihood that if the kid was named Billy and he was white that this more than likely would have never happened. Never mind the fact that there were no explosives or even anything that looked like an explosive attached to the clock. Never mind that he showed it to his science teacher who knew what it was. Never mind the fact that they put a 9th grader in handcuffs. Never mind the fact that they denied a 9th grader the ability to call his parents. aside from all that ..... if you suspect a bomb why the phuck was the school not evacuated and the bomb squad not called???????? Are you freaking serious?

I am glad the parents are not sending him back to that school. What a bunch of idiots. I'm not surprised that the mayor came out in support of the schools and police actions. If you read up on her she is bat chit crazy. I cannot even imagine if some kid brings in a home built computer. The whole state will probably be on lock down.


Your stupidity warrants that you get a refund from those who cloned you into the ignorant anti-American that you are. Use your passport to go back to Germany and enlighten us on the RAPE-u-gees that your doctrine welcomes. Better to keep quite and let us think you are a fool rather than speak and dispel ALL doubt!

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