Gop Convention

Fly said:
But he won by over a HALF MILLION VOTES!!!!
And I do understand that this country is a Republic, not a Democracy.....but then we should stop acting like every vote counts, because it DOESN'T. Some votes are worth more than others. Thankfully I live in one of those places where my vote is worth more than others. :up: Hopefully the people of this country don't screw it up again.
Guess, you'll have to amend the constitution. Thanks for playing.
No intention of amending the constitution (but if you had actually READ my post, you'd know that, huh?) I plan to "play" though. Thank God my vote is worth more than others! :up:
I read it fine. But to state that the repulican notion of the electoral process is fine (via your interpretation of relative weights of invididual votes) and then make the 24 point, red font statement that he (Gore) won by "HALF MILLION VOTES," you've admitted that your own point was a non sequitur.

Thanks again for playing.
Did he receive more votes? YES

Did he win the election? NO

Have the American people learned their lesson? Or should we just slaughter another thousand troops to get the point across? We Shall See!
Here in Kansas, any vote for a democrat is considered a "protest vote". And I'll protest again this election. The odd thing is, I live in the most affluent county in Kansas...pretty much "die hard" republican territory... and I am hearing quite a bit of negative comments about Bush. Will they vote against him? Who knows. But the tone of the conversations seems to show enough disappointment with him that I wouldn't count on Bush getting their vote. Wouldn't it be something if Bush were the first republican to lose the state of Kansas. Wouldn't hurt him though, we have so few electoral votes that it wouldn't matter that much. Heck...he was able to LOSE in New York and California and still "win" the election.
AgMedallion said:
You mean the multi-million dollar cruise missiles launched to blow up empty $10 tents? Yep, you're right...that was BJ Bill, not Federal Prosecutors. Ignorant jerk? Since I do know the meaning of the word "is" or "alone" (BJ Bill was never "alone" with Monica because there were other people in the White House, Washington, DC, planet Earth, whatever), and I'm an ignorant jerk, what does that make your boy Bill? I do give him credit for being able to sell pardons for a few bucks.
Yup, I am right, and you are wrong. Thanks for noticing. If he hadn't blown up those $10 tents you be whining about that too. Get past the BJ. Really. If thats the best you can do, you've lost the debate. Boo.. Hoo.. Pardongate.The thing that pisses you off about Clinton, is that you know if he was allowed to run again he would get elected in a second.You righties cant stand him cause he kicked your butts for eight years.Nothing pisses of a conservative more than a liberal winner.
MsRes said:
You're absolutely right Light Years. US (along with UA) are the official carriers for the Democratic Convention in BOS in July. Not sure who has the GOP in NYC in AUG.

Air Force 1 for all the high donating executives of the corporation’s that this administration are friends with.

AgMedallion said:
By the time 9/11 rolled around, Bush in fact had virtually no control over it. BJ Bill had done virtually nothing (except you-know-what) for 8 years while Al Qaeda organized and built their strength, made their plans, etc with virtually no meaningful resistance from the U.S. The CIA was gutted and the military severely downsized. If Kerry gets elected, it will be party time for Al Qaeda. Just as they influenced the election in Spain, they'll probably try to influence our election and get Bush out of office. Kerry would be their logical preference since he wouldn't do anything without French/German/U.N. approval. At least that's the way he's leaning now. Who knows where his flip-flopping will take his future policies/views.

Of course Bush had no control over it, He Ignored it. Is this really worth the debate? Does what Clinton or Bush did before 911 matter in this election? I think most poeple dont blame either of them. Again, things changed. Get Over It.

Yup. the CIA was gutted(Before Clinton, By the way) and the military was downsized, Lets just not forget it was a bipartisan affair.

Yea, Al Qaeda's gonna party, like they care who is president.The whole war on terror will just stop. Get real. And as for the "French/German/U.N. approval" and "flip-flopping" bull, why does your party feel it needs to scare you with that unfounded crap. Can't your boy Bushy run on his own merits? Guess not. Seems the best he can do is distort the record of a great American.
KCFlyer said:
Wouldn't it be something if Bush were the first republican to lose the state of Kansas.
Would be rare, but not the first.
LBJ carried Kansas in '64, and Alf Landon couldn't even win his home state in '36 against FDR.
KCFlyer said:
I think the reason so many righties focus on the BJ is because of jealousy more than anything else.
You're right. It certainly does take quite a bit of talent to get a BJ, at least in your world. In mine, I don't give a rat's a** about BJs, just about elected Presidents who do it and then lie about it under oath. Oh yeah, I forgot. The chief Federal law enforcement officer lying under oath before a Grand Jury doesn't matter as long as it's a Democrat. I hope none of your friends/relatives have to file a civil suit against a boorish schmuck like Clinton and then watch him lie and obstruct justice. Or maybe you wouldn't mind if your wife/daughter/sister had a boss who propositioned her. Perhaps behavior like that is a resume builder among Dems. To most however, it's just classless and sometimes criminal.

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