Team Twu "we Just Came To Debate"

TWU informer

Nov 4, 2003
As team twu tries hard to spin their way out of the coffin and flag embarrassment, they also claim they simply came to offer debate terms, not intimidate at the Brady Theater.

This video shows what team twu was really there to do. They must have thought we were crossing a picket line instead of conducting an informational meeting since Sonny and/or Little failed to show. "SCAB, SCAB, SCAB" sounds like picket line material, not a debate offer.

Interesting and worthy of note: We have pictures that shows Art Luby was in the parking lot. I guess he was not there to debate, did he drive the coffin into town?

Video - Team TWU peaceful offer to debate at the Brady

Some Officers are now claiming NO association with teAAmTWU. However, look close in the video and photographs. You will see them there, leading the mob.

The Lies, Intimidation, Fear, and Threats of the TWU are taking their toll and AMFA gains more momentum daily.

We could not ask for better opponents, than those that will never tire in assisting the cause of the opposition by carefully thought out conduct, and display.
Dream on!!!!! Continue the lies and deception, The TWU are holding their own, If you are gaining momentum than call for an election?
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Checking it Out said:
Dream on!!!!! Continue the lies and deception, The TWU are holding their own, If you are gaining momentum than call for an election?
Pateince Grashopper,

When you can walk the length of the rice paper and not leave a trail, then we will be ready to defeat you in the election.

PS, How can that video be either a lie or a deception?
TWU informer said:
As team twu tries hard to spin their way out of the coffin and flag embarrassment, they also claim they simply came to offer debate terms, not intimidate at the Brady Theater.

This video shows what team twu was really there to do. They must have thought we were crossing a picket line instead of conducting an informational meeting since Sonny and/or Little failed to show. "SCAB, SCAB, SCAB" sounds like picket line material, not a debate offer.

Interesting and worthy of note: We have pictures that shows Art Luby was in the parking lot. I guess he was not there to debate, did he drive the coffin into town?

Video - Team TWU peaceful offer to debate at the Brady

Some Officers are now claiming NO association with teAAmTWU. However, look close in the video and photographs. You will see them there, leading the mob.

The Lies, Intimidation, Fear, and Threats of the TWU are taking their toll and AMFA gains more momentum daily.

We could not ask for better opponents, than those that will never tire in assisting the cause of the opposition by carefully thought out conduct, and display.
As team twu tries hard to spin their way out of the coffin and flag embarrassment

But yet its ok for AMFA supporters (BlackCat) to insinuate the casket is for the leader of TWU? Kinda sick dont you think? BUt I have become to expect that kind of mentality from a few who post here.
Anyone , I dont care what side of the fence we are on, should never wish harm or death to another, if an individual wishes that, that shows me, he has no care for any other human, Thats who we need to representing us, NOT HARDLY. This individual has made statements before about Jim Littles condition, the name calling is in mature, but I have to say, anyone who would post harm or death IS SICK
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I knew we would find common ground somewhere in our thinking.

I know there were some AMFA supporters screaming and yelling outside the Brady also. I know we have some intimidators within our seekers of change. Emotions run high to begin with, and when one sided or the other uses pure unadulterated fear as the campaign of choice, then you see what we end up with.

We should ALL endeavor to improve the public perception of our profession. And many things we do, many things we wear, and many things we think, need to be modified to accomplish this.

I cannot even imagine hearing about a group of Pilots conducting themselves in a manner such as we witnessed last Saturday.

One thing that should be placed in perspective, nobody on this bulletin board, speaks officially for either union. Therefore, claims that words read here give an indication of representation provided is pure spin. That is exaclty why AMFA supporters and AMFA National refused the debate format offered by team twu.
Checking it Out said:
Dream on!!!!! Continue the lies and deception, The TWU are holding their own, If you are gaining momentum than call for an election?

File now? NOT ON YOUR LIFE!!! AMFA will file when they are ready and not one
CARD sooner!! The vote is coming CIO, have a little patience.
TWU gaining ground? Not in my shop 2 more people just got involved in pusuing
cards. You are definately not gaining ground.
Emotions run high to begin with, and when one sided or the other uses pure unadulterated fear as the campaign of choice, then you see what we end up with....HAHAHAHA

I see...when yo side of the curb yells and threatens it's called "emotions running high" that's a bit of scamfa thinking 101.

and CIO..they won't file 'till ma bruddah St. Patrick's day...they need all the days they can muster...

PDiddy in 2007!
PDiddyQuill said:
Emotions run high to begin with, and when one sided or the other uses pure unadulterated fear as the campaign of choice, then you see what we end up with....HAHAHAHA

I see...when yo side of the curb yells and threatens it's called "emotions running high" that's a bit of scamfa thinking 101.

and CIO..they won't file 'till ma bruddah St. Patrick's day...they need all the days they can muster...

