:lol: Im loving this show. Just made me some popcorns with extra butter. Cyndi, what in gods name where you thinking? Shame! Shame!
Well allow it to stay posted on a public website. NOT HERE! I don't happen to feel that our little dysfunctional community should embrace posting of Telephone Numbers regardless of what was done.

Truth is if they posted Doug Parkers home phone I wouldn't call him either & to my way of thinking It's just wrong & just my opinion.
That's your opinion and you're entitled. I like having her number. I may want to trade my Athens someday. :lol:
Is this the pot calling the kettle black? I found it here.

From: CyndyMama (Original Message) Sent: 9/6/2007 6:51 PM
Sharon, Tina and Everyone,

I was mortified to read about our f/a's causing fights and displaying outrageous behavior at SW. Indeed, they should be permanently blacklisted by SW for this behavior. So far, I have not witnessed any of this conduct going to and from my home in FLA but if I ever do.....I will not hesitate to post the names of these creepy people on this website and the WWW. Tina's suggestion to do this was fabulous. I don't care if these people are on my flight or not. If I witness this going on at any gate.....anywhere.....I will certainly put their names out there. I am appalled.

This is a privilege and NOT a right.....we have needed this for a long time. You are supposed to be seen and NOT heard when jumpseating or nonreving ANYWHERE. Furthermore, one should go out of their way to be kind to the staff and crew of the reciprocal airline. I always make a point to bring goodies such as chocolates, tea and cookies to the gate employees and flight crew. They are doing us a HUGE favor. Don't ever forget that!

It has always been first come, first served when flying on another airline. Do you think that your seniority ever meant anything when going to Hawaii in the old days on United Airlines????

Also, if someone displays this kind of behavior in public.....I always say this is their "party manners"...this is as good as it gets. They must really be something when they are at home.

Shame on them.....I want nothing to do with people that act this way. It is low class, disgusting and beyond anything that I have ever heard of.


Cyndy Atkins
PHL F/A#(edited)
Doesnt the AFA have a professional standards committee?

If they do, bring her up on charges.

I am sure this did not come from the union.

She is obviously not so bright in the first place....

She probably sent it to one of her friends who sent it on and it took off like a California wild fire..

"Hey, Martha....aren't you tired of those damn reserves taking our seats when WE have to get to work? Aren't they already supposed to be there so this doesn't put me in a POSITION? Well, I CC'd you into a letter that I wrote to the union. Let me know what you think about that. I sure told them didn't I? Wait til their supervisors find out about this".
I can only think the Westies are reading this like holy craps! Is this what happens on the East when you nark out your fellow crews? :lol:
If one has access to CATCREW one can find out what she is working and when.

Again, let's not go on a witch hunt here.

She does deserve to confronted about what she has done or said, but becareful what you do or say.

Remember, the company does have a zero tolerance policy. And this does include threatening behavior towards another in the workplace.

Play it safe and place an "anonymous" non-threatening letter in her mail file if it helps you vent.
And I say "Let The GAMES Begin!" Momma Atkins has issues and needs to be identified as PUBLIC ENEMY #1. And as far as a witch hunt.......heck I'd like to erect a cross and put the martyr on it. Hopefully her name (SLIME in shorthand) will be dispersed across the system and certainly in Phillie. Miss Thing better never meet THIS Person Face-to-Face because I can guarantee you that she will have a size 6 stilletto implanted in her forehead. (I have heard of stupid stunts but THIS is Beyond CLASSIC!). And for anyone that knows her, don't even think about DEFENDING her or saying "She's Nice" or she's a good person or "She goes to church" or is a "Great F/A"........she's garbage and needs to be dealt with. PERIOD! Ok, Game ON!! :up:
Is this the pot calling the kettle black? I found it here.

From: CyndyMama (Original Message) Sent: 9/6/2007 6:51 PM
Sharon, Tina and Everyone,

I was mortified to read about our f/a's causing fights and displaying outrageous behavior at SW. Indeed, they should be permanently blacklisted by SW for this behavior. So far, I have not witnessed any of this conduct going to and from my home in FLA but if I ever do.....I will not hesitate to post the names of these creepy people.......
.......This is a privilege and NOT a right.....we have needed this for a long time. You are supposed to be seen and NOT heard when jumpseating or nonreving ANYWHERE........

.................It has always been first come, first served when flying on another airline. Do you think that your seniority ever meant anything.....

..............Also, if someone displays this kind of behavior in public.....I always say this is their "party manners"...this is as good as it gets. They must really be something when they are at home....................

Shame on them.....I want nothing to do with people that act this way. It is low class, disgusting and beyond anything that I have ever heard of.


Cyndy Atkins
PHL F/A#(edited)

Check Mate
This chic clearly has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much time on her hands to worry about us reserves being out of base. Since when did she become the reserve police? Does she even know what it is like being on reserve or what we go through? She just can't get over the fact that a reserve, someone junior to her, took her seat. I think it is funny! Most airlines don't have a caste system like ours. She needs to get over it and make better arrangements next time instead of blaming a reserve. Who cares what reserves are doing anyway? As long as we sign in for our trips on time what does it matter? We're big boys and girls. We can take care of ourselves.
I can only think the Westies are reading this like holy craps! Is this what happens on the East when you nark out your fellow crews? :lol:

The thought crossed my mind. A FA with reportedly 34 years of experience based in the City of Brotherly Love acting like this?
Glad I'm not her.
If the idiot had any sense she would EXPEDITE her "SEPARATION PACKAGE" Immediately......like as soon as the Fax rolls off the printer. PHL has A WAY in handling these matters (think RS and her calling the FAA in the early '90's). Unless Ms. Atkins suddenly converts to Muslim and starts wearing a head dress and veil to work, she will be like a leper that left The Colony. Retire while you can......it doesn't look pretty.
:shock: ATH? You are a crazy8. I hear LGW is a lot more fun!

Honey, TONS of the nutty nines did ATH all summer when it came back to the gate for quick call every night. There were ATH crews that were all 2000 hires. It's not that big of a thing...

This rotten #### deserves everything she gets. No sympathy... she's intensified an already divided workforce. What a tool.