Hugo Chavez Dead

Tell Sean Penn, that after he attends the funeral, he can stay in Venezuela and hand out free light bulbs !
Sean's probably going to blame the USA for not giving him treatments to save him so that he could continue to insult the country Sean Penn and others, leech off of!
I am shocked President Obama didn't offer all the support of His healthcare system. This is an outrage.
Tell Sean Penn, that after he attends the funeral, he can stay in Venezuela and hand out free light bulbs !
Sean's probably going to blame the USA for not giving him treatments to save him so that he could continue to insult the country Sean Penn and others, leech off of!

Ding ding ding...we have winners...

And lets not forget the libtard gods...

The only one missing is Ms. Tree! :p
Never understood why Penn didn't renounce his American citizenship and move to Venezuela so he and Hugo could have sleep overs................wait............could it have anything to do with Hugo confiscating Sean's wealth ?

Saw this article on another forum I post on. Thought it was an interesting counterpoint to all the things we hear in the US.

Why the US demonises Venezuela's democracy</p>

You know 'Tree,......everytime I ever thought of ol' Hugo (before/after), the one word that always came to mind was "Majority".
Like....The majority of Americans despised Hugo, so that meant they were (of course) Right.
The Majority of Americans are White, so that meant that they were BETTER than others.
The majority of Americans are christian, so that means..'thier-way' is THE WAY.
The majority of Americans are Capitalist's AT ANY COST, so that means...It's the only way to THINK.
The majority of Americans think that the majority of Muslims are evil, so there again it must be so.
The majority of Americans think that WHATEVER Israel does is correct..therefore NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
The majority of Americans are anti-Union, therefor UNIONS are BAD.

SH!T, I could go on Forever !

I know (Personally) people who needed a temporary 'boost-up', and got (at No Charge) heating oil, via Joe Kennedy Jr. , who had said heating oil donated to his looooong time program, from Hugo.

So in closing (Hugo)... "You were a UNIQUE Dude", and like the Great Frank Sinatra once sang..." I did it MY WAY " !