Introducing you guys and gals to America West!

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Aug 17, 2005
Who would have thought thirty years ago the most successful post deregulation airline would become the worlds biggest airline?

A little past history, AWA formed in 1983 with three Boeing 737, crossed utilized employees, serving COS, ICT, MCI from PHX.

Some interesting links and quotes.

"The airline was established in February 1981 and began operations August 1, 1983, using three leased Boeing 737 aircraft flying out of its base in Phoenix, Arizona, with Ed Beauvais, a well-known airline industry consultant, as its CEO.[sup][3][/sup] In the early years, passengers could purchase their tickets on board the aircraft."

I'll also add alcohol was free on all flights.

"America West was one of the first airlines to use extensive "cross-utilization", in which employees were trained in a variety of airline jobs, such as pilots being trained in dispatch, and bothbaggage handlers and flight attendants being trained as gate agents. America West also started as a "full-service" airline, in contrast with Southwest Airlines, the discount air carrier competing in many of the same markets."

This web sight has a good link to some great history, watch the R-E-S-P-C-T commercial one of the all time greats.

Awesome tribute videos

This one just posted on the Arizona Republics web page.
That's where I come from , and there are still many of us left ... We have a really great work place culture , and I hope it will infect all of you ! B) B) B) B)
Ohhh boy.... here we go with that #### again...

I can just hear the announcement: "Thank you for flying American Airlines, owned and operated by America West!"
I was just thinking.... now that the SPECULATION is official... (because it is still speculation and hearsay at this point), you AWA people in Phoenix need to start saying good-bye to PHX.

PHX will be gone.... LAX will pick up. Say good-bye to the 30 hour layovers in Hawaii. It'll be turns out of LAX on the 737.

I give PHX 5-7 years before it is completely downsized, even possibly completely gone - a la PIT and LAS.
PHX is the 14th largest metro area but it is the 8th largest domestic O&D market in the country (just behind SFO and just ahead of BOS). PHX ain't going the way of PIT or LAS.

Granted, WN flies as many daily flights at PHX as the US mainline schedule (175) but US has held its own against Southwest, which is now the high-wage airline and its costs are escalating as its growth has slowed to a crawl. There may be fewer connecting passengers at PHX in the future, but PHX has plenty of O&D to warrant significant service.
I hope that's true.... besides, there is no space for growth in LAX, correct?

I don't have any confidence nor trust in Doug Parker. He has always treated his own workforce really badly. I don't think that DP gives a damn about AWA employees, never really has. That was just my impression from what I witnessed there.

DP only cares about his secret lover SK. :)
I was just thinking.... now that the SPECULATION is official... (because it is still speculation and hearsay at this point), you AWA people in Phoenix need to start saying good-bye to PHX.

PHX will be gone.... LAX will pick up. Say good-bye to the 30 hour layovers in Hawaii. It'll be turns out of LAX on the 737.

I give PHX 5-7 years before it is completely downsized, even possibly completely gone - a la PIT and LAS.

i will have to dissagree to this. i am no expert but is LAX already cramed to the gills with flights? I dont think they can move all opps from PHX to LAX maby some yes but not all. i cant say about the 30hr layovers but i dont think PHX will be the next LAS or PIT i have to look into to it more but i know at least of 2 places that US flys out of PHX that AA does not out of LAX or DFW.. I know I know I know that it does not mean PHX wont be downsized but I see it working with the Route Netowrk....
The senior 18+ years AWA employee are actually really nice, some of the very senior hawaii line holder - they are very nice and low key. Below that 18 year mark though, you started seeing the more militant AWA people the ones that hated US Airways just for US Airways being called US Airways. Some of them where also really nice, but they had reserved opinions about US people coming to PHX. Some of the 7-10 year below mark were very anti-east and gave the few easties that went to the west a less than nice welcome. They were the most vocal about the anti-us airways sentiment. The few easties that are left there (probably) less than 9 years are also nice and did their best to integrate with the people that at first rejected them. Below them where all the new hires who had their drama with management the most.

So yes overall it's a very nice group of people who have been mistreated by AWA management.
I hope that's true.... besides, there is no space for growth in LAX, correct?

I don't have any confidence nor trust in Doug Parker. He has always treated his own workforce really badly. I don't think that DP gives a damn about AWA employees, never really has. That was just my impression from what I witnessed there.

DP only cares about his secret lover SK. :)

His loyalties shift as his objectives change, therefore I agree with you on your observation. He may be good at putting these deals together but lacks leadership skills to manage the fallout which follows a merger. I hope he does a better job this time around with the pending merger with AA.

I have yet to have a negative experience on the line despite the venting we all see here. I think it is a good thing to be able to blow off steam in this forum. I've found the Pittsburgh based schedulers to be top-notch with the exception of one who transferred from Phoenix. Same goes for the dispatchers also based in Pitt who do an outstanding job.
America West is just a memory in some peoples minds! You can't live in the past you really need to move forward...Doug did! I'm former PSA and it's nice to reminisce with other former PSA people, but we know reality is that we are USairways! Now we will soon complete another merger and will becaome AA. The only way this will work is to keep moving forward and not resists the inevitable.
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