McCain Picks his VP

McCain looks like he is scared standing on stage by Sarah Paldin (sp). I am sure she is a confident woman but she just does not come across as a strong woman. When she was speaking I thought she sounded more like a cheer leader. Not that there is anything wrong with being a cheerleader and a strong woman, you can be both in my opinion. I just think McCain will regret picking her.
This pick shows clearly that McCain and his "handler's" Dick Cheney and karl rove have zero "love loss" for Romney !!
Gov. Palin is staunchly pro-choice,Anti-gay, and is a "popular new-age republican" in a state that is hugely republican.

For Gov. Palin to have to debate Joe Biden on Any issue(especially foreign policy) seems Grossly Unfair ! It "seems" to me that Rove & co. are trying to draw that final card to fill an "inside straight" !

Correction...Palin is "pro life". Any women who decides to be pregnant at age 44 lacks prudent judgement on behalf of her unborn. If after having 4 other children, she must know she was at MAJOR high risk!

I have a nephew with "down syndrome" who is now 21. He suffers emotionally because he is no longer in school with his friends. He is high functioning and as he gets older his IQ has been on the decline according to his last test. His body is aging quickly and he is acquiring illness that effect the elderly. His joints are always hurtng him, limiting his functionability, always on pain meds, he's had 4 surgeries on his back alone ,and two on his ears, he's infection prone and is on prednisone on a daily bases for joint inflamation. He's suffers a great deal.

I think is highly unfair to the unborn if knowing while pregnant that the fetus will be born with "downs" and going through with the pregnancy. That's just me...and I've experienced the struggles and demands it has on families. When they reach the age of 18, they can get SSI and Medicade for medical as most commercial insurance companies will not cover them for pre-exsiting conditions they acquire and are prone to.

Hopefully, if she wins (unlikely) she can help priomote legislation to give more health care to the disabled and open more doors for opportunity for them. But being a conservative Repub., I highly doubt giving more gov. subsidies to families is on her agenda.
To your point, I’m not convinced that Obama knows what a President does. As a running mate, Obama has picked a career Washington insider who is just as responsible for the quagmire that exists in American politics as Obama claims McCain is. Far from “changeâ€, Biden is just more of the same.

As far as I’m concerned, McCain just pulled the rug out from Obama’s “hope†and “change†DNCC convention. For very obvious reasons, Obama had better think twice before he starts an ad campaign that challenges Palin’s political experience. Obama should also be concerned about where a large majority of the Hillary vote will go.

To your please see statement, Obama has two years of experience as a U.S. Senator, oh boy, oh boy, what’s your point?

My point is crystal clear to the thinking mind! It's now an even playing field. McCain cannot continue his Mantra of "not enough experience", now can he????? McCain is not a healthy guy. I know ALL about Melanoma malignancies, especially those that have penetrated into the lymph system, and his keeps coming back. melanomas are different than basal cell or sarcomas which are slow growing and spread outward; not downward deep into the the tissues of the skin and then lymph. This type of malignancy is a death sentence.
She could easily become president.

Get the point yet? Or should I highlight it in bold?
Ok, you McSame-ists keep harping about Obama's lack of experience. McSame is past 70 years old. The chances of his V-P succeeding to the Presidency are higher than normal. Higher than they have ever been except when Reagan was President.

Gov. Palin has one year as Governor of our largest state which has a population about the same as Ft. Worth, TX (if you don't count the suburbs of Ft. Worth). 70% of that population is white. The Gov., by the way, is already under investigation for firing a state Public Safety Commissioner because that Commissioner refused to fire her ex-brother-in-law from his job as a state trooper. (Does this sound familiar to anyone? Does the phrase, Federal prosecutors come to mind?)

Madame Governor, of course, denies any prior knowledge of one of her staffers calling the Commissioner and trying to pressure him to terminate the ex-brother-in-law who was locked in a custody battle with the Gov's sister. (Probably like Cheney had no prior knowledge of Scooter Libby's outing the CIA employee to the media. Ok. Sure, we'll buy that story.) So far though, there is no other explanation for her firing the Commissioner.

