Terrorist Holds Congress Hostage and Demands Legislation

Yes, W will be causing the death of more troops long after he is out of office. Unfortunately there is probably very little that can be done to change that out come.

Last I saw,some other president had more killed under his administration and wasn't even engaged in war.Don't want to mention any names... :shock:

The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who's counting?

BTW, given how he has screwed up everything he has touched

Misunderestimated: A Timeline of President George W. Bush's Successes, Despite Media and Democrats
September 16, 2005 | newyorker77

Posted on 09/16/2005 12:37:42 PM PDT by new yorker 77


1993, Summer - Mocked for trying to unseat Governor Ann Richards.

1994, Nov. – Defeats Governor Ann Richards to become Governor of Texas.

1998, Nov. – Becomes first Texas Governor to win re-election.

1999, Fall – Mocked for announcing a run for the Presidency.

2000, Winter – The media nominates John McCain for the Republican Party.

2000, Oct. – Mocked by media before three debates with Al Gore.

2000, Oct. – Wins all three debates against Al Gore.

2000, Nov. – Dirty trick unleashed by Gore Campaign and media.

2000, Nov. – Dan Rather calls Florida for Gore one hour before polls close.

2000, Nov. – Bush Wins election when Katherine Harris certifies Florida’s election.

2000, Nov. – Democrats try to steal election through courts.

2000, Dec. – Supreme Court stops Democrats from stealing the election

2001, Spring – Bush gets his first round of tax cuts passed.

2001, Summer – Jim Jeffords hands Senate control to Tom Daschle and the Democrats.

2001, Aug. – Bush Job Approval hits all-time low according to lib media polls.

2001, Sep. – 9/11/01 terrorist attacks destroy WTC and define Bush Presidency.

2001, Sep. – Bush has bullhorn moment at the WTC.

2001, Sep. – Bush galvanizes the nation in his speech before a joint session of Congress.

2001, Oct. – Democrats say Bush is dragging his feet on responding to the attacks.

2001, Oct. – The U.S. Military begins destroying the Taliban the next day.

2001, Oct. – Democrats say the War in Afghanistan is a quagmire in week one.

2002, Spring – Media and Democrats say Bush knew about 9-11 before it happened.

2002, Summer – Bush begins debate on removing Saddam Hussein.

2002, Sep. – Democrats say Bush is dragging his feet on dealing with Iraq.

2002, Sep. - Democrats demand Homeland Security Department.

2002, Nov. – Bush bets his popularity and the GOP wins back Senate, gains in House.

2002, Nov. – Homeland Security Act of 2002 passes to create new department.

2002, Dec. – Congress passes the Iraq War Resolution. Most Democrats support it. :shock:

2003, Mar. – War in Iraq begins.

2003, Apr. – Democrats call Iraq a quagmire one week after war starts.

2003, Apr. – Baghdad falls.

2003, Apr. – Media focuses on looting of Museum. Turns out most artifacts are fine.

2003, May – Bush gets 2nd round of tax cuts passed with GOP Senate helped elect.

2003, July – ‘Bad tan’ Joe Wilson becomes media darling when he lies about Niger.

2003, July – Uday and Qusay take permanent dirt knap.

2003, Aug. – Foreign terrorists begin car bombing. Media calls foreigners, insurgents.

2003, Sep. – Bush Job Approval hits all time low. Lower than previous low in Aug. 2001

2003, Dec. – Saddam Hussein is captured in Mosul. Democrats cry.

2004, Jan. – Dean implodes. Kerry becomes ‘electable’ savior.

2004, Jan. – David Kay becomes media darling with his WMD testimony.

2004, Jan. – Paul ‘mumbles’ O’Neill gets 60 Minutes red carpet.

2004, Jan. – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2004, Feb. – Richard Clarke gets 60 Minutes red carpet. The horror. The horror.

2004, Mar. – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2004, May – Abu Ghraib photos are paraded on 60 Minutes Wednesday.

2004, May – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2004, June – 9-11 Commission becomes platform for the Jersey girls to bash Bush.

2004, Summer – Fahrenheit 9-11 anti- American propaganda film becomes media hit.

2004, Aug. – Anti-Bush liberals led by the very fat Michael Moore march in NYC.

2004, Sep. – Bush ends convention with a speech that crushes Democrats hopes.

2004, Sep. – 60 Minutes Wednesday gives America Memo-gate with a story on Bush.

2004, Sep. – 1,000th soldier dies in Iraq War. Democrats and media celebrate.

2004, Oct. – Bush mocked for poor performances against John Kerry in debates.

2004, Oct. – Afghanistan holds a successful First Presidential Election.

2004, Oct. - NY Times puts out fake story on missing ammo in Iraq.

2004, Oct. – Osama Bin Laden endorses John Kerry.

2004, Nov. – Fake Exit Polls produced by the AP on Election Day to discourage GOP.

2004, Nov. – Bush Wins Re-election 51 – 48 with over 62 Million votes.

2004, Nov. – GOP makes huge gains in both the Senate and the House.

2004, Nov. – Insane liberals claim the election in Ohio was stolen.

2005, Jan. – Sen. Barbara Boxer embarrasses herself by protesting the Election Results.

2005, Jan. – Democrats say the election in Iraq will be a blood bath.

2005, Jan. – 8 Million Iraqis vote. Their turnout nearly matches ours.

2005, Apr. – Lebanon defies Syria. Moves toward kicking them out.

2005, Spring – Terrorists begin large car bombing campaign in Iraq. Democrats celebrate

2005, July – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2005, July – Media puts Karl Rove in jail. Media resurrects ‘Bad tan’ Joe Wilson.

2005, Aug. – Media gives bullhorn to Cindy Sheehan.

2005, Aug. – Iraqis create their First Constitution.

2005, Aug. – Hurricane Katrina blows Cindy Sheehan off the map.

2005, Sep. – Media and Democrats blame Bush for the delay in the response.

2005, July – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2005, Sep. – Bush sends General Honore to take control. The military succeeds.

2005, Sep. – Bush delivers speech that uplifts America and demoralizes Democrats.

2005, Sep. - On the verge of having John Roberts confirmed. The Teflon Bork.


2003, Sep. – Bush Job Approval hits all time low. Lower than previous low in Aug. 2001


2004, Jan. – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2004, Mar. – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2004, May – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.


2005, July – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.

2005, July – Bush Job Approval hits new all-time low according to lib media polls.
The total military dead in the Iraq war between 2003 and this month stands at about 3,133. This is tragic, as are all deaths due to war, and we are facing a cowardly enemy unlike any other in our past that hides behind innocent citizens. Each death is blazoned in the headlines of newspapers and Internet sites. What is never compared is the number of military deaths during the Clinton administration: 1,245 in 1993; 1,109 in 1994; 1,055 in 1995; 1,008 in 1996. That's 4,417 deaths in peacetime but, of course, who's counting?
Those figures ignore the deaths of American military personnel in situations other than hostile action (accident, illness, etc.) during the Bush years, even though non-hostile deaths accounted for nearly all the deaths cited for the Clinton years. Military deaths have increased year-over-year since Bush first took office in 2001 and more dramatically so since the beginning of the Iraq war.

Limbaugh touted NY Sun columnist's misleading statistics on Iraq war deaths
Those figures ignore the deaths of American military personnel in situations other than hostile action (accident, illness, etc.) during the Bush years, even though non-hostile deaths accounted for nearly all the deaths cited for the Clinton years. Military deaths have increased year-over-year since Bush first took office in 2001 and more dramatically so since the beginning of the Iraq war.

Limbaugh touted NY Sun columnist's misleading statistics on Iraq war deaths

So during Pinocchio's term (nearly all military deaths were attributed to, accident, illness, etc.)? :lol:

Source please!
He coerced Congress into giving up its power to declare war and passing it onto the Executive branch...allowing a wreckless invasion of an innocent country. Where have you been for the past 7 years?!

You must take us for a bunch of Ch.12. This country and any country under Islam advocates the subjugation or destruction of anyone who does not convert to Islam. We should have nuked this ****country just like we should nuke Iran and end all this **** bull. :ph34r:

Edited by moderator. Be careful with the choice of words.
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You must take us for a bunch of xxxxxxx Ch.12. This country and any country under Islam advocates the subjugation or destruction of anyone who does not convert to Islam. We should have nuked this xxxxxxx country just like we should nuke Iran and end all this xxxxxx xxxxxxxx. :ph34r:

Bravo! Lovely post...sure it took a big dictionary to find the eloquent language you used.

So we enter under the false pretense of "WMDs" are hidden in every corner of the country but you now come out with the breakthrough report that this was a war on Islam? Wow! The Crusades are back. I do have to hand it to you, though...you are much more overt in your explanation of the real reasons behind this "war" than our cowardly leader has been.

Enjoy the pastures. I have a feeling that you're about to be grazing.
You must take us for a bunch of assholes Ch.12. This country and any country under Islam advocates the subjugation or destruction of anyone who does not convert to Islam. We should have nuked this #### country just like we should nuke Iran and end all this #### bullshit. :ph34r:


Welcome back to the crusades???

This war and religion thing is kind of new...
Bravo! Lovely post...sure it took a big dictionary to find the eloquent language you used.

So we enter under the false pretense of "WMDs" are hidden in every corner of the country but you now come out with the breakthrough report that this was a war on Islam? Wow! The Crusades are back. I do have to hand it to you, though...you are much more overt in your explanation of the real reasons behind this "war" than our cowardly leader has been.

Enjoy the pastures. I have a feeling that you're about to be grazing.

Thank you for the qualification Ch. 12, but I can assure you that you will be regurgitating before I start grazing. :ph34r:
You must take us for a bunch of assholes Ch.12. This country and any country under Islam advocates the subjugation or destruction of anyone who does not convert to Islam. We should have nuked this #### country just like we should nuke Iran and end all this #### bullshit. :ph34r:

Regarding your nuke 'em policy, which of these countries should we start and end with?

We're spread pretty thin now John Henry. Instead of spewing some diatribe, how about a real answer to a real question?
You must take us for a bunch of Ch.12. This country and any country under Islam advocates the subjugation or destruction of anyone who does not convert to Islam. We should have nuked this #### country just like we should nuke Iran and end all this #### bullshit. :ph34r:

Edited by moderator. Be careful with the choice of words.

Drop a nuke? If your goal is to destroy this country (along with the rest of the world) financially there are easier ways of getting that done with far less loss of life.

Do you honestly think the US could drop a nuke in 2007 and not have repercussions?
Drop a nuke? If your goal is to destroy this country (along with the rest of the world) financially there are easier ways of getting that done with far less loss of life.

Do you honestly think the US could drop a nuke in 2007 and not have repercussions?

First, I apologize to the moderator for my use of profanity. "Nuke" is just a metaphor; in reality we (non-Islam) peoples have got to put in perspective just what we are dealing with and put an end to an Islamic invasion. Europeans are facing this reality right now and we as Americans are in total denial. You would think the 9/11 tragedy would have awakened Americans; but as usual after time and politics, we have already forgotten. We have forgotten what kind of people flew those airplanes into the WTC; they were not insane, they were devout muslims who believed the way to paradise would be accomplished by KILLING an infidel. Right now the Middle East oil barons are enjoying a world of luxury and laughing at the stupid infidels trying to democratize an Islamic nation. The non-Islamic nations have to get their acts together and totally conquer the Middle East; guarantee the world will be at peace thereafter. :shock:
As I recall, 9 of the terrorist on the plane were Saudi and none were from Iraq. The US was all on board when W went after Afghanistan which is where the ring leader OBL (You remember him right, he is the guy that W is no longer worried about). Iraq never had any link to what happened on September 11, 2001. What you fail to realize is that not everyone can be lead around by the nose like you can. Some peopel are starting to realize that the people who were behind September 11, 2001 are still out there and they are not in Iraq. They are in Afghanistan and possibly Saudi Arabia. What the people are starting to realize is that the war in Iraq was and is a waste of US lives and has done nothing to make the US or the rest of the world safer. What people are starting to realize is that this is about money and power. Were it not about money and power, our troops would have been in Saudi Arabia where there were links to OBL. What people are starting to realize is that the instigated of this war were incompetent, bumbling fools who had no idea what they were doing. What people are starting to realize is that the reasons Cheney gave in 1994 for not invading Iraq still hold true today because he predicted to a 't' exactly what is happening in Iraq. What people are realizing is that people such as yourself who advocate the use of nuclear weapons are detached from reality. Come November 2008, the republican party will become aware of exactly what the American people realize.

Conquer the ME? Yea, that's a plan that has a future. Good grief.
As I recall, 9 of the terrorist on the plane were Saudi and none were from Iraq. The US was all on board when W went after Afghanistan which is where the ring leader OBL (You remember him right, he is the guy that W is no longer worried about). Iraq never had any link to what happened on September 11, 2001. What you fail to realize is that not everyone can be lead around by the nose like you can. Some peopel are starting to realize that the people who were behind September 11, 2001 are still out there and they are not in Iraq. They are in Afghanistan and possibly Saudi Arabia. What the people are starting to realize is that the war in Iraq was and is a waste of US lives and has done nothing to make the US or the rest of the world safer. What people are starting to realize is that this is about money and power. Were it not about money and power, our troops would have been in Saudi Arabia where there were links to OBL. What people are starting to realize is that the instigated of this war were incompetent, bumbling fools who had no idea what they were doing. What people are starting to realize is that the reasons Cheney gave in 1994 for not invading Iraq still hold true today because he predicted to a 't' exactly what is happening in Iraq. What people are realizing is that people such as yourself who advocate the use of nuclear weapons are detached from reality. Come November 2008, the republican party will become aware of exactly what the American people realize.

Conquer the ME? Yea, that's a plan that has a future. Good grief.

I thought it was Pakistan? :blink:
Please don't tell me U'Bama is wrong... :p