QIK /SHARES migration

Aug 20, 2002
It has been a while since I’ve been on the boards much, but thought it was worth mentioning that, while it is to hard to believe, it has now been a year since the switch from SABRE to QIK/SHARES. While some of the worst problems have been corrected, many users continue to be frustrated by the remaining problems. Problems both with the QIK “gooey†overlay and with SHARES itself .

The DRS “QIK Fix†pages continue to list the some of problems reported by users. All too often, the answer is that the problem is on the “fix it listâ€. The “Weekly Operational Wire†that replaced “Migration Relief†hasn’t been published in months.

Be it ticketing, check-in, or boarding control, the system still falls far short of what the airline had with SABRE.


For the front-end users – as well as customers – out there, what are your “favorite†problems with the system? Is there anything you like?
How hard is it to fix the flifo screen so one can see where an aircraft is coming from and that status of it???
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How hard is it to fix the flifo screen so one can see where an aircraft is coming from and that status of it???

Since the upline flifo has been promised for a year now, I guess it must be very hard indeed! :rolleyes: :eek: (Wonder if CO SHARES has it. CO's version can do things the US version can't.)

As I've said before, CO SHARES (without a "gooey) is not a bad system - from what I've seen and from what CO people have told me.
I was going to repsond with "favorite" problems then realised it depended on what you used or were doing that day. My biggest bugbear is still its instability, or as people like to say "Oh that's just QIK it's quirky". Having a cutesy little answer is not acceptable to such a big issue.
Comparing qik/shares with CO version of shares is the equivilant of comparing a water pistol with a howitzer. The US qik/shares system is only marginally improved over the disaster of last March. The "shares is just as flexible and upgradeable as Sabre" crap is as bogus now as it was then. One year after res migration we still have what can only be described as the worst airline res system in the industry. They(Tempe) talk about how they have saved 100 million by the change , but how much has it cost us in lost business , errors and its inability to to the job at hand. How much has it cost us in increased labor and manhours to get it to it's present yet still second rate status? This system just needs a stake through it's heart and to be disposed of.
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CO is in the middle of rolling out a GUI overlay for SHARES.
CO already has a GUI overlay; from what I've seen, very few people use it. CO people at one station have told me that although their new hires are taught the GUI, once they start working and see their fellow employees using native SHARES (which is faster and easier once you learn it) switch to the latter*. The point is that CO gives its employees a choice of which one to use.

To further counter Tempe's arguement about CO and SHARES, the two carriers do not use the same version of the system. Which is just what IT says whenever someone says "Gee, CO can do this, why can't we?". (example: generating a bag tag for a four segment trip.)

* -which is pretty much the case with any GUI overlay of a native system, be it Apollo, Sabre, or SHARES .

Everytime I need to reroute myself I will go into QIK myself and ajust everything faster than what the gate agent can do if its East of the Mississippi cux chances are I can do it in 3 minutes flat and the agents will just go uhhh...but yeah I'd mess it up sometimes :) BRING BACK SABRE
The statement about CO's Shares being much more powerful is correct. I hate to tell you guys this, but I can download on my PDA, on CO's Mobile web site, FLIFO information such as where the plane is coming from, its fleet number, a seat map, AS WELL as standby and upgrade standby lists....directly to my phone!

And US can't even get that information to its agents???????

Sometimes I have to wonder how IT management still has a job at US.....oh silly me....it's US!!
Shares is still a trainwreck. Shares will never be a feasible system for the East's intricate system. We just all pretend it works because that is what we have to work with. It is a pure embarrassment for the employees.
I have not words to display the growing IT department. If I were to give you true feelings I would be visiting the "cornfield".
1- Was a POS
2- Is a POS
3- Will ALWAYS be a POS!

No 2 ways about it...

Pretty sad when you have to continue to do the SAME ENTRY 6 Times..
Gimme a break!

We had A Great System and this Bozo MUCKED IT UP!

YA get what ya pay for!
There's just way too much material available here.
One of my favorite things the computer system does is.... you've been working at your position for 4 or 5 hours everything is going (fairly) normal when you have a move up fee to do. No problem, I've been doing these all day. Go through the motions, get to the credit card info and poof. Nothing happens. Do it again. Same thing, nothing happens. Move to another computer, sign in, pull up record, get to SST mask, do FOP, nothing. Move to another computer, go through motions 1-5 again and YEA!!!!!! it took the charge info. Now, I have to go back and reboot the other computers to get the SST moveup info to take on those computers. In the meantime, either the bag tags or boarding passes at those potitions wont work while the computers are rebooting so they cant be used.
Can someone tell me why the computer just decides to "drop", for lack of a better word, something as simple as an SST (and it wont be all the SSTs, just a specific one like moveup, change fee or excess baggage)???? :blink: You also dont know its going to happen until whatever you want to charge just doesnt work. How many agents do you think just say screw it and go to the next customer? How much $ walks out the door every day with that little gem going on in the system? If theres a line out the door, I can see the agent going computer to computer all down the line until they can find one that will actually DO WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO DO.

Also, for those of you that have access to the computer try this out sometime. Its really quite amusing. Go to ShiftB option 1 and read some of the problems and responses to the system. My favorite response is "I think this is scheduled to be fixed this year sometime (2008). Nothing like putting a time limit on getting things working right. :down:
There's just way too much material available here.
One of my favorite things the computer system does is.... you've been working at your position for 4 or 5 hours everything is going (fairly) normal when you have a move up fee to do. No problem, I've been doing these all day. Go through the motions, get to the credit card info and poof. Nothing happens. Do it again. Same thing, nothing happens. Move to another computer, sign in, pull up record, get to SST mask, do FOP, nothing. Move to another computer, go through motions 1-5 again and YEA!!!!!! it took the charge info. Now, I have to go back and reboot the other computers to get the SST moveup info to take on those computers. In the meantime, either the bag tags or boarding passes at those potitions wont work while the computers are rebooting so they cant be used.
Can someone tell me why the computer just decides to "drop", for lack of a better word, something as simple as an SST (and it wont be all the SSTs, just a specific one like moveup, change fee or excess baggage)???? :blink: You also dont know its going to happen until whatever you want to charge just doesnt work. How many agents do you think just say screw it and go to the next customer? How much $ walks out the door every day with that little gem going on in the system? If theres a line out the door, I can see the agent going computer to computer all down the line until they can find one that will actually DO WHAT ITS SUPPOSED TO DO.

Also, for those of you that have access to the computer try this out sometime. Its really quite amusing.
Go to ShiftB option 1 and read some of the problems and responses to the system. My favorite response is "I think this is scheduled to be fixed this year sometime (2008). Nothing like putting a time limit on getting things working right.

Mu favorite answer on the Qik Fix page is "works as designed"....WAD...Yeah, well it was designed poorly!
Since the European websites have now been moved to the Amadeus platform , is it possible that Tempe may have finally seen the light , that there is nothing that can make Qik/shares work and this is the first step to it's eventual demise? One can only hope . But the IT (idiot team) will still try to maintain that it works just fine 1 year later when everyone knows differently. Every so called enhancement is met with 2 or 3 steps backward as qik/shares simply is a POS. Hopefully this may be a move toward the much desired common system for Star Alliance members.
Yeah, this system sucks and we all know it. Could that be why the sandcastle sent someone from there to Charlotte as the IT guy? He is about as clueless as anyone and his response to just about everything is oh, I have to see it to believe it. What a joke! Just like when I have 20 passengers coming in on UA with no passport information in QIK that I have to scramble to get and make sure the flight leaves ontime?? Here about the new keystroke??? Shift F U!!!