Prior to her one year as Governor of a sparsely populated state, she was Mayor of the major metropolis, Wasilla, Alaska--population approx. 5500.

Well, you've convinced me. She's obviously overqualified to be President of the United States. Particularly when it comes to getting rid of people you don't like or don't agree with you. Cheney won't have to hang around and coach the new staff. He can go straight to Dubai where he is moving Halliburton.

And, since the McSame-ists have made much over the past months of Hillary's look and manner of dress. Did you see the Governor's hairdo? She looks like the graveyard shift waitress at the Waffle House who hasn't yet heard that the 50's are over. Either that or she is one of those Pentecostals who never cut their hair. They just keep piling it higher and higher.

LOL :lol: This has got to be the best post yet!!!

Hell, I was MEC president of a f/a group of over 9,000 f/as. I've got her beat!!! And I managed a budget of $500,000; and a Local budget of $190,000 all at the same time.

I think I'll run for president, what the hey... :up:
I'm not voting for Barack Obama primarily because of his race. It's not that I'm against a slightly black person being President. What I'm against are the self-proclaimed "leaders" of the black race, most of whom are 10 times as inexperienced and incompetent as some allege Sarah Palin to be, being in a position where they feel like they've got "one of their own" in the White House who will cow tow to their ridiculous demands. Specifically, I'm talking about Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Quannell X, etc. They're not the kind of people I want being advisors to the President of the United States. And, make no mistake about it, Obama will put them all front and center if he gets in there. He's going to have to give them what they want as payback for the "assistance" he'd receive in getting elected, specifically them telling the black community to vote for him and them blindly obeying their leaders.

Sorry folks, I'm voting for McCain and today's announcement just further solidifies that position. I'm a Hillary Clinton supporter, just so we're clear. I'm pro choice, pro gay, pro gun, and pro speech and couldn't care less about McCain's or Palin's positions. What gives me comfort in my vote is that I know with 100% certainty that Jesse Jackson won't be the Secretary of State or Al Sharpton as the Attorney General. I am close friends with numerous members of the black community who feel the exact same way as I do. It's just the wrong candidate at the wrong time.

I prayed this morning on the issue and I know I've got Jesus standing right by my side.
Obama is color blind, even though many of his supporters are black. That's their issue; not his.

Jesse Jackass, and Al Sharphead didn't even show up for the convention. They don't really care for Obama, have you been watching the news the last few months, you couldn't have missed the "apology" from Jesse who was caught dissing Obama in a "hot" mike.

Obama wouldn't appoint them to be federal "dog catchers". Obama is a man of great intelligence and character, hope and inspiration. A man of confidence without arrogance, a great communicator and has risen to the challenge to be not only a president; but probably one of the greatest presidents in history!

And this comes from a person who changed their vote twice at the polls from Hillary to Obama.

I'm completely perplexed of why McCain would choose a candidate who brings up continually in her speech that she is a hockey mom, being that he met her once? Obviously, someone talked him into it.

The only thing I can come up with is that he either depended on some of his campaign managers that this would be a great choice for him, OR he had a sudden brain fart and thought he had a slam dunk.

I bet Obama couldn't be more pleased with McCain's choice. The media will have a field day with this for the last 60 days of this election. And, you just have to feel sorry for McCain, as he will be spending most of his days defending her instead of presenting his plan for his presidency.

The smart thing for him would have been's just fate that he was not chosen, and this "unkown" was.
How so? Because I won't vote for Barack Obama because of the political baggage that comes with his ethnicity? There's not a racist bone in my body, but I'm not afraid to admit that I've had enough of the black "leaders." They've done nothing for the black people but keep them down and this is evident in any major city. By and large, they're corrupt, elitist, and care nothing about the plight of the people on whose behalf they supposedly advocate.

The African American culture desperately needs someone like Barack Obama to call their leader and, unfortunately, Barack doesn't feel the same way.

"By and large, they're corrupt, elitist, and care nothing about the plight of the people on whose behalf they supposedly advocate."