PDiddy in 2007!
Another dippy quote of mindless jibberish from the real (old) man that doesn't know what "scab" means. Are you off your Meds again? :blink:
Location: TTS
TM (Dennis and all who read)
I must as a veteran voice my disappointment in the Flag Issue at the AMFA vs.TWU debate ,or so to speak.I know from my time (as does many TWU AMFA supporters) Flag etiquette,and I must say it was without a doubt out of line.
I also Know that TWU seeems to support the Flag at all costs except one(and this one really has pissed me off)They gave away MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!!My cousin and My Uncles have given their Life for this COUNTRY ,I served in The USMC for 4 years for my Country and the part that still chaps my ass is that the TWU gave away Memorial day(And never even negotiated Veterans day)and Kept LABOR DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!What a FRICKIN INSULT!! YOU GAVE AWAY EVERYTHING AND TRY TO HIDE BEHIND MY FLAG!!!!!! F@%$@ YOU!!!!!!You have insulted me and all who have served beyond anything I can care to try to be civil and write.I have stood behind TWU, and as long as I can I must(those whom know me know me)try to continue to do so....but for anyone from TWU to try to talk #### about the FLAG I HAVE A REAL PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! Find another argument because I believe that 95% of all Veterans feel the same insult you gave us by keeping Labor Day (and gave concessions we will never again in my life time with TWU get back)instead of Keeping Memorial Day where I and so many other of my Bretheren can take the time to honor those who have fallen so I can write on this BOARD!!!Please all of Us need to refrain from dissing the Flag because it is not only a symbol of our great Country,But a Stark reminder of those whom have fallen to DEFEND Her!!!
Nuff said!!!!
H.V."Mack" McKinney
TWU Shop Steward and member in Good standing!!!

Very interesting and as a fellow veteran I agree
Jim Anderson USN MM3
Oldweirdharold said:
Location: TTS
TM (Dennis and all who read)
I must as a veteran voice my disappointment in the Flag Issue at the AMFA vs.TWU debate ,or so to speak.I know from my time (as does many TWU AMFA supporters) Flag etiquette,and I must say it was without a doubt out of line.
I also Know that TWU seeems to support the Flag at all costs except one(and this one really has pissed me off)They gave away MEMORIAL DAY!!!!!!My cousin and My Uncles have given their Life for this COUNTRY ,I served in The USMC for 4 years for my Country and the part that still chaps my ass is that the TWU gave away Memorial day(And never even negotiated Veterans day)and Kept LABOR DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!What a FRICKIN INSULT!! YOU GAVE AWAY EVERYTHING AND TRY TO HIDE BEHIND MY FLAG!!!!!! F@%$@ YOU!!!!!!You have insulted me and all who have served beyond anything I can care to try to be civil and write.I have stood behind TWU, and as long as I can I must(those whom know me know me)try to continue to do so....but for anyone from TWU to try to talk #### about the FLAG I HAVE A REAL PROBLEM!!!!!!!!! Find another argument because I believe that 95% of all Veterans feel the same insult you gave us by keeping Labor Day (and gave concessions we will never again in my life time with TWU get back)instead of Keeping Memorial Day where I and so many other of my Bretheren can take the time to honor those who have fallen so I can write on this BOARD!!!Please all of Us need to refrain from dissing the Flag because it is not only a symbol of our great Country,But a Stark reminder of those whom have fallen to DEFEND Her!!!
Nuff said!!!!
H.V."Mack" McKinney
TWU Shop Steward and member in Good standing!!!

Very interesting and as a fellow veteran I agree
Jim Anderson USN MM3
The TWU kept Labor Day but NONE of the International even bothered to show up for the Labor Day Parade in NYC!!

Every other NY Union had people there but the International apparently boycotted the Labor Day Parade.
Bob did you vote? The majority voted to except the contract, and you ARE well aware that it did hold up in court. truth hurts don't it.

Don't fill the thread with jibberish and about lost cards and members who did not vote. It held up and the court records proof this!!!!!!!
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Checking it Out said:
Bob did you vote? The majority voted to except the contract, and you ARE well aware that it did hold up in court. truth hurts don't it.

Don't fill the thread with jibberish and about lost cards and members who did not vote. It held up and the court records proof this!!!!!!!

Once again the TWU Pride shows on the issue that the Federal Courts ruled that TWU members DO NOT have a right to ratify modifications and amendments to the collective bargaining agreement.

Dictatorship is not my idea of a proud moment.

I cannot believe the issues you guys choose to defend your union on.

It is a wonder we don't have 100% cards signed right now.

I don't care which union you favor, claiming pride over this non-vote requirement is absurd to say the least.

What else are you so extremely proud of CIO?

Checking it Out said:
Bob did you vote? The majority voted to except the contract, and you ARE well aware that it did hold up in court. truth hurts don't it.

Don't fill the thread with jibberish and about lost cards and members who did not vote. It held up and the court records proof this!!!!!!!
Bob did you vote? The majority voted to except the contract, and you ARE well aware that it did hold up in court. truth hurts don't it.



prep. With the exclusion of; other than; but: everyone except me.
The TWU supporters did not come to the Brady Theater to debate they came to act like children with their coffin and their flag and their SCAB chants.

Do we want a group that acts like this to represent us :shock:
Not very professional, Grow up boys.

Card count is rising thanks TWU for the childish stunt, what will you do next to help the AMFA card drive. :unsure:
Raptor said:
The TWU supporters did not come to the Brady Theater to debate they came to act like children with their coffin and their flag and their SCAB chants.

Do we want a group that acts like this to represent us :shock:
Not very professional, Grow up boys.

OK, You had your say, and laid blame on the TWU for the flag and casket. It donned on me that, Is there any proof the TWU sanctioned this? NONE.....There is no difference in what the TWU supporters did Jan 17 compared to what the AMFA supporters also did.........its just that, SUPPORTERS, speaking their mind,

You say you dont want a group that acts like this to represent you..........
I say, I dont want a group to represent me, that wishes death and harm to anyone.
We have a leader, stricken with cancer, that needs all our prayers,
I cant beleive it when I hear mature adults talking this way,