Phoenix Gay Pride Parade

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Curious, but I wonder if USAirways would sponsor a group for the Heterosexual Christian Pride Parade? That is if the ACLU would allow that kind of parade.

Yes this is a serious question. Do you think that would be fair?
No, but they would sponsor the Homosexual Christian Pride Parade. Work on it, ok? :lol: Don't you know that life ain't "fair?" :bleh:
August 22, 2006
Gay advertising

The total budget spent by companies in gay targeted advertising in the United States for 2005 is estimated at 232 millions $, quite a nice one, isn't it ! Nowadays, lots of companies made the choice to target the gay community. For example, in 2004, 36 % of the Fortune top 100 advertised to the lesbian and gay market.

Gay and lesbian population is estimated at 4 to 10 % of the population, which means between 12 and 28 millions in the States. The United Kingdom reported an estimation of 3,6 millions gay and lesbian. Sweden estimated its G&L population to 6 % of the population.

Even if it is difficult to agree on figures regarding the average income of gays and lesbians, the average income of gay households is estimated between 26 and 51 % higher than average. Gay people are often associated with DINK's (double income no kids) with more freedom to travel and a more available income for buying hi-tech or luxury goods. In 1991, the Wall Street Journal was already defining the gay and lesbian community as a "dream market".

Curious, but I wonder if USAirways would sponsor a group for the Heterosexual Christian Pride Parade? That is if the ACLU would allow that kind of parade.

Yes this is a serious question. Do you think that would be fair?
I do not care if a person is gay, black, spanish, asian,straight, irish (Good for beer jokes), german, russian or whatever a person is. This is reaching out to and for customers.

This is not intended to disrespect any ethnic, religious, or other beliefs.
Curious, but I wonder if USAirways would sponsor a group for the Heterosexual Christian Pride Parade? That is if the ACLU would allow that kind of parade.

Yes this is a serious question. Do you think that would be fair?
Maybe if Jim Bakker was Grand Marshall
Curious, but I wonder if USAirways would sponsor a group for the Heterosexual Christian Pride Parade? That is if the ACLU would allow that kind of parade.

Yes this is a serious question. Do you think that would be fair?

Here we go! Newbies with no posts coming on to troll. :rolleyes:

Its the same as having black, hispanic, womens, Native American etc sholarships, events etc... its just the way it is. Minorities can do these things, particularly repressed ones, majorities can't. Nothing new here. If you dislike people that are gay you are not required to go to a gay pride event. US is just continuing a very successful marketing strategy. My boy pal was involved in this one year and these employees do it for free- spreading goodwill and advertising our company. I think they were at the Italian festival too. And no doubt Southwest will be there too, I think they had a float in the Philly parade one time, and were on the train paying peoples train fares.

By the way US is not a sponsor, they are just setting up a booth and advertising. These are the sponsors:

yeah i'm going to have to be honest , i too thought that this was a joke that's why i read the article so go easy on barnums.... You people are too quick to put those of us who do not agree with the whole homsexual thing down ... Just ACCEPT that we don't want to be involved with homesexual issues .. you live in your world and we will live in ours .. all we ask is to be left alone .We aren't bigiots , it's just that these issues have nothing to do with our culture and in many cases our relgion's hence they have nothing to do with us .

p.s i just wanted to make sure my postion is clear on this so i edited it .. i think gay men are great , i wish MOST men were gay , the MORE Gay men the better , if your a man reading this and thinking about going gay , DO IT.... the more gay men there are , the more women for the rest of us! horray for gayness ( in that sense only )
US has been at all of the PHL prides (or Equality fest or whatever) for years. Went one year with a friend and they were handing out those yellow GoFares pins and t-shirts etc... it was some of the supervisors and that Barry Biffle guy I think. Most of the airlines do this in thier hometowns, its huge advertising and a consumer group with alot of travel/disposable income. US used to have a position in its marketing dept specifically for GLBT travelers and even had gay themed ads a few years ago.
We did have a lot of fun that year at the booth handing out those temporary tatoos and go fares items.
The funny part of this is when the kids of the world grow up say 25-40 years from now they will look back on this era and say "you were fighting about what?" With the wars in the world and all the hate, some people choose to focus on gays that just want to be left alone. I feel so sad for the biggots of the world.
The buying power of U.S. gay, lesbian and bisexual adults this year is projected to reach $610 billion, $30 billion more than the estimate in 2004, according to a newly released analysis by Witeck-Combs Communications and Packaged Facts. I know the Budwiser has a group in corp that focus just on the gay/lesbian deomographic and they are gay themselves. I had them on the flight and are a very nice group. Most of my gay friends go out of thier way to fly other airlines besides USAirways. They like the more full service airlines and the large majority of gay/lesbians are brand loyal. They know CO, UAL and AA are going to give them a higher quality flying experiance and they are willing to pay more for it.
You mean Tammy Faye was a female? I hate to have her cosmetic bill. She probably had her own factory. :shock:

There used to be a T-shirt around CLT many years ago during the Heritage USA days.

It said:

I ran into Tammy Faye at the mall!

Under it was a caricature of Tammys makeup on your T-Shirt!

I wish i still had it. I carried it around for years but finally tossed it in the last move.
when i was in grad school at vanderbilt (which, is the ONLY reason i introduce this, DoUgIe), the divinity school offered a t-shirt that said: "got vd?".
i still wear it, along with my yankees hat, to publix each week.
people get SO pissed!! i LOVE it!! did i mention, i live in BNA??
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