Hmm, sounds just like the white leadership to me...
My point is crystal clear to the thinking mind! It's now an even playing field. McCain cannot continue his Mantra of "not enough experience", now can he????? McCain is not a healthy guy. I know ALL about Melanoma malignancies, especially those that have penetrated into the lymph system, and his keeps coming back. melanomas are different than basal cell or sarcomas which are slow growing and spread outward; not downward deep into the the tissues of the skin and then lymph. This type of malignancy is a death sentence.
She could easily become president.

Get the point yet? Or should I highlight it in bold?

My point is crystal clear to the thinking mind! It's now an even playing field. McCain cannot continue his Mantra of "not enough experience", now can he?????

By making your point “crystal clear†you’ve obviously conceded to the fact that Obama has no experience, after all, the playing field is even now isn’t it? What’s still unclear about your “crystal clear†point is how you fear and loathe inexperience as a heartbeat away from the oval office yet support a presidential candidate that, to your own acknowledgement, has no experience. Yeah, you’re crystal clear!

McCain is not a healthy guy. I know ALL about Melanoma malignancies, especially those that have penetrated into the lymph system, and his keeps coming back. melanomas are different than basal cell or sarcomas which are slow growing and spread outward; not downward deep into the the tissues of the skin and then lymph. This type of malignancy is a death sentence.
She could easily become president.

Why didn’t you tell the Oncologist at the Mayo Clinic that McCain’s malignant melanoma had spread to his Lymph system? I’m sure your vast experience as an ex-MEC president and executor of a 500K budget qualifies you as the ultimate authority in all things medical. Please.

McCain in 'excellent health,' doctor says
Well we hope that McCain is in good health I wish no harm to anyone, and especially with his soccer mom VP. You can try to compare Obama and Palin if you want to but from what I have witnessed ( and I am a nobody just consider myself a good judge of character) there is no comparison. Obama seems to have much more control about him. Between Obama and McCain I feel better with Obama even with less experience. Just because you have a lot of years in the senate doesnt mean you have done much with that time. I do not claim that McCain has not done anything with his time but I do not recall anything that stands out as WOW, McCain did that. I do remember the McCain/Fiengold campaign reform legislation that McCain is no longer supporting himself. And Way before my time I think there was something called the Keating 5 which McCain was involved with. So his experience doesnt not make me feel he is ready to be commander in cheif. He is a terrible speaker, he has to continually look down or at his prompter. It is not a pretty sight. Of course my opinion is bias and I realize that.
McCain blindsided Obama and stole their post convention thunder.What a move.
Obama's campaign had no alternative but to slander and attack.
However,Obama had some carefully measured,kind words for her apparently without his own knowledge of what his campaign had released.
What a ballsy move.....time will tell....the old guy is wily as a fox.
By making your point “crystal clear†you’ve obviously conceded to the fact that Obama has no experience, after all, the playing field is even now isn’t it? What’s still unclear about your “crystal clear†point is how you fear and loathe inexperience as a heartbeat away from the oval office yet support a presidential candidate that, to your own acknowledgement, has no experience. Yeah, you’re crystal clear!

Why didn’t you tell the Oncologist at the Mayo Clinic that McCain’s malignant melanoma had spread to his Lymph system? I’m sure your vast experience as an ex-MEC president and executor of a 500K budget qualifies you as the ultimate authority in all things medical. Please.

McCain in 'excellent health,' doctor says

He is currently in excellent health with cancer in remission. You HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MY WORK IS ON A PROFESSIONAL BASIS, AND I am an authority on matters of health and disease.
Jesus was not black. Jesus was Jewish and that makes him caucasian or, at the very least, Middle Eastern. By your statement, you are saying that Jewish people are black. Any Jews care to chime in?

Why would I be offended because my ancestors may have been black? After all, homo sapien is thought to have originated in East Africa so I would guess they were not lily white like you. Do you think there might be a 'darkie' in the wood pile? :afro:

Fine, Jesus was not black, just a white dude with a really really dark tan.... Racist crack me up. The fact that you are so defensive and concerned about what Jesus's skin color was seems to indicate that you are a racist. Jesus was what he was, no one knows for certain, it should not matter in the least, and you cannot change history.

Now go answer the phone, I think David Duke and Robert Byrd are looking for you.

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