SC GOP Gov. Sanford.."changes his mind"......

Aug 20, 2002

With mere hours, before the DEADLINE to accept the STIM funds,................good ol' boy Sanford Stuck his SNOUT in DEEP, and Slurped it up !!!

How do you spell HYPOCRIT(s) ?

Easy.(Governors) Haley(I Can't speak ENGLISH)................B A R B O U R
Mark(I'm running in 2012)......................S A N F O R D

(GOD BLESS) The GOP............."The GIFT that KEEPS on GIVING" :up: :up: :bleh:

Can't blame the Huffington Post for this one !
who is providing the "pork" the messiah? he was going to use funds to pay down state debts (an unknown concept for the Messiah) but nooo you'll do it the Messiahs way and you will like it
When the economy turns around ....on HIS Watch(and it will)....What BS line will YOU be Slinging then ????
Interesting. From "GOP Message" thread. Your quote:
It will take decades to mentally, and $$$$ to recover from "our boy" W. !!!

Ummmm. Which one would you like to go with? How ya feelin today, Bear?

The economy will turn around. Not because of massive spending by Government at a time the pockets and wallets are low. More beuracracy, higher taxation, higher spending to "jump start" the economy will not work, it never has. Your dreaded Capatalist system is what will turn it around, albeit with Messiah blessed conditions. When people with the capital, the greedy ones to you, start infusing said capital into businesses to grow, thus hiring more workers, thus more money for people to spend, thus stimulating economic growth, is when the economy will turn around. That is only one, but, the most important example of how an economy in decline rights itself.
I am wondering how the economy was going to turn it around, when the banks wouldnt borrow money, even to each other. The capitalist system hit a log jam. Now it takes an entity and a power only the size of federal government to break through.
I am wondering how the economy was going to turn it around, when the banks wouldnt borrow money, even to each other. The capitalist system hit a log jam. Now it takes an entity and a power only the size of federal government to break through.
HUH??? :huh: "how the economy was going to turn around, when the banks wouldn't borrow money" :unsure:
"the power and size of the federal Government" :rolleyes:

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what mikey is talking about here is inter bank lending ....the over night window ect ect ..

we saw this close up during the 4th quarter of last year ..

The economy will not turn around on the presidents watch blackbears ... and the governors of all the states have NO choice but to acccept the stimuls pacakge , without it the budget cuts would result in all of the elected officlas being voted out of office .
You tell me I would like to know.
So you put your faith and trust with career politicians to dictate to you how things should be??? None of them have any experience in business yet are dictating how business should operate?

Would you trust a doctor with no experience use a scalpel on you!

Would you trust a lawyer with no education or experience defend you in court?

Would you trust a pilot who has no training or experience to fly?

Would you?
I guess if you think it in the simplest terms. But no one is alone, and each requires a staff to keep on top of things. They routinely meet with experts in the field on which bills stand before the congress. Your attempt to dumb down the system isnt going to work.
I guess if you think it in the simplest terms. But no one is alone, and each requires a staff to keep on top of things. They routinely meet with experts in the field on which bills stand before the congress. Your attempt to dumb down the system isnt going to work.
And to what success have attributed? Social Security? Medicare? The system is dumb whenever it gets involved. Period. :down: