Second Amendment -- Say goodbye to your guns?

I knew this was coming.

They will be outlawed.First handguns, except for the privilidged, then assult type rifles, except for the privilidged, then heavy taxes on ammo, and permits required for the rest of us to own our hunting arms.

Apilots license is a privlidge, A radio license, such as ham radio is a privlidge, A drivers license is a privlidge. Owning a bar, or other regulated business, is a privlidge. I can scream, and wine, and stamp my feet all I want, but the status quo is about to make gun ownership a privlidge too. And after a few years, that will be the status quo, and accepted by the general populace as a whole.

Accept it.
I knew this was coming.

They will be outlawed.First handguns, except for the privilidged, then assult type rifles, except for the privilidged, then heavy taxes on ammo, and permits required for the rest of us to own our hunting arms.

Apilots license is a privlidge, A radio license, such as ham radio is a privlidge, A drivers license is a privlidge. Owning a bar, or other regulated business, is a privlidge. I can scream, and wine, and stamp my feet all I want, but the status quo is about to make gun ownership a privlidge too. And after a few years, that will be the status quo, and accepted by the general populace as a whole.

Accept it.
Sit down local and dell....gun ownership is a RIGHT that you have under the constitution. Just like being free from an unwarranted search or wiretap is (was) as RIGHT under the constitution. But Bush changed the fourth amendment "for our good". Did that bother you at all? Because when he did that, he opened the door for some other group to change the SECOND amendment...for our good, of course.
No, I do not like the 4th being redefined, and I am sure it was redefined, as you say, during the second world war as it was during the first. Right now, we have fully a third of the worlds population wishing us ill, and enough scumbags with a little skill at retroic within their ranks to make us all ill at ease.

Fact it,it is us or them. Their religion forbids infidels from equality with them.Period.We are going to fight, and it will not be like the little brush fires Iraq nd Afganistian were. It will emcompass every country on this planet in this corner of the Galaxy we call home, with the multiples of the Galaxy watching., and maybe even dicking us on to a humanity ending showdown.

We cannot continue with the retroic that we are to remain as free as our forfathers meant, over 200 years after the constitution was framed.

There will be no roving bands of Marshals going door to door, taking away guns. There will be caos, for sure. But our right of gun ownership will go the way of many of our rights that have dwindled away, over the years. It will be a privlidge, like it is treated today, with felons not permitted. Has anyone tried to buy a gun in California latley? If your spouse has even complained about abuse, with no arrest, you are denied. It is treated as aprivlidge already.

The status quo have always wanted to outlaw guns. The Republicians never wanted it done on their watch, and the Democrats are forever willing to blaze new trails of political discovery, which gave us a federal building diaster, standoffs and shootouts in exotic places like Waco, Tx and Ruby Ridge, Id, and small private militas forming to intimidate local populations.

If the Supreme Court finally does as it is feared, it will be the law of the land. with all the randon workplace and school and more recent, mall and church mass shootings by persons so overwelmed with powerlessness over their lives and surrondings that the act becomes sociolally acceptable to them and their chosed ideology. They see themselves as freedom fighters, and if America were occupied by a foriegn power as we occupy other nations, they would be. But we are not occupied. So they are domestic terrorists and or criminals. And the common Joe, you and me, will do as the Founding Fathers write that we must fear. So long as our law abiding lives are not interfeared with, let it be.

You will still be permitted gun ownership. But it will be as the status quo want it to be. A privlidge. andour government has the people givin power to make and change laws, including interpeting the constitution.
Or changing it.

During war, the peoples rights are always suspended up to a point. And we have one mother of a war looming over the horizion right now.
And we have one mother of a war looming over the horizion right now.
No doubt about that...trouble is we COULD have sent a real message to terrorists...Osama's head on a platter. No matter how many caves we had to bomb to get it. We could have shown them that you mess with're gonna pay. Instead, we've shown them that you mess with us, we'll come after you for a couple of years, then shift our attention to someone who didn't do anything to us, but was an easier target. I think the Bush administration likes to call that "emboldening".
Weapon Ownership.

You can't stop it unless you stop selling drills and lathes.
Any yahoo worth their salt can build 'anything'. :p
He11, even the Discovery Channel will show you how to do it!!
That horse has left the gate and to think otherwise is foolish.

The status quo have always wanted to outlaw guns. The Republicians never wanted it done on their watch, and the Democrats are forever willing to blaze new trails of political discovery, which gave us a federal building diaster, standoffs and shootouts in exotic places like Waco, Tx and Ruby Ridge, Id, and small private militas forming to intimidate local populations.

Hate to break it to you but Ruby Ridge was a Republican President. I know how you feel. Sucks when facts get in the way of a good argument huh?

If the Supreme Court finally does as it is feared, it will be the law of the land. with all the randon workplace and school and more recent, mall and church mass shootings by persons so overwelmed with powerlessness over their lives and surrondings that the act becomes sociolally acceptable to them and their chosed ideology. They see themselves as freedom fighters, and if America were occupied by a foriegn power as we occupy other nations, they would be. But we are not occupied. So they are domestic terrorists and or criminals. And the common Joe, you and me, will do as the Founding Fathers write that we must fear. So long as our law abiding lives are not interfeared with, let it be.

What are you smoking? The Waco nuts were not freedom fighters. Virgina Tech was not a freedom fighters, Columbine were not freedom fighters. And You would be hard pressed to convince anyone that they viewed them self as such. They had no end game plan, they had no goal of uprising or overthrowing the "man". They were twisted nut jobs with no regard for human life and decided to take them selves out in a blaze of glory. To see them otherwise it to try and find an argument to support your weak theories.

You will still be permitted gun ownership. But it will be as the status quo want it to be. A privlidge. andour government has the people givin power to make and change laws, including interpeting the constitution.
Or changing it.

During war, the peoples rights are always suspended up to a point. And we have one mother of a war looming over the horizion right now.

It cracks me up. I have never understood why it is that the gun rights folks seem to get all bean out of shape when restrictions on gun ownership are mentioned but they do not seem to be concerned with the loss of habeas corpus, torture on our behalf, rendition, illegal wiretaps and the like.
I did not say the shooters were freedom fighters. I said they would be if America were occupied, and they view themselves as such.

The Idaho incident occured and concluded during Clintons watch. Waco started on Bush,s, then Bush appointed Reno, who the NRA took an immediate dislike to, and concluded with a shooting and fire on Clintons watch. Bush did not have to deal with it, and Reno was seen as incomphent, even though she did everything right. It ended up Clintons policies and Clintons fault. Kind of like it was planned that way, with Bush appointing a person the NRA would be sure to hate.
I did not say the shooters were freedom fighters. I said they would be if America were occupied, and they view themselves as such.

The Idaho incident occured and concluded during Clintons watch. Waco started on Bush,s, then Bush appointed Reno, who the NRA took an immediate dislike to, and concluded with a shooting and fire on Clintons watch. Bush did not have to deal with it, and Reno was seen as incomphent, even though she did everything right. It ended up Clintons policies and Clintons fault. Kind of like it was planned that way, with Bush appointing a person the NRA would be sure to hate.

I believe you have your dates mixed up. Ruby Ridge occurred on Aug 21, 1992. Bush I was president from 1989 till the beginning of 1993.

Janet Reno was nominated by Clinton on Feb 11, 1993.

As for Waco, the earliest reference I can fin is for Feb 28th 1993 when there was a shoot out involving six Davidians and four ATF agents. The culmination of events occurred on Apr 19th. All this was under Clinton and had nothing to do with Bush as far as I can tell.

Do you have any sources that indicate that any of the psychos thought of them selves as "freedom Fighters"? The only one that I can think of that could possibly fit that description would be McVeigh.
It cracks me up. I have never understood why it is that the gun rights folks seem to get all bean out of shape when restrictions on gun ownership are mentioned but they do not seem to be concerned with the loss of habeas corpus, torture on our behalf, rendition, illegal wiretaps and the like.

So if this issue of Habeas Corpus irked you so many of your rep's in Congress and Senate did you contact and what was their response?

And this hoopla over need information...WTF.Looks like its rather effective...what that one clown lasted something like 35 seconds and hes real cooperative now.Hmmm.
So if this issue of Habeas Corpus irked you so many of your rep's in Congress and Senate did you contact and what was their response?

And this hoopla over need information...WTF.Looks like its rather effective...what that one clown lasted something like 35 seconds and hes real cooperative now.Hmmm.
Dell, the problem with torture, waterboarding included, is that the person will often times say whatever you want to hear...just to get you to stop. I would imagine that if YOU underwent waterboarding, within an hour, YOU would admit to selling Mohammed Atta the boxcutters.
I hear you but the dudes I refer to coughed up good intel....and stayed very cooperative after that.
In fact the one came back and claimed Allah had told him to continue talking.
So it must have some deterrent value.

I find this abhorrence to torture amusing.If you need information to save American lives....then so be it.
I hear you but the dudes I refer to coughed up good intel....and stayed very cooperative after that.
In fact the one came back and claimed Allah had told him to continue talking.
So it must have some deterrent value.
Dell...what's a guy got to lose if he tells you what you want to hear - even if it's wrong? I mean, torture me enough and I'll tell you Al Qaeda was using Saddams bathroom to build nukes, and Abduhl the fisherman is a terrorist. You heard what you wanted...and the extra info? A wild goose chase -
Dell...what's a guy got to lose if he tells you what you want to hear - even if it's wrong? I mean, torture me enough and I'll tell you Al Qaeda was using Saddams bathroom to build nukes, and Abduhl the fisherman is a terrorist. You heard what you wanted...and the extra info? A wild goose chase -

They check out the information.....and if it doesn't check out.....then you get douched again....
I will hit the online enclyopedia to recheck my dates, though I do not belive I am wrong.

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