NH election rigging?


Oct 29, 2002
An interesting view....

Found out,you do not have to be a resident of NH to vote in their primary....

I want to know the numbers. How many people that voted in New Hampshire were first-time registered voters that registered yesterday? We had the story way, way back long, long time ago, it was November the 27th, about how you can vote in New Hampshire. And that is, you can go in from out of state, and all you have to do to get a ballot, about which they ran out of, I wonder why, on the Democrat side, all you have to do is go in and say, "Yeah, I'm thinking about moving to New Hampshire, I might be moving here," and so forth, and so you can vote. We have had this confirmed. Even the Clinton people all day yesterday thinking they were down in the dumps by five or ten points. Ha-ha-ha. But I think Mrs. Clinton was so overwhelmed by my advice and by my heartfelt plea to remain in this race and to not give up that she sort of cried. And look what happened? The tears worked. The tears worked, folks. I was up 'til two o'clock in the morning trying to sort all of this out. You look at the Republican polls, they were right on the money, within one percentage point of the outcome. The Democrat polls were way, way off.
(From the left wing's fav-El Rushmo)

From our own Dr Fischer an excellent breakdown of the New Hampshire primary elections…

It defies logic and science:

Zogby poll done Jan 5-7:
Clinton 29%
Obama 42%
Edwards 17%
Richardson 5%
Kucinich 2%
Undecided 5%

Election Results
Clinton 39%
Obama 36%
Edwards 17%
Richardson 5%
Kucinich 1%
Uncounted 2%

The polls for Edwards, Richardson and Kucinich were spot on. But the Clinton/Obama polls were “off†by 16 percentage points! Impossible! Never happen! No way!

Clinton’s advisors expected her to come in second again, and were planning on conceding the next two primaries to work on super Tuesday, Feb 5th, when there are 22 primaries. But, danged if she didn’t pull of a “shocking†win! Woo! Woo!

Let’s look at the Republicans’ numbers:

Zogby Poll of Jan 5 -7
McCain 36%
Romney 27%
Huckabee 10%
Giuliani 9%
Paul 9%
Thompson 2%
Hunter 1%
Undecided 5%

Election Results
McCain 37%
Romney 31%
Huckabee 11%
Giuliani 9%
Paul 8%
Thompson 1%
Hunter 1%
Uncounted 2%

Romney picked up 4 percentage points (probably from the undecided voters) and the rest are within 1 percent of the poll. Nothing unusual there. The poll was right on, again!

How do the media explain what is being called an “amazing,†“surprising,†“startling,†“stunning,†victory? Why, it was Billary’s near-tear moment that showed a softer, more human side of the iceberg lady. It was the independent voters (sorry not enough of those). It was the undecided voters, old-line Democrats, women voters… blah, blah, blah….

What is NOT being mentioned is that three-quarters of the votes were counted on Diebold op-scan machines — the exact same ones that were hacked in the HBO documentary, Hacking Democracy. Not mentioned is that the results were tallied and the records kept and made unrecoverable by LHS Associates, whose owner John Silverstro, has been the subject of numerous voter fraud investigations by independent researchers.

But, that’s not the end of the story. The media was claiming it was “do-or-die†for Billary. All would be lost if she didn’t win in New Hampshire. But, in actual number of delegates Clinton is in the lead with 187 delegates, to Obama’s 89 delegates, and Edwards with 50 delegates. There have only been two primaries. Where did all those other delegates come from? The are the so-called “super-delegates,†separately chosen party and elected officials! So, what are the primaries all about? Symbolic politics! The primaries are a con job to draw attention away from the corporate elite’s control of the American political system.

I hate to be an I-told-you-so, but for a year or more I’ve been telling everyone that the elections are a fraud worked on the American public, and that Billary is going to be the next president. It just that no one can actually believe that’s true. Not in America! It can’t happen here! There is a great line from Groucho Marks, when he is caught in the bedroom of an old battleaxe’s pretty young daughter. He asks the furious woman, “Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?â€

Who are you going to believe: the media, or your own eyes?

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New Hampshire residents who will be 18 years of age or older on election day, and a United States Citizen, may register with the town or city clerk where they live up to 10 days before any election. You may also register on election day at the polling place. The town clerk's office can inform voters of what proof of qualification they should bring to register.

There is no minimum period of time you are required to have lived in the state before being allowed to register. You may register as soon as you move into your new community.


Coincidence they had a record number voting and ran light on ballots?
Coincidence Zogby and others polling was so far off track?
Coincidence? :lol:
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General Voter Registration
Section 654:12
654:12 Determining Qualifications of Applicant. –
I. When determining the qualifications of an applicant, the supervisors of the checklist, or the town or city clerk, shall require the applicant to present proof of citizenship, age, and domicile, as provided in the following categories:
(a) CITIZENSHIP. The supervisors of the checklist, or the town or city clerk, shall accept from the applicant any one of the following as proof of citizenship: the applicant's birth certificate, passport, naturalization papers if the applicant is a naturalized citizen, a citizenship affidavit, or any other reasonable documentation which indicates the applicant is a United States citizen. The citizenship affidavit shall be in the following form:

Date: ____________________


Name: ______________________________

Name at birth if different: ______________________________

Place of birth: ______________________________

Date of birth: __________

Date and Place of Naturalization: ____________________________

I hereby swear and affirm, under the penalties for voting fraud set forth
below, that I am a United States citizen and that to the best of my knowledge
and belief the information above is true and correct.

(Signature of applicant)

In accordance with RSA 659:34, the penalty for knowingly or purposefully
providing false information when registering to vote or voting is a class A
misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of imprisonment not to exceed one year
and a fine not to exceed $2,000. Fraudulently registering to vote or voting
is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.

On the date shown above, before me, ____________________ (print name of notary
public, justice of the peace, election officer), appeared
____________________ (print name of person whose signature is being
notarized), (known to me or satisfactorily proven (circle one)) to be the
person whose name appears above, and he or she subscribed his or her name to
the foregoing affidavit and swore that the facts contained in this affidavit
are true to the best of his or her knowledge and belief.

Notary Public/Justice of the
Peace/Official Authorized by RSA 659:30

(B) AGE. Any reasonable documentation indicating the applicant is 18 years of age or older.
© DOMICILE. Any reasonable documentation which indicates that the applicant has a domicile and intends to maintain a domicile, as defined in this chapter, in the town, city or ward in which he or she desires to vote, or, if the applicant does not have reasonable documentation in his or her possession at the place and time of voter registration, an affidavit in the following form:


Date: ____________________

Name: ____________________

Current Domicile Address: ____________________
Street Ward Number

Town or City Zip Code

Date when current domicile was established: Month: _______ Year:_______

Place and date of birth: ____________________

Address of last previous domicile: ____________________
Street Ward Number

Town or City Zip Code

I hereby swear and affirm, under the penalties for voting fraud set forth
below, that my established domicile is at the current domicile address I have
entered above and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information
above is true and correct.

(Signature of applicant)

In accordance with RSA 659:34, the penalty for knowingly or purposefully
providing false information when registering to vote or voting is a class A
misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of imprisonment not to exceed one year
and a fine not to exceed $2,000. Fraudulently registering to vote or voting
is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000.

On the date shown above, before me, __________ (print name of notary public,
justice of the peace, election officer), appeared __________ ( print name of
person whose signature is being notarized), (known to me or satisfactorily
proven (circle one)) to be the person whose name appears above, and he or she
subscribed his or her name to the foregoing affidavit and swore that the
facts contained in this affidavit are true to the best of his or her
knowledge and belief.

Notary Public/Justice of the
Peace/Official Authorized by RSA 659:30

II. The supervisors may refuse to add the name of an applicant to the checklist if he or she fails to present the evidence or an affidavit as required by this section. Without limiting the acceptance of other forms of proof of domicile or identity deemed reasonable by the supervisors:
(a) Any one of the following documents is presumptive evidence that the individual seeking to vote meets the domicile requirement, provided the document is currently valid, was issued to or in the name of the applicant, and shows the address the applicant claims as a domicile:
(1) New Hampshire driver's license.
(2) New Hampshire vehicle registration.
(3) Armed services identification, or other photo identification issued by the United States government.
(B) Any one of the following is presumptive evidence of the identity of an applicant sufficient to satisfy the identity requirement for an official authorized by RSA 659:30 to take the oath of an applicant swearing to a citizenship, domicile, or election day affidavit:
(1) Photo driver's license issued by any state or the federal government.
(2) United States passport, armed services identification, or other photo identification issued by the United States government.
(3) Photo identification issued by local or state government.

© The presumptions established in this paragraph may be defeated by evidence establishing that it is more likely than not that the applicant is not qualified as a voter.
III. To prove the qualifications set forth in paragraphs I and II, an applicant for registration as a voter must prove his or her identity to establish that the evidence used to prove age, citizenship, and domicile relate to the applicant. A person who has in his or her immediate possession a photo identification approved for use by paragraph II must present that identification when applying for registration. A person who does not have an approved photo identification with him or her may establish identity through any reasonable means, including, but not limited to: photo identification not approved by paragraph II, but determined to be legitimate by the supervisors of the checklist or clerk, verification of the person's identity by another person registered as a voter and known to the supervisor or clerk, or completion of the affidavit to be completed by a challenged voter. Residents of a nursing home or similar facility may prove their identity through verification of identity by the administrator of the facility or by his or her designee. For the purposes of this section, the application of a person whose identity has been verified by an official of a nursing home or similar facility shall be treated in the same manner as the application of a person who proved his or her identity with a photo identification.
IV. Any person who is applying for registration as a voter and who is currently registered to vote in a different town or ward in New Hampshire shall complete the voter registration form provided for in RSA 654:7. If the election official receiving the application confirms through the centralized voter registration database required by RSA 654:45 that the applicant is currently registered to vote in New Hampshire, the applicant shall prove identity and domicile, but shall not be required to prove his or her age or citizenship.
V. (a) The election official approving the application for registration as voter of a person who does not present an approved form of photo identification as proof of identity when registering, shall mark the voter registration form to indicate that no photo identification was presented. The person entering the voter information into the centralized voter registration database shall determine if the person is listed in the system as having been previously registered in the town or ward reported by the applicant on the voter registration form. If the person is a new registrant who has not been previously registered anywhere in New Hampshire or if the centralized voter registration database does not confirm a previous registration claimed on the voter registration form, the election official shall cause the record created in the centralized voter registration database to indicate that the person is a new applicant in New Hampshire and that no photo identification was presented. When municipalities enter information on people who register on election day into the centralized voter registration database, to the extent practical applicants who are registering for the first time in New Hampshire and who also register without presenting an approved photo identification shall be entered first.
(B) The secretary of state shall cause a letter of identity verification to be mailed by first class mail to each voter identified at a state general election as a first-time election day registrant in New Hampshire who also did not verify his or her identity with an approved photo identification. The letter shall be mailed within 90 days after the general election. The secretary of state shall mark the envelope with instructions to the United States Post Office not to forward the letter and to provide address correction information. The letter shall notify the person that a person who was unable to present photo identification registered or registered and voted using his or her name and address and instruct the person to contact the attorney general immediately if he or she did not register and vote.
© The secretary of state shall cause any letters mailed pursuant to subparagraph (B) that are returned as undeliverable by the United States Post Office to be referred to the attorney general. Upon receipt of notice from a person who receives a letter of identity verification that the person did not register and vote, or upon receipt of a referral from the secretary of state, the attorney general shall cause an investigation to be made to determine whether fraudulent registration or voting occurred.

Source. 1979, 436:1. 1990, 119:8. 1992, 287:6, 7. 1994, 4:3, eff. May 27, 1994. 1996, 169:1, eff. June 3, 1996. 2003, 289:29, eff. Sept. 1, 2003. 2006, 300:1, eff. Sept. 1, 2006.
I was reading/watching something that suggested that a good number of the more reliable polls were only a few points off for Obama and that the variation was for Clinton. The explanation was that the independents were the ones who swung the vote and that the pollsters did not account for that. Also, the polls were from the previous days. There is speculation that the debate and the "teary moment" had a dramatic affect on the perception some independents/undecided had on Clinton. Also, if you look at the poll results, there was a substantial number of 'undecideds and not sure folks.

Why does everything have to be a conspiracy? People thought the gods were mad when the sun was eclipsed by the moon until science explained what happened. Most events in life have a logical explanation. And on those rare occasions where science and logic cannot explain said event, conspiracy is not the default alternate explanation.

Here are some other possibilities

Huffington Post

Sanfrancisco Chronicle

As for the increase in voters. I do not see the problem. There was an increase of over 25% in voter turn out that was not expected. There was a 90% increase in voter trurn out in Iowa that was wholly unexpected. If you throw a party for 10 people and 30 show up, you are going to run out of stuff. What is so hard to understand about that? No one expected the turn out and there for they did not plan for it.


CBS poll had Obama at 35%

CBS Poll

Rasmussen Poll had Obama at 37%

Rasmussen Poll

These are just few other polls (That Rush does not use because they do not support his twisted drug induced view of the world) that were close in reference to Obama but did not take into account the undecided votes.
AH.........allow this "Granite state Resident"...ME(NH's referred to as the Granite State because of the abundance of the GRANITE rock).."supply" some first hand INFO(to THOSE CONCERNED) that you Better be carrying a NH drivers licence w/address on it, or a utility bill with your address on it AND some other type of valid Identification, to register to vote in YOUR town !!! (There are NOT a lot of cities in NH) Its also virtually IMPOSSIBLE to register your car in any town, UNLESS you can PROVE you live there(reason being the low insurance rates that MANY,MANY Massachusetts "highly Taxed " residents try to avoid by falsely registering in NH)

Now for PROVEN voter "discrepancy's, the NH REPUBLICAN party got cauaght ENGAGING in "push polling" a few years back......................................AND, just in todays news, NH is investigating ROMNEY for the same tactics used against McCain. :shock: :shock: :shock:

(DELL,......."How do you LIKE those apples" ?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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AH.........allow this "Granite state Resident"...ME(NH's referred to as the Granite State because of the abundance of the GRANITE rock).."supply" some first hand INFO(to THOSE CONCERNED) that you Better be carrying a NH drivers licence w/address on it, or a utility bill with your address on it AND some other type of valid Identification, to register to vote in YOUR town !!! (There are NOT a lot of cities in NH) Its also virtually IMPOSSIBLE to register your car in any town, UNLESS you can PROVE you live there(reason being the low insurance rates that MANY,MANY Massachusetts "highly Taxed " residents try to avoid by falsely registering in NH)

Now for PROVEN voter "discrepancy's, the NH REPUBLICAN party got cauaght ENGAGING in "push polling" a few years back......................................AND, just in todays news, NH is investigating ROMNEY for the same tactics used against McCain. :shock: :shock: :shock:

(DELL,......."How do you LIKE those apples" ?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Tell us about John Silvestro and LHS associates.